My Script is a Supporting Role

My script is the supporting role in Section 509

"Mo Chen ..."

Murong looked at this scene in Murong, and the slender willow herb is slightly. "You are sure, can you really control it?"

Mo Chen's look is very dignified, and the eyes are dead, stare at the blood sea, and the low-low eyebrows are somewhat unconscious, and there is already fine sweat on the forehead.

"to be honest……"

"I really don't have it ..."

"But I can only gamble now!"

This pharmacokine that is discharged in Mo Pods, actually with this bloody sea,

However, this felt blood is so far, only absorbing the blood of the blood spirit killer of "Wei Zhang".

In contrast, this bloody sea once swallowed in the help of Xuanjing, the power of the power is horizontal, and it is far stronger than his phalagia.

If it is quantitative, Mo Chen's pharmacokine should be swallowed by the blood sea, and there should be no traces.

However, this turned into the blood of the dragon, and another chopped pure power is the end of the blood.

Regardless of how the blood gas changes, this is clear and pure, the power is always condensed, and the main bone is planted in it.

The pure power of this clearing, is the soul of the Pak to get it in Mo Chen.

When the book of the gods, when it is in the weakest, it is the same as the first birth.

At this moment, it got a nourishment of Mo Chen Peran, and was taken by the big eucalyptus group, since then, this fantasy blood gas has a moon's soul imprint.

It is very powerful when dealing with blood killing, although it has absorbed very powerful, but finally there is still no violent crazy, but he returns to Mo Chen's body.

But Mo Chen is still very clear, the essence of the blood, the essence of the blood, is still thirsty for blood and the voyage.

Therefore, the blood of the Pleasant, the blood of the blood, and Mo Chen immediately felt the thrilling treasure chestnown to the blood.

At the same time, the soul in the blood of the epithelial blood is subject to the extremely strong impact of the blood sea.

The blood gas rolled in the blood sea and struggled.

It is both incapable of blood in the blood sea, and does not want to abandon the soul of Mo Chen.

This is against the blood sea is extremely angry.

Rolling the blood waves from the sky, I want to release the blood of the Dust released Mo Chen.

Mo Chen fully supports the blood of the bloody, protecting his soul in the blood sea.

But this blood sea appointed too violent too much, too fierce.

When Mo Chen's soul, he injected into the illusion of the soul of the blood, but could be swallowed, and it was clean and clean.

If you want to maintain the soul of this fantasy, the immortality is not swallowed by the tyrannical blood sea, Mo Chen requires the source of constant consumption of a lot of soul.

This huge consumption makes him unable to make anything else.





Mo Chen is even unable to support the deformed of the sky.

Heaven and Equipment Anti-Decomposition, returning to his Lingtai.

If the blood sea is desperate, you want to swallow the blood, it can swallow Mo Chen now.

Murong Qingyue saw that Mo Chen is not optimistic, the sound came and came: "I still let me come with you, deal with this feeding sea."

Mo Chen lighters a breath, said: "You don't come over, there is a very important thing to ask you ..."

"Everything here is a secret mage named Logz's blood in secret."

"This is the strength of this Live, it is comparable to the Yu Jia."

"But they can change their own body and appearance, so they are very good at hiding themselves."

Murong Qingyue understood the meaning of Mo Chen.

"Do you let me find this person? Is it all about this?"

"But I didn't have seen the blood secret mage, if I can perceive him?"

Mo Dust said: "After this blood sea is released, it will not be controlled by the Secret Master of Blood."

"But Lin Jin from Jinyuan City all the way to this, must be controlled by the Secret Master of Blood."

"In the eyes, Lin Jin and the blood sea have not been fused, you can try to find it from Lin Daki, find a feeling."

Murong, I nod, "Ok, I try my best."

This is the bloody sea, and the Lin Jin, who is fighting with Tihu, seems to be encouraged.

The bloodyness of Qing Xuan Jian suddenly brighter, and Ling Jingjian gave the fire of the violent blood and gathed the fire of the iron tiger.




Qing Xuanjian swords like a broken bamboo, all the way hits, and breaks the war of Tihu.

"", leave a deep and bone wound on the left arm of Tiger.

The iron tiger rushed, and quickly retreats.

The sword of Lin Jin is more sorry than before.

The reason for this sword is that Dust released a weird blood!

The weird blood came out from the body of Mo Chen, and it took into the blood sea. Then, the blood sea has skyrocketed, the blood rolls, and Lin Jin also swordscent.

"This child will actually make the blood spirit of the gods?"

The Tiger Head is from great anger.

"I have long known that this guy will not be a good thing!"

"It seems that there is no mistake, this guy is taught with blood gods!"

Feng Yao, who is watching the battle, is also a brow, wrinkle: "Is this not a blood spirit of blood gods?"

"How can Mo Chen this kind of trick?"

Silver moon has some amazing brief: "Do you say that Mo Chen is related to blood god, what is the relationship?"

Feng Yao frowned, but shakes his head again.

"And he also blocked the blood spirit killer who came to kill the Tiger. The blood gods won the gods, and it was impossible to deliberately fake, so that Mo Chen killed the many good hands."

Silver Moon also felt that Mo Chen was not too like a bloody god teacher, so he asked: "The Princess thinks that this weird blood is coming in Mo Chen."

The 475th chapter "Niyamoto"

Feng Yao is slightly sinking, said: "I guess, this blood, maybe and he will make my royal dragon day."

"Don't make this kid or have a weird baby, can steal the tricks of others?"

The last time Feng Yao and Mo Chen have handed over, Mo Chen actually made the royal scholars "Dragon Tianyuan", and it is a "Qi Dragon".

At that time, Feng Yao was shocked.

For thousands of years, the Royal David's royal family has been tense, and there has never been disclosed.

Mo Chen is a practitioner, the closest place with the chanting of the champion, is just a place with the Prince's some contact with the Prince, it is impossible to come into contact with the royal secret.

After that day, I saw that Mo Chen made a "Dragon Tianyuan", Feng Yusi wants to go, can only think that Mo Chen leaves Sheng'an City, the soul is divided into four battles, with Feng Yao, there is a quirky book. The appearance, later was taken away by Mo Du with some weird golden mosquitoes, and it was not known.

Then a strange book, or a magic weapon, or a spirit ...

But no matter what, Feng Yao feels that the strange book should be related to Mo Chen to learn the "tyrant Tianyuan".

Today, Mo Chen hurts the bloody killer in the war, and then competed with the Tihu. At that time, Mo Chen took again that the quirky book.

It's just that time Feng Yao is in another camp, and Mo Chen did not transfer this picture through the soul, so Feng Yao just heard the dialogue between Mo Chen and Tihu, did not see the actual situation.

If she saw the strange book of Mo Chen, there is no need to think, immediately think of this joints.

However, although I didn't see the book again, Feng Yao still felt that the blood of Mo Chen was put, perhaps it was stolen from the blood god.

Just like he stealing the "Dragon Tianyuan" from him.

Silver moon is extremely surprised.



"Is this impossible?"

"I heard that the cultivation of the blood gods is extremely weird, and the way of practice in the practice is a natural way. If you are cultivating, you will explode."

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