Day after day passed just like that.

Today is saturday and tomorrow is weekend, Ryou thinking maybe he can go out to see around the town and buy his daily necessity.

Just like what Ryou and Honami has planned a day before, all of class 1B students already exchange their numbers before the class begin, so they can contact each other.

In the class, world history's teacher is asking student a question, the student in question is a bit confused about the answer.

Ryou start scribbling in his book with the answer, Ringo just looking at his book and her friend who busy writing the answer from the teacher question.

That's his weird habit, he will write the answer of every question the teacher give to the student, but he is to lazy to answer it by himself.

He said that it is easier to recall what they learn from answering a quiz or a question from their teacher in the class than you study it by yourself.

After the class Ringo speak to him.

Ringo: "So, how many answer you got it right today?"

Ryou: "All of them."

Ringo: "Show off..."

Ryou: "Who is show off? I just recalling my study material using the teacher questions."

Ringo: "Then you should answer it when the teacher asking a question. You lazy bum."

Ryou: "Nah..."

Interested by their conversation, Honami turn her body to them.

Honami: "What are you talking about Ringo-chan?"

Ringo: "Just asking this walking library about his answers."

Honami: "Eh? What answers?"

Ringo: "This student over here, have a weird habit to answer every single question the teachers give to us and wrote it in his book. Just like what he is doing today."

Ringo finished her sentence pointing at Ryou's book.

Ryou: "Just old habit of mine, don't mind her Honami-chan."

Interested with his answer, Honami ask him to lend her his book.

Honami: "They are all right, if you know the answer why don't you answer it Ryou-kun?"

Ryou tried to answer her, but before he get to answer her question, Ringo open her mouth.

Ringo: "If the teacher not asking him directly, he will never answer it. He is just like that since elementary."

Amazed by her friend weird habit, Honami looking back and forth between Ryou and his book.

Ryou: "By the way, Ringo, are you busy tomorrow?"

Ringo: "Tomorrow the literature club will organize a welcoming party for their new member. Whats up?"

Ryou: "Ah too bad then, i want to invite you to go to the town since i want to buy something."

Ringo: "Really? Um.... i can skip the welcoming party if you want to."

She is confused and hesitant about her plan for tomorrow.

Ryou: "Its okay Ringo, just go to your club's party. You are their new member, its bad to leave a bad impression to them if you're not coming for your welcoming party."

Finished tidy up his bag, Ryuji stand up from his chair and head toward the door.

Ryuji: "I'm going to the club first. Don't wanna see the sanpais death glare. See you guys."

Ryou: "Bye Ryuji, break a leg!"

Waving his hand to them Ryuji leaving the class.

Ringo: "Sorry Ryou, maybe another time. Me too, i'm going to the club. Bye..."

Ryou: "Don't mind, just focus on your club."

He said at her.

Ryou and Honami: "Bye Ringo/Ringo-chan."

She leave the classroom with a little bit reluctant.

(Ringo POV)

'Too bad i miss my chance to go to a date with Ryou. Ah... why are you inviting me when it is our club welcome party!!'

She grumbled inside her mind.

'I hope we can go to a date next time.'

(Third POV)

Back to the class

Honami: "So, Ryou-kun. I heard you have a plan tomorrow?"

Ryou: "Yeah, i'm planning to go to the town for seightseeing and buy something. What about you Honami-chan?"

Honami: "I have nothing to do tomorrow. I think its a good idea to go the town to spend your free time."

Ryou: "Why don't we go together then? It will be boring if i'm going alone."

Honami: "Just the two of us?"

Ryou: "I don't have anyone in mind, what about you? Anyone you want to invite?"

Honami: "Humm... no, i don't think i have anyone in mind."

Ryou: "Its settled then, i'll be waiting for you in front of the dormitory at 9 AM. See you tomorrow Honami-chan."

Honami: "Okay, see you tomorrow Ryou-kun."

Ryou leave the class, without him noticing, a pair of eye staring at his back.

'Wait? We are going to a date right? Are we really going together? Just the two of us? Isn't it the same as a DATE!! I agree without thinking about it. Calm yourself Honami, this is just two friends going to the city, seightseeing, buy something, deepen their relationship. Wait wait wait, however you see it, THIS IS STILL A DATE!!!'

(Ryou POV)

'So, i'm going to a date with Honami tomorrow huh? I unconsiously invite her to a date.'

I laugh at my inablity to think about what i just did.

'I hope she is not thinking weird about me.'

The night before the date, in Honami's room.

(Honami POV)

"What i'm going to wear tomorrow? This one? No! How about this? Its a no too!"

I search for my best outfit in the wardrobe.

'Well, if i think about it again, Ryou-kun is a good person. He have a good look, his academic results are above average, he have an athletic body too since he used to do a lot of sports.'

"Waiiittttt.... what are you thinking about Honamiii... this is just two friends hanging out around the city, looking something to buy for their daily necessity. Nothing more!"

"Aahhh... moo... Ryou-kun you make my mind all over the place"


A/N: Calm your horse! This is just their first date, nothing going to happen! Nothing! Umm... maybe?

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