Warm up is a must in a sport, or you will get cramp and that is not good at all even more in a swimming pool.

After warming up, students are lining up in front of PE teacher.

"Okay, today i will make a little competition. We will divide the group by two, boys and girls, the winner will get 5.000 points from me." after PE teacher said that, everyone are pumped up because the reward is pretty big.

Teacher: "I will call 5 students the name i call have to prepare themself in the line. We will start with girls."

The outcome of girls group is not surprising with Ringo as the winner with little margin to Honami.

And the boys turn, name after name got called by teacher.

Teacher: "Shibata Sho, Ryota Beppu, Hiroki Ryou, Nakamura Jun and Ogata Ueno, get ready."

Honami: "You can do it Ryou-kun!"

Ringo: "Let me release the beast inside you."

They said as Ryou walk past them and open his training jacket.

Ryou: "Thanks Honami-chan, what the hell are you talking about Ringo, are you a beast tamer?"

The girls looking at Ryou's body like he is a delicious cake.

The result of years of exercise are shown. Solid sixpack abs with no unnecessary fat is enough prove of his daily workout.

Ryuji: "Noyamano-san, is he doing workout daily?"

Ringo: "Yeah, he's been doing daily workout since we're kid and almost never skip it."

Honami: "A smart brain with trained body." 'and a sweet talker too.'

5 students are lined in the starting line.

Teacher: "Ready, set, go!"

After the sign, they jump and start the race.

Ryou leaving his classmates by large margin and finished in first place without any difficulty.

He is not even serious in the race since his body is already different from another people with his super growth skill.

Even in the final race too, Ryou is unbeatable and take the first place.

"A monster in brain and strength"

"How come someone like him exist in this world."

is what his friends talk about Ryou.

'Oi.. i can hear you guys!' He thought.

Ringo: "Congrats Ryou, treat me an ice cream!"

Ryou: "You got your reward too, buy it with your own point."

Ringo: "Ehh... but they said a food bought by another person is more delicious than the one you buy by yourself."

Honami: "I will not reject the offer then."

Ryuji: "I want a latte and donuts."

Ryou: "I'm not agree about that yet!"

Ryuji: "Then, how about we meet at the school gate after we finish our study group?"

Honami: "It settled then!"

Ringo: "Sweet, can't wait to buy my favorite ice cream!"

Ryou: "You guys are violating my rights, deciding without my consent."

More person join their conversation.

Fumino: "Guys, can i come too?"

Honami: "Of course you are allowed."

Sho: "Hey hey, i want an ice cream too."

Ryuji: "Come with us then!"

Chihiro: "Ichinose-chan, can i come too?"

Honami: "Of course!"

Ryou: "Look here, why are you guys not asking the one who will pay for you?"

Fumino: "Can't i?"

Chihiro: "Am i not allowed?"

Sho: "Eh... so i can't get a free ice cream?"

Ryou: "No, you guys can come too."

"Yeay, free ice cream!" They shout to the helpless Ryou.

Later, inside class 1B, Ryou with his study group member is discussing about their next plan to decide where they will hold their study group.

Ryou, Ryota Beppu, Yui Ninomiya, Shiraishi Mai and Ogata Ueno sit around Ryou's desk.

Ryou: "I would like to ask you guys, any suggestion where we can hold our study group?"

Yui: "What about library?"

Ryou: "Honami-chan and Furuhashi-san already booked the library. Ryuji will use the classroom and Ringo will use school canteen."

Ueno: "How about a park near the football field?"

Mai: "Thats not good Ogata-kun, if we need a long time to study it will be uncomfortable to study outside a room."

Ryota: "Agree. Hey, how about Hiroki-kun's room?"

Ueno: "Thats good idea, since he is our tutor right?"

Ryou: "I don't think its a good idea, girl members will feel uncomfortable..."

Mai: "I don't mind."

Yui: "I'm okay with that."

Ryou: "How come you girls okay to come to the boy's room? What about if we need a long time to study until late at night?"

Yui: "I trust you Hiroki-kun."

Mai: "Yeah, since its your room."

Ueno: "What do you mean with that? You are not okay if its my room?"

Both of them just looking away from him.

Ryota: "Riajuu..."

Ryou: "Okau okay, back to the topic. Fine, i'll agree with that, but don't do anything stupid in my room! What time are we gonna start the study?"

Mai: "I'm fine after 6 PM."

Ryota: "Me too, i have club activities after school."

Ryou: "What about 7 PM?"

All of them agree to start study group tomorrow at 7 PM in Ryou's room.


A/N: I'm still curious about Ichinose Honami's point in the novel and anime. How she can get so much points?

I read a few forum on internet, they even guess she sell herself. No! There is no way right? There is no way our Honami-chan is doing something like that!?

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"

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