My Sea Creature Can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 132 Thousands of trees are flying and flowers are turning into powder!

Watching Mo Bai easily dodge the deadly thorn vines with the help of the Thundering Griffin's superb maneuverability.

All the way towards Ye Qingxue on the three-leaf thorn tree.

Although Xiao Changzhan and Mo Yan on the duel field were powerful, they could only be dragged into the battle helplessly.

Everyone held their breath.

Which side of the beast control trial will start to reduce its personnel?

Often it means that you are going to lose!

What's more, if a beast master like Ye Qingxue, who is extremely supportive, is eliminated.

Then at least the combat effectiveness of the Beihai team will drop by a big level!


Within the group of vines that surged out, the eight octopus arms and legs on the back of the cuttlefish turtle surged away.

Coming through the sky.

It shot towards Mo Bai and the thundering griffin at his feet.

Eight-claw bondage!

"You brat, get down here!"

Beside the cuttlefish turtle, Ling Ziyu shouted loudly.

However, with a burst of majestic golden swords pouring down like a torrential rain.

All the arms and legs on the back of the cuttlefish turtle, which were like ancient tree vines, were cut off, causing the cuttlefish turtle to roar in pain!

Even in the most critical moment, Ling Ziyu used the ink shield to protect himself and the cuttlefish turtle.

But there were still hideous blood marks on Ling Ziyu's face!

The previous attack that cut off the eight tentacles of the cuttlefish turtle was nothing else.

It is the third skill of controlling beasts belonging to the Holy Sage;

Holy punishment brings wrath!

Because Ruo Yaoyao blocked Ling Ziyu's offensive, Mo Bai approached the three-leaf thorn tree without anyone's intervention.

To be precise, it should be Ye Qingxue on the three-leaf thorn tree.


Amidst the harsh sound of air ionization, a burst of thunder arcs suddenly formed in the area centered on the Thundering Griffin and Mo Bai.

The pale arc of lightning shimmered and jumped like a silver snake, concentrating all its strength under the claws of the thundering gryphon;

The second beast control skill: Submission with electric claw!

There was a convolution of thunder.

On the top of the three-leaf thorn tree, the thundering griffin with lightning arcs like electric snakes all over its body launched a fatal blow!

The light snow leaves move the three-leaf thorn tree.

All the soul power that could be mobilized at this moment was gathered and poured into the three-leaf thorn tree.

Countless thorns and vines that looked like spiritual snakes wrapped around Ye Qingxue's body, forming a powerful defense in an instant;

A hard wooden shield transformed from countless thorns and vines!

The power of thunder, which is as powerful as the Thunder Griffin, can only shatter the thorns on the surface, but cannot hurt Ye Qingxue inside at all!

Without waiting for Ye Qingxue to think about the next attack.

"唳——!" A ring-shaped sonic offensive ignored the thorn defense and poured directly on Ye Qingxue.

She felt as if her eardrums had been shattered.

The whole person also fell from the top of the three-leaf thorn tree!

"Good strategy!" Emperor Xinghui saw Mo Bai's plan.

Be able to determine in the shortest time who is the most worthy candidate for priority attack.

And cooperate with the teammates to contain the rest, which is destined to test the full trust of everyone in the team.

Mo Bai himself controlled the aggressive beast-controlling Thunder Griffin to attack Ye Qingxue!

Although Ye Qingxue prepared the strongest defense in critical moments.

Timely activate the second skill of the three-leaf thorn tree; Thorn Guard.

Use this to defend yourself against the Thundering Griffin's electric claws.

If she could hold out for five seconds.

She only had to hold on for five seconds, and the Explosive Flame Beast, which had already faintly suppressed the giant turtle, would rush to support her along with Mo Yan, and successfully focus the fire on Mo Bai!

But Mo Bai didn't want to tangle with her at all.

Since thunder attacks can be offset by physical defense.

Then he came up with a sonic offensive that could defeat any defense; thunderous singing!

Phew——! Accompanied by a sharp hawk's cry.

Ye Qingxue fell all the way from the three-leaf thorn tree, and a vine spread from the thorn tree caught its owner.

Ye Qingxue had a splitting headache.

But even so, she still activated the core ability of the three-leaf thorn tree;

"Three-leaf crazy powder, start!"

A strange scene appeared.

