Lunch break, only a few students left in the class.

Honami and Ringo going out together, Ryuji got called from his senpai in club.

So, Ryou is sitting alone after talking with Sho and Ao.

Suddenly, a girl not belong to class B going inside the class talking to them.

'Hm? Isn't that Kushida Kikyo from class 1D? what is she doing here?' Ryou thought.

Since his seat is not far away from where Kushida talk with his friend, Ryou can hear what are they talking about.

'This is about Sudou's fight with class C huh?'

Ryou can see Ryota pointing at him while talking to Kushida.

Then she proceed to walk to his direction.

Kushida: "Um.. excuse me, are you Hiroki Ryou? I'm Kushida Kikyo from class 1D"

Ryou: "Hello Kushida-san, is there anything you need from me?"

She let a bright smile to him.

'If only i don't know your true self behind that mask, maybe i will think she is just a normal girl.'

Kushida: "Yes, actually i want to ask a question."

Ryou: "feel free to ask as long as i can answer."

Kushida: "Have you heard about the incident between our class member Sudou Ken and class C members?"

Ryou: "Just a bit,its about a fight happened between a student of class 1C and class 1D."

Kushida: "We are searching a witness, since we think Sudou-kun was framed by student of class 1C and he said someone is near there when the incident happened."

Ryou: "Why you guys think he is framed?"

Kushida: "He told us that he is provoked, so to prove that we need a witness to help us."

Ryou: "Well sorry i'm not someone you guys searching for, but maybe i can help to ask my other classmates later."

Kushida: "Thank you so much Hiroki-kun." she smiled and leave our class.

'Really, it is no wonder many boys like her, with her attitude and outer appearance, its not weird if a boy fall for her. But they don't know what kind of people Kushida really is.'


(At the field)

Currently class 1B on their PE class and today's subject is 100m running.

Teacher: "Okay class, today we'll make a little game. The winner of this game will be rewarded with 5.000 points. Now divide the class by 2, boys and girls."

Boys and Girls devide themself as their teacher said.

Sho: "This is going to be interesing. Can't wait to get my 5.000 points!"

Ryuji: "Don't be kidding, as long as we have that monster in our class, i'm sure we will never get any extra point."

He said as he is looking at the direction of certain student.

Yuichi: "At least don't remind us about him!"

Tetsuya: "Yeah, you're shattering our spirit Ryuji."

Ryuji: "Don't worry, at least if we can't win against him, we still can leech his reward."

Boys suddenly discussing their plan to Ryou.

Ao: "I'm in. Just wait Ryou, no matter how many points the reward you win, we will leech you dry. Hehehe... hehehehe..."

The boys are united to leech at Ryou.

Agreement and plan has been settled, they look at Ryou like a beast looking at their prey.

Suddenly, Ryou felt chill run down to his spine.

'Something is not right! Why am i suddenly felt i will lose more than what i get today?'

He is not aware about his fate that has been settled.

Teacher: "Okay, lets start our little match today. I will call girls side first. Noyamano-san, Yamai-san...etc"

Girls side finals are Noyamano Ringo, Ichinose Honami, Satonaka Saaya, Tachibana Tomoe, Kujikawa Shiroi."

The race pretty much just between Honami and Ringo with Ringo win by a little margin, just half step from Honami.

Teacher: "Good, the winner from the girls side is Noyamano-san."

Ringo: "Thank you sensei."

Honami: "Good job Ringo-chan."

Ringo: "You almost got me there Honami-chan."

Honami: "I will not lose next time."

Ringo: "I'm always ready."


And now the time for boys side.

Although they already know who will win the race, they will never surrender just like that.

Teacher: "Yuichi Furuichi, Kogashi Hyuga, Shibata Sho, Ogata Ueno and Hiroki Ryou get ready at your line."

Yuichi: "I will give my best Ryou."

Ryou: "We will be the same then."

Ueno: "Don't hold back!"

Ryou: 'I will become a new world record if i don't hold back.' "Hmm... lets give our best!" he only give him a vague answer.

Teacher: "Ready... Set... Go!"

*Dash.... without unnecessary movement, Ryou leaving his opponent by very large margin.

Still, he is currently holding back as much as he can.

Looking at the side, his classmates in awe by his performance.

Ryuji: "What the hell is he made of?"

Jun: "A living monster. At this rate i will not be surprised if one day he can beat the world record."

Girls are shouting to support Ryou from the stand.

Honami and Ringo feels a bit irritated and decide to blame Ryou even though he did nothing.

'This is your fault to attract too much girls attention!'

They said in their mind.

Ryou undoubtedly won the first place from the boys side.

Ryuji: "Hey Ryou, you won the reward right? mind to buy the Ice cream?"

Ryou: "Well okay, if its only..." he is still not finished his sentence and Ryuji smirked.

'I have a bad feeling about this.'

Ryuji: "Hey guys, Ryou has agreed to buy us the ice cream! Its boys out!!!"

The boys cheered with Ryuji's declaration, he is smiling evilly to Ryou.

Ryou: "Wait, i never accept it. I said i will buy it for you!"

Ryuji: "I asked, mind to buy the ice cream? who said its gonna be just the two of us? It so creepy for 2 guys eating ice cream together. I'm not interested in that way."

Ryou: "You... Never in my mind i will be betrayed by you!"

Ryuji: "Heh, in ice cream wars everything is possible. Guys, lets leech him dry!" he announce it to the boys with a smirk.


"I will not holding back Ryou."

"You better prepare your points."

"Lets leech his point dry!!!!"

They got him, they got him very well.

'Just you wait, Kanzaki Ryuji! Boys of class 1B. I will make you pay!' Ryou made a mental note about this.


After PE class.

"Student from class 1B Hiroki Ryou, please go to the Staff room immediately."

A feminime sound resounded from loudspeaker.

'Looks like Chie need something from me.'

Ringo: "What you've done this time Ryou?"

Ryou: "What do you mean? I've never doing something wrong! Yet."

Honami: "Why yet?"

Ryou: "Who knows? We cannot be sure we're not going to do something wrong right?"

Ryuji: "Don't jinx yourself, it would be bad if our class ace is on a problem."

Ringo: "Yeah, it would be bad 'Mister Genius Class Vice Rep'~ ouch..." Ringo got herself a flick in her forehead.

Ryou: "I'm going first, don't miss me okay?" *he wave his hand

Ryuji: "Sorry, i'm not swing that way."

Ringo: "I'm sleepy."

Honami: "Just go back as soon as you're finished." *wave her hand to Ryou

Ryuji and Ringo look at Honami.

Honami: "What? Something wrong with my face?"

Then, Ryuji take his leave to the bathroom.

Leaving just Honami and Ringo.

Ringo: "Honami-chan, can we talk before i go to my club later?"

Honami: "Hmm? Okay."


A/N: Maiden wars? Girls war?

A showdown between childhood friend and new close friend?

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"

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