My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting angle 303

"You are not a people in Qingfeng Valley. Who are you?"

Lu Chaosheng tried to make his tone calm.

At this time, he is already in a disadvantage, even more can't let the other party easily see the inner ideas.

But what he didn't think of, that voice, actually didn't move!

What do this guy do?

What is he wants?

Waiting for a while, Lu Chaoheng finally can't hold it, and started to dig the ingredient.

"You also know ... Are you a Qingfeng Valley?"

That voice was long again.

Lu Chaozheng's eyebrows, angry, finally angry: "I am of course a person in Qingfeng Valley, here is the moiety of Qingfeng Valley!"

"Since you are not the people of Qingfeng Valley, he is not good for him, and it is a big taboo!"

That sound is to hear him, but he said: "You are in the past many years, is this returned to the Zongmen?"

Lu Chao was clearly said: "This is the family of Qingfeng Valley, and the wheel is not asked."

That sound said: "I certainly don't come to ask Qingfeng Valley's family events ..."

"I just ... I have been ask you!"

Lu Chao was rushing on the blood, and he said: "In this case, why not appear?"

"This secretly touches the ghosts and tailored the head, and is it a good Han?"

To say, Lu Chao will continue to wavily wavily.

On one side, I said: "I as Qingfeng Valley disciple, dig the moiety in Qingfeng Valley, and the sky!"

"If you have a gallbladder, you will appear!"

"If you don't dare, you will only give me a ghost, so I will give me ahead!"

Although Lu Chaoheng has consistently cautious, it also knows that he is now cultivated in the nine-retentation, putting through the entire practice, and can also be called the masters.

Although I haven't mentioned walking in the practice world, I have been able to rush a large piece.

This mysterious voice sometimes has no, in addition to disturbing his heart, there is no substantial action.

This shows that this person may not have the strength of him.

Otherwise, he can defeat himself, then take the ingry.

If you change to Lu Chao, he will definitely do it.

Since I don't have a hand, the light is disturbing, why should he have many scruples?

And it is obvious that this person is not a person in Qingfeng Valley, which makes him a bit of a bit.

He sent people, and he was excited, and he couldn't stand at the foot.

Besides, even if this is ultimately exposed, he can also take this large Ziyiyuan Jingyuan.

Several one, who can I do?

However, I don't have to have already, Lu Chaoheng is not willing to do this.

In the case of after all, it will be known by the world.

Represents, strength, equally important.

Good reputation, that is also part of the resource.



The mine hoes splash the stars spark, quickly breaking on the stone wall.

At this time, there was a sharp whistling in the mine, and it was a fierce sword.

Lu Dynasty was very happy.

With his ability, this sword is not low.

Five-product swords: swordsmanship.

The light is this sword, not enough to shock him.

But with the swords, the entire mine caught the vitality, as if you rush, full of every corner here.

If the substantially percentage is like a large mountain, it is instant to force.

The cold sweat instantly saturated the back of Lu Chao.

He finally realized that he was wrong!

And this fault, great!

This person's strength is far from his estimate.

Lu Chaosheng's hand still held the mine, but the fingertip started some slight shaking.

Countless thoughts flashed in the brain, and eventually he chose a most secure.

Lu Chaosheng slowly said: "You have such strength, I want to have a demand for this emotion."

"That's it, this is good, this piece of crystal, I don't excite it, I will be two people ..."

Lu Chaosheng's voice suddenly said: "Just ... you take 30%, how?"

Such a large number of four-order mining ore is already a small number.

"Oh ... ... ..."

"not good!"

That voice obviously is not satisfied with this distribution plan.

Lu Chaozheng hesitated again, and said: "Do you want ... Do you take 40%?"

"not good!"

Lu Chaozheng bite his teeth and squeezed a griety, said: "The so-called meeting is the edge, since you can meet me here, it is also the fate of God."

"That's, then, half!"

Lu Chao was repeatedly told this sentence, and it felt that the meat on his body was cut down by the knife, and he hurts.


"Not good!"

Lu Chaosheng screamed: "Is it not enough?"

"You, your appetite, is there too big?"

That voice is hot: "How? Do you have any opinions?"

[ ]

[Lu Chao]


...... Zongmen went to hunt into the golden eye beast, let Lu Chao have worried about a while.

However, after a few days, Wu Qianzhao is angry with his disciples in the door.

"The four-eyed golden peebere is very embarrassing, this time, it is actually lost."

There is no wave of waves on the surface of Lu Chao, but the heart is secretly embarrassed.

There is no four golden eye beasts, and the moisture will naturally be exposed.

On a certain day, Lu Chao was preparing to take advantage of the night to enter the valley, and suddenly he hit the same door Li Dongzheng and Jiang Yu Ling.

Look ...

They seem to do what is not described.



The girl is not moving, but it is red, and it is tears. It seems that it doesn't want.

"It turned out, it is overlord hard to bow ... Hey ..."

This girl Lu Dynasty was only seen before, and the impression was not deep.

He also does not plan to shoot.

After all, it is better to be less than a matter.

Especially this kind of thing, it is easier to provoke.

However, Li Dongzheng is in order to not be discovered.

And this location is exactly the way Lu Chao will go to the mine hole.

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