July 1st, today supposed to be the time where all students point deposited to their account.

Chie start homeroom class and tell the student there are a bit problem on the system for the first year, so their points still on pending.

Ryou: 'I thought this is happen only for class D and class C because their fight, but actually its happen for all first year.'

Chie: "Don't worry, school will solve the problem immediately."

"Don't worry Chie-sensei, we still have lots of point."

"Yeah, we don't spent too much point afterall."

Chie: "Great, i know you guys can manage it."

"Hiroki-kun and Ichinose-san always remind us to not spend our point carelessly."

No protest or any bad words came from class 1B students, they are not desperately in need for point afterall.

Even if they need it, they can withdraw their point from class bank.

Class 1B Bank total point are 4.180.000 points (Read in Character Information Chapter for detail)

Chie: "And currently class 1B class point is leading on the ranking for first year. Keep it up and hopefully you can promoted to Class A if you can keep leading class point until after final exam."

She stick a paper of class point in the board.

Class point:

Class 1A 1.040

Class 1B 1.100

Class 1C 520

'When i see it with my own eyes, i just can't believe class 1D still can't manage their class until now. No wonder people like Ryuen Kakeru is still better at class point even if he used pure power as a tyrant in class 1C.' Ryou thought.


After school ended, Ryou decide to go to his usual spot.

Near the vending machine with a can of coffee in his hand.

'I never get tired to drink a coffee. Well, altough the coffee in this school not as good as in his old life, at least there are coffee..'

Ryou: "Aahh... I want to drink luwak coffee.." he said as he scratch his head.

"Look who we have here." A feminime voice came from his right and Ryou turn his head.

Ryou: "Excuse me, i don't think i know you?"

'Arisu huh' he said inside his mind.

"Sakayanagi Arisu from class 1A." she said

Ryou look at Arisu, a cute girl with cane on her hand.

Ryou: "Hello Sakayanagi-san, i'm Hiroki Ryou from class 1B. Do you need something? It is unusual for student from class 1A to greet a student from another classes."

Arisu: "I know Hiroki-kun, a student with evaluation worth to join class A but he chose to join class B instead. Is it wrong to befriend another student?"

Ryou: "It is not wrong, if their intention is really want to become a friend."

Arisu: "It hurts you know if you talk like that, i'm purely want to become your friend."

Ryou: "Yeah, well we are already a friend in name from the time we introduce ourself."

Arisu: "A rejection since the very beginning huh. I'm not a bad girl."

Ryou: "So, what do you want Sakayanagi-san?"

Arisu: "I just want to ask you a question, mind to answer it?"

Ryou: "I don't want to give you my three size."

Arisu chuckled at his answer "A funny guy aren't you?"

Ryou: "So? Your question?"

Arisu: "Based on your ability, mind telling me why are you decline an offer to join class A, but chose class B instead?"

Ryou: "You already doing a research about me, you must know why."

Arisu: "The real answer?"

Ryou: "What do you think if you put the so called best student in one class? Class A, too many student with big egos in one place, you guys just thinking about yourself to reach your own agenda, that is including you. In my opinion, the best class in this school is class 1B. Its not because that is my class, if you ever tried to join our class you will know why."

Arisu: "We all have our own agenda right? Don't say that you don't have it."

Ryou: "Lets end it here Sakayanagi-san, i'm not in a pretty good mood since i can't find my favorite coffee."

He lean his body to the chair backrest.

"Ahh... i want to drink luwak coffee..." Ryou said in a low voice

Arisu: "You are really an interesting person."

Ryou: "Where is that come from? i don't do anything and you said i'm an interesting person. What a weird cute girl you are."

Arisu: "Oh why thank you. Well then, i will take my leave. Thank you for having a little talk with me. See you later Hiroki-kun."

Ryou: "Goodbye, and have a nice day Sakayanagi-san.."

He wave his hand at her retreating figure.


(Ryou POV)

Arisu-chan, don't play with fire if you can't handle the flame.

Aah... i want a good coffee!

Why the hell they don't have luwak coffee in this world?

Ah... i will make it myself after graduated from school.

I will sell it and become crazy rich!!!!



(Third POV)

Today Ryou have a schedule for tutoring the senpais.

After they lower the intensity of class 1B study group only once in a week, Ryou has held 5 times a week tutoring session for his senpai, and his income doubled.

5 times a week x 300 point per person x 10 senpais = 15.000 points income just in a week for the past 1 and half month, so it is already his sixth session for his senpais.

15.000 x 6 = 90.000

'Ez money' he thought.

That night after his study group session with the senpais, he is leaving dormitory to train his martial art in the park, or at least he call it little jungle since there are too many big trees over there.

Karate, tae kwon do, jiujitsu, silat, muay thai, etc. He practice a different type of martial art and learn it in no time.

For an armed martial art he trained sword (kendo and kenjutsu), nunchaku, staffs, etc.

'With this super growth and trained body, i can learn any physical activity easily, and i'm not even maximized this ability of mine.'


A/N: Just... need... a bit.... sleepppp.

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