My Second Life, In The Class Room Of The Elite World

Chapter 30 - Sunrise and Date With Ringo

Sunday morning, the sun is still hiding behind the horizon.

But Ryou is ready to go out.

He prepare a bentou box for him and Ringo.

Then he head out to Ringo's room after send a message to her.

Ryou: "Ringo, are you ready?"

Opening the door, Ringo greet him with a smile before lock the door.

She wear a tight black shirt inside her denim jacket, paired with black tight jeans and pink shoe.

She let her hair untied, not like her usual twintail style.

Ryou smiled back to her "Georgeous as always."

Ringo: "Keep flattering me you playboy, lets go!"

They walk slowly outside school ground to the beach direction.

Ringo: "Are you prepared our breakfast?"

Ryou: "Yes, i made two bentou box for us."

Ringo: "Yeay, a free meal."

Ryou: 'If only... if only i'm not interested in Honami, i might already fall for this girl.'

The sky still dark, just a bit of sun light reflected on the sea, a sign of the sun gonna rise. Ryou open his bag and lay a mat for their place to sit.

He proceed to take out the bentou box and his tripod.

Ryou: "Ringo, you can eat first, i will go over there for a to take photos. I will be back soon."

"Okay." Ringo said as she open the bentou lid and eat a nugget.


(Ringo POV)

'I don't know if i'm just being paranoid or this is a fact.

Since we came to this school, it feels like me and Ryou is getting far away.

He is busy with his matters and i'm busy with my club activity.

Am i wrong to feeling jealous?

I know we're not more than childhood friend.

And i know how his feeling to me, he kept himself not to cross that line, to remind us that we are just a childhood friend.

But as a girl, as a women, can't i feel jealous when my crush is surrounded by girls?'

'Looking at his calm face when he is focused taking a photo is making my heart feel at ease.

I just hope that we can continue being like this, just the two of us.'


(Third POV)

After taking some photos, Ryou back to sit with Ringo.

Ringo: "Your face looks like a kids when you're taking photos."

Ryou: "Can't help it, its been awhile. And the sunrise is beautiful too. Lets eat first, after this we can go to the amusement park."

After enjoying the sunrise while eating their breakfast, they proceed to go to the amusement park.

But they stopped at the park near their destination.

Sitting at the bench park, Ryou bought a strawberry milk for ringo and coffee for him.

Ringo: "Coffee as always."

Ryou: "Can't help it, i like the bitter taste of coffee."

Ringo: "Are you really an old man in disguise?"

'I AM!' of course he can't say it.

Ryou: "I heard you said something like this hundred times."

Ringo: "Ouch... hey! Your behaviour and the way you think is not fit with your age."

Ryou: "I act like any other highschooler."

Ringo: "You are the one who think like that, but those around you must notice that you are more mȧturė than your age. Thats why many girls came to you, playboy."

Ryou: "A person maturity is not definite by their age. And i'm not a playboy. I'm still single and never play around with girls, you know what i mean."

Ringo: "I know, but you attract a lot of girls."

Ryou: "Okay Ringo, let stop it. I want you enjoy our date, so don't talk about any other girls."

Ringo: "This is what i'm talking about Ryou, you treat a women like what they want to be treated, thats why even without you noticing, they feel comfortable around you."



after a minute of silence, Ryou grip both of Ringo's cheek with his hand and play with it.

Ringo: "wot or yo doyng (what are you doing)"

Ryou: "You know the reason why i never accepted those who confessed to me, i'm not a harem protagonist that can accept every girls feeling. In the end, i'm just an ordinary human being. If i can't accept them, its better not to play with them and hurt them more later."


Ryou: "Lets go, don't make gloomy atmosphere, the amusent park is open already."

Ringo: "Yeah, lets enjoy ourself to the fullest today."

A smiling face is plastered on Ringo's face that day.

They have so much fun trying a lot of games.

Ringo and Ryou currently enjoying their food in a cafe near the school.

Ringo: "Today i have so much fun, thank you Ryou."

Ryou: "Well, i'm having so much fun too, you are welcome."

Ringo: "Ahh.. tomorrow is monday huh..."

"I love monday" Ryou said with straight face.

Ringo: "Hahahaha yeah yeah we all love monday."

Ryou: "I heard our sensei will announce the midterm results next week."

Ringo: "Our class will be fine."

Ryou: "Of course, they did their best afterall."

Ringo: "Let's see how much improvement they get after join our study group."

After filling their stomach, they back to dormitory.

Ringo: "Once again, thank you for today Ryou."

Ryou smile at her "The pŀėȧsurė is mine, i'm happy you're having so much fun today."

Back to his room, Ryou decide to end his day earlier.


A/N: I'm so sorry Ringooo-chan! :(

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