The three-leaf thorn tree was like a dead tree in the previous lesson.

At this moment, it is like a willow tree that has ushered in spring, taking out buds and growing new leaves!

Just a few breaths away.

With the three evergreen leaves at the top of the three-leaf thorn tree as the center, the whole plant suddenly sprouts new green buds and branches, extending and growing rapidly, and in just a few breaths it bears buds ready to bloom. The flower bones!

not good!

Mo Bai instinctively felt that something was going to happen.


After the Thunder Griffin briefly accumulated soul power, its wings suddenly scattered domineering thunder, trying to stop the growth of the three-leaf thorn tree.

But the three-leaf thorn tree in its growing state seems to be immune to all harm.

The corners of Ye Qingxue's mouth curved in a winning way, and the vines stretched out from the thorn tree pulled her back to the trunk. She looked at Mo Bai hovering in the air through the thick defense of thorns;

"Young lady, you are really decisive, but you have to know that you didn't finish me off in one go."

"Then it will definitely bring greater trouble to you and your team!"

Ye Qingxue raised her palm faintly;

"Thousands of trees and flowers are flying, and phantom dust is coming to the world!" while speaking.

The strange flower buds on the three-leaf thorn tree have formed. Under the spotlight, the silver petals bloomed, and unknown pollen splashed among the golden stamens!

Pollen spreads throughout the place.

A strong wind blew, and countless extremely sweet pollen rushed into the nostrils of Thunder Griffin and Mo Bai.

It's okay for Mo Bai to inhale it.

The pollen appears to be ineffective on humans.

But something happened to the Thunder Griffin.

It made a ferocious cry, like a violent and blood-drinking wild sea beast, and knocked Mo Bai to the ground in an instant!

Mo Bai adjusted his posture before landing.

Suddenly, he was locked by the thunder and lightning released by the Thunder Griffin, and he saw that the thunder was about to hit!

The thick turtle shell of the castle guard giant turtle covers the front of the body, relying on its powerful defense to block attacks.

"Mo Bai, are you okay?" Luo Yaoyao couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not hurt." Mo Bai shook his head.

Looking at the thundering griffon's red eyes, it was like encountering its first out-of-control form;

"This pollen contains toxins that can turn beasts into madness!" Mo Bai said.

The so-called madness.

It is to use illusions or poisons to invade the body of the beast, causing it to become delirious or even attack its owner.

The third beast control skill of the three-leaf thorn tree.

It is through the petals of the thorn tree that the poisonous pollen is released, thereby disrupting the enemy's ability to control the beast!

between words.

Even Ye Qingbai's side had problems.

I saw that the Ice Nether Dragon, which had been suppressing Xiao Changzhan with Ye Qingbai a second ago, also turned into a mad powder due to the madness, and chased Ye Qingbai all over the field.

"Wow, Xiaobai, don't shoot, you are on your own!"

The Giant Tortoise and the Holy Sage were not affected because they were not within the scope of the pollen madness.

But just the mad transformation of the Thunder Griffin and the Ice Dragon is deadly enough!

Ruo Yaoyao was also confused; "But why were the other beast masters of the Beihai Team not affected?"

As we all know, sonic attacks and hallucinogenic poison powder are both uncontrollable.

But in the area where Sanye's crazy powder spreads.

Not only did the beast masters of Xiao Changzhan and others not lose their consciousness, but their soul power was greatly improved!

Xiao Changzhan sneered; "Because the effects of mad transformation powder are controllable. One ability is mad transformation, and the other is a 10% increase in soul power level!"

"At this time, our beast masters have all increased their soul power level by 10%. The three beast masters combined are close to the 30% increase in combat power of a single person. Two of your beast masters have been disabled. The next two It’s no longer anything to be afraid of!”

At this moment, even the people in the audience were amazed;

"As expected of the runner-up team in the last beast control trial!"

"This combination tactic of the North Sea Team is indeed terrifying. The toxin of Sanye Madness Powder not only successfully affected the two main combat forces of the Star Sea Team, but also increased the self-controlling soul power by 10%, further widening the gap between the two sides. !”

"Under the circumstances, Beihai Team has already grasped the balance of victory!"

"What should Star Ocean Team do next? Should they admit defeat or choose to suffer a disastrous defeat?"

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