My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting angle 323

"So, this Northwestern League, Qingfeng Valley will not join."

Feng Chonglun's voice fell, and several of the northwest alliances saw his eyes, and there was a little not good.

However, Qingfeng cans have a weak long, and the people in the door are not prosperous. It is joining, but it is nothing to talk.

At the Northwest League, Qingfeng Valley is even in the clause, whether it is a shovel or an annexation, whether it is a problem.

Wind sword door, Zhonghao, I didn't have any entanglement with this incident. This time I was only in the same way, but I didn't expect the situation to change so fast.

Although Zhong Haoyuan said why, but always felt something wrong, I was thinking that I was refused, and I saw a few martial arts, and I looked like Jian Feng, my heart could not help.

"If I don't join, the two martial arts of the wind sword and Qingfeng Valley are isolated outside the Northwest League."

"If it is targeted by them, the sword door is not more difficult?"

In this regard, Zhong Hao is finally compromising, followed by the Northwest League.

Yu Lingzer's ice sculpture is getting colder.

Things about the blood of blood and blood, he felt that it had already been clear enough, but he did not expect that these martial arts did not understand all.

Even the sword door outside the situation is also rolled out.

The majorities in the scene are also unsenerated.

The northwest door is not full of Yu Lingzhu, Qi Qi anti-water, the establishment of the Northwest League on the spot, this is all people who have never thought.

This move also made some people in their hearts to have a shake.

In case, Yu Lingze is really wrong about the disposal of this matter?

Otherwise, many of the martial arts in the northwest, how is it so unified, so resolute?

However, things have evolved here, Mo Chen and the Northwest League have a word, and eventually no conclusion.

Yu Lingzer silently, finally said: "Since the northwestern parties have insisted, Yu Mou can't say more."

"Today's conference, it will be here."

Turning to other factions, said: "But about the blood gums and strength pills, Yu Mou is absolutely not a dramatic, and after the door is going back, strengthen the prevention."

"Once I find the way of cracking this, I will notify you to avoid the whole process of practice."

At this time, Qingfeng Valley disciple Yang He suddenly rushed into the field, and ran to Feng Chonglun, smashing the sound and screamed: "The main owner, Ye Da is absent."

Feng Chonglun's face was mutated, and I quickly asked: "Is Miss Ya Dai not with Wu Chang?"

"What happened?"

Yang Hao, said: "Ye Da is in the test, accidentally being passed down from the soul, Wu Chang is helpless, so that the disciples quickly came to Yu Mr. Yan and Mo Chen back."

Feng Chonglun was shocked, and he kept in the top before told Yu Lingze.

Yu Lingze listened to Ye Xinjia, more sat more, got up: "All, my teacher is a little, I have to come back, everyone is scattered."

Yu Lingze racks takes off the sword, to Mo Du said: "Mo Migu, this is afraid that you have to run again."

Mo Chen nodded: "Wonderful."

Zheng Qingshan suddenly said: "Kid, this northwest of people don't want to see you, when are you going back to me?"

Mo Chen walked to Zheng Qingshan, reach out and gave him a hug, a golden copper buckle quietly fell in the pocket of Zheng Qingshan.

Then smiled: "Uncle, go back, I am here, come back to find you."

The sudden warmth of warmth, let Zheng Qingshan are quite uncomfortable, some are inadvertent: "That ... then you are so good."

Looking at the Northwest League of the Tiger, Zheng Qingshan is a look, said: "You don't have to be afraid, or that sentence, as long as you account for the truth, Qingzong will never let you be bullied."

Mo Chen sat on the flying sword of the Lingze, deeply saw Zheng Qingshan glanced, said: "I have to pay, you remember my words, the northwest climate is not good, you don't stay here tonight, directly to Zongmen Return. "

The ice blue flying sword has started from the sky, and it will be free.

Zheng Qingshan looked at the people who went far away, and they were dissatisfied. "What do you mean? I always want to be embarrassed. Is this kid have a good idea, I am sorry to let me see?"

Suddenly, I thought that I was just because Ye Miss, Yu Lingze gnowed and rushed, but also trimmed Mo Chen.

