My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 507


The golden sledgehammer has fallen into the blood sea and arouses thousands of layers.

The golden chariot scattered around all, but also began to move.

Just like living, a thousand gold battles quickly close to Mo Chen.

Not only the golden chariot, the golden armor and weapons that have been flying from the alienate, but all the way to Mo Chen.

Chapter 472, gradually collapsed, life-saving roulette

On the heavens, the bad old man stands in front of the world, the gods are discouraged, and the eyes are somewhat sluggish, and there is a messy beard and face, and some coke is not completely eliminated.

"This ... how can it become like this?"

"All, all have a chaotic set ..."

In his side, the dry Berber Yang is a sigh.

"Mulberry, after so long, haven't you seen it yet, is there anything in this?"

The bad old man jumped up and said: "Is it awkward? Of course!"

"It should be that there are several gods, and they will join hands to mutual assistance, and finally they will pass the avenue!"

"How can I make it now, I am still playing at the two gods of Tihu and Lin Jin."

"Also, Lin Jin is the god, how can it be controlled to become a blood god?"

"How can this kind of thing happened to God?"

"Isn't that a mortal trend of Mo Chen?"

Room, the bottom of the Tihu and Lin Jin two people swim the yellow sand, " " has been handed over.

And with each time they fight, there will be a crack on the track.




The more cracks on the natural roulette, the more cracks are gradually collapsed.

The bad old man is very surprised and scared.

"If you continue to go back, the natural roulette is all collapsed ..."

"No, I have to stop them!"

Next to Bai Yang grabbed him, he said seriously: "Mulberry, can you think about it!"

"Last time you entrunly reverse the turmoil, the eyes of the heavens give you how much punishment?"

"Not only the Tianlei directly took you more time, but your gods have fallen half."

"But when you reverse the turmoil in the air, Mo Chen also pushed the world's rotation."

"After the turmoil is reversed, he has almost impact."

"Don't you think about it, is this?"

The bad old man is stunned.


"He actually poured two grids in the world."

"And have not affected?"

Even if you are not high, you can say anything, it is also the god of the heavens.

With your own god, reverse the turmoil, you must be punished by such a serious heaven.

The guy named Mo Chen is clearly just a mortal, how will heaven?


Is this person in Tiandao, in fact, there is another identity?

At a time, the bad old man is like a temporary, but I don't know how to clarify the relationship there.

Bai Yang looked at the dense route cracks on the tray, the look was dignified, and the Tao: "When you coma, I have been observing the trend of the whole life."

"So far, you have arranged the trend of life, it has basically been disruptful by Mo Chen."

"The relationship between several enomited gods has become intricate."

Bai Yang reached out to a very conspicuous crack, looked at the bad old man: "This crack is Lu Chaoheng and Lin Jin's death."

"At that time, there were no tricks in each other, and the two were quite injured, so the cracks were very large, very obvious."

Point to another larger crack, Bai Yang Road: "This is the Lv Dynasty business map to kill Xiao Shu."

Xiao Shu was lost from the cliff from Lu Chaosheng, and the weight of injury was fatal. "

"If Xiao Hua's life is in touch with the outside world, he will leave a line of life for him. I am afraid that he will die under the cliff."

"So this crack is also the biggest one."

The hand of Bai Yang is in the past, and these cracks or large or small, but there are reasons and reasons.

"This article, the leaves are unintentional to grab the challenge you gave Lu Chaoheng arranged, and left ... The conflict between them is not obvious, so cracks should be small ..."

"This article, Xiao Chuan slammed from the cliff, and secretly threatened Lu Chaoheng to stay."

"Hey, the cracks have been more than one, it seems that Xiao Hua is threatened by Lu Chaozheng once ..."

"This article is Feng Yao and the iron tiger.

"And this piece here, you have also seen it, it is left behind Tihu and Lin Dynasty, and their battles continue, so cracks are still increasing ..."

"Feng Yao is now involved in the battle between them, this crack is probably more adding more ..."

The bad old man listened to the eyes, and it is unbelievable.

If you see that the battle between Tihu and Lin Jin is enough to make him shock, he heard a variety of many of the top gods, but he felt horrified.

Between these gods, there is actually developed to the fall to the fall, you will compete for it, it is even life and death.

Bai Yang sighed and said: "The trend is so confusing, the relationship between God has become unprecedented."

All of this, it's all because of Dust. "

"However, so far, the eyes of the heavens have not been given to Mo Chen at all."

"You are the god of the heaven, don't you understand what this means?"

There are too many hits, and the bad old man is a bit confused. "" This representative ... The eyes of the heavens also agree with Mo Chen practice? "

Bai Yang micromillillary head, look up and look at the eyes of the top of the head.

The eyes of the heavens are as cold, and they are also as silent.

"In your coma, I tried to re-perform the trend of life, I want to know, if this is all over, what will they become?"

"I have done a long time, I finally got a conclusion ..."

"If these God is still like this, then their ending will be the same."

"So, I have a bold guess."

"Heaven, maybe it really wants to use this trial, re-examine these gods ..."

Worse old man: "I have the entry of God, I have to have it, the main purpose is not 'reincarnation, reshape the heart'?"

"However, this ... these many years, not all ... like this?"

The eyes of the heavens are on the eyes, and the bad old man does not dare to say it too much. Bai Yang knows what he meant.

It has always been a trial of God in the world, and it feels just a play, or an overcurrent form.

After all, these gods have been calculated in a million units, but also need to go back to reshape the heart again?

Where is it, isn't the mortal people in the lower bounds?

God knows that there is a problem, and the mortal of the lower bound is qualified to be god?

Bai Yang's eyes become extremely complicated.

"Maybe, we are all wrong."

"Because I found that all the problems occurred in the deduction, I went to the bottom, I was the problem of God."

The bad old man is a bit anger, angry: "God's own problem?"

"What is the problem?"

The 473th chapter crazy killing

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