After walking for a few minutes, finally they reach their destination, camera service center.


(Ryou POV)

We're faced with a male clerk.

But i know this clerk up to no good from the story, now i look at him in real i'm disgusted, he look at the girls like an open pervert, ogling at their bodies.

I have no problem if you're pervert, but even if you are pervert, at least try not to show it to the girls. As Kushida and him talking, i can hear he even asking Kushida out on a date to the movie theater to see the screening of an upcoming female idol concert.The clerk seemed to be emotionally excited about being around a cute girl, so the conversation hadn't progressed at all.

As expected, Kushida felt that the situation was crude and pushed the conversation forward, urging Sakura to present him with the digital camera.

The clerk opened the camera and made a simple check inside. He stated that some of the parts had been damaged by the impact of the drop, which prevented the camera's power supply from turning on properly. Fortunately, since the digital camera was purchased after entering the school, it was included under warranty and it was to be repaired free of charge.

All that was left was the process of Sakura filling out her personal information. Or at least it should be, but Sakura's hand came to a stop just before the paper.

Ryou: "Something wrong Airi-chan?"

Airi: "Ah... um..."

As both Sakura and Kushida were focused on the form in front of them, they were unaware that the clerk had a terrible look in his eyes that would even make men shudder a little.

Then, I took the paper and fill it with my information.

Clerk: "Ah... sir, this is supposed to be filled by the owner of the camera."

Ryou: "This is only for contact information right? I'm her friend so there is no problem if you inform me when the camera has been repaired. Or is there any other reason it has to be her, huh?"

I look at with intimidating look.

He is shaking a bit from the effect.

Clerk: " sir, thats okay."

We're done with the administration and I will be informed when the camera fixed.


(Third POV)

Kushida: "Mr. Shop Assistant was really terrifying… The way he was talking on and on was so imposing that it made me feel a little anxious."

Ryou: "Do you know him Airi-chan?"

Airi gave a small nod. It seems that she met the clerk back when she bought the camera.

Kushida: "What do you think, Ayanokouji-kun?"

She ask his opinion.

Ayanokouji: "Well, I guess he may have had a somewhat unapproachable temperament. Especially with girls."

Airi: "There was a situation where he tried to speak with me before… Because of that, I was afraid of going to get the repair done alone…"

Kushida: "Is that why you did that then, Hiroki-kun?"

Ryou: "More or less, i see him looking at both of you with that kind of eyes and it makes me displeased. Whereas, as a male, there wouldn't be anything to worry about if he had my information instead."

Airi: "Thanks… Ryou-kun. You've really done me a great favor… and because Kushida-san was with me today, he didn't focus all of his attention on me. Thank you Kushida-san and Ayanokouji-kun too."

Kushida: "If it's something like this, I'm totally willing to lend you a hand. Sakura-san, are you a fan of digital cameras?"

Airi: "Yeah… though it wasn't a passion of mine when I was younger. I slowly came to like them after my father got me one before I got into middle school. That being said, I just like to take pictures, I don't know anything about how cameras work at all."

Ryou: "Actually, on of my hobby is related to camera too. Well, i often use DSLR."

Airi: "Really?

Ryou: "Yeah, i usually take sunrise, sunset and stars. But since i don't have my camera anymore i'm using my phone now."

He then show them his finished work

Airi: "Wow... this is amazing, can't believe you take it with a phone."

Kushida: "You sure have a talent Hiroki-kun."

Ayanokouji: "Yeah, this is a good shot. If I'm remembering correctly, you said that you usually like to take pictures of landscapes right Sakura-san? Do you take pictures of other stuff, like people?"

Airi: "Ehh!? S-Secret. T-That, that's because… it's very embarrassing…"

Ryoy: "It's fine if you guys take a look around as well. Bounding as a classmate."

Kushida: "Then let's all go together. Right?"

Airi: "Y-Yes. It's my bad for having you come out and accompany me… so I also have some free time."

Then they're all walking around the mall.

Ayanokouji excuse himself for a call a bit and back to them after that.

Ayanokouji: "Can we look at the electronic section?"

Airi and Kushida seems agree with him.

Ryou: "I don't have any problem with that. Lets go."

After that Ryou and Ayanokouji looking at ŀȧptop corner.

Kushida: "You're already finished?"

Ayanokouji: "I'm just previewing things today. I don't have enough points to buy any electronics anyways."

Kushida: "Huh?"

Kushida abruptly stood still and stared at Sakura's face.

Kushida: "Sakura-san, have we ever met somewhere before?"

Airi: "Eh? N-No… Not that I can remember, but-"

Kushida: "Sorry. For some reason, when I looked at you just a second ago, I vaguely felt like I had seen you someplace before. Erm, if it's alright with you, would you mind taking off your glasses?"

Airi: "Eeeh!? T-This is a bit…! My eyesight is so bad that I can't see anything…"

Since Ryou know the reason why Airi is refusing Kushida request, he decide to