Zheng Qingshan's eyes bright: "Ye Feihong's daughter has a situation, why must Mo Chen be going together?"

"... Mo is not, Mo Chen hooks to Ye Fei's daughter?"

Zheng Qingshan wants to feel the possibility, not from the heart of the heart.

"This kid actually took the big lady of Tianxing Jianzhai ... Hey, this is much more powerful than you!"

The current mood is good, even the various venues today will be thrown, laugh.

On the way back to Qingfeng Valley, Yu Lingzhu made a shortage to Mo Chen.

Mo Chen's face has also become serious.

He has experienced the soul of the soul.

That kind of illness is bitten by a bit, it is like a inch, and it is like a soldering iron one inch melting pain, he will never forget.

Ye Xinzhu a delicate little sister, such a pain, afraid it is very difficult.

"You don't have to worry about this.

When I said, Yu Lingze looked at Mo Chen and said: "Say, my teacher is like you,"

Mo Chen smiled slightly, and also said: "I have a sister, say, there are some pictures with your sex."

I heard this, even if Yu Lingze is worried about Ye Xinzhi, I can't help but sideline.

"Murong Qing Yue?"

"I am very interested in her ..."

Mo Chen took the past, made a devastating model: "What is your interest in her?"

Yu Yuanze saw him with this picture, hurriedly shook his head: "I refer to the interest in Kejian, as for her, I have not seen it, how can I be interested?"

Mo Chen smiled and said: "I can't be interested."

"Keep your Ye Miss."

Yu Lingzer's ice sculpture is full of melancholy colors and sighs.

"Master her mind, but I have been touched ..."

Mo Chen is in the heart: "This is a water building ... no moon?"

Suddenly I thought about Xu Zhi Ming.

The same is practiced in the sword, and the murder is holding the belly, but it is an empty access.

"This feelings, sure enough, don't help ..."

Back to Qingfeng Valley, the two quickly rushed to Ye Xinzhi's residence.

Ye Xinzi is lying on the bed, pale face, eyebrows, long eyelashes can't be trembled, it seems to be very painful.

Wu Qianzhen is anxious to go to the room, see Yu Lingze and Mo Chen, and quickly said: "You can come back."

Yu Lingze is straight to Ye Xinjia, and asked in the mouth: "How can this happen?"

"I didn't say it?"

"Before we come back, don't move the soul of the soul!"

Wu Qianyi loudly: "This is blamed for me!"

"Today's experiment is quite progress, Ye Miss wants to verify the blood of the soul,"

"I originally stopped her, let her wait for two to come back and verify,"

"The result is that the disciples in the door have something to find me, I will go out for a while,"

"When I got it back, I saw that the bowl of the soul of the soul is already over, a bug is gone ..."

Yu Lingzer is shocked, asking questions: "What? You said that the whole bowl of the soul of the soul is drilled into her body?"

Wu Qianzhao also knows that the situation is serious, and looks concern: "I am afraid it ..."

Yu Lingze reached out in the Ye Hexiangpea wrist, and his eyes were abundant. "How to burn this!"

At this time, Ye Hexiang heard the sound of Yu Lingze, and he took advantage of his eyes and trembled his mouth: "..." ... "

"I ... again, again ..."

Yu Lingzer hit her hand in her heart, said: "Nothing, have a brother, there will be no things."

Ye Hexil is a knot, and his face is suddenly aggravated, and his breathing has also been rushing.

"..." brothers ... I am so hot ... "

Yu Lingze fingertips a cold gas, escaped from Ye Heart.

Mo Chen wrinkled, stop him, said: "Yu Yan, can't."

"When the soul of the soul, the pastea is hot as the soldechenomass of the soldering iron, soaking the border of the host."

"Although the coldness of this ice can lower the temperature, Miss Ye's physique is not good, is conjunction with cold and heat, I am afraid that I will have a bigger problem."

Yu Lingzer is also concerned that it is chaotic. When you hear Mo Chen, pay attention to God, say: "Mo brother, you know this, you can know the solution?"

Mo Chen is somewhat: "I know some magical, but the time spent is very long."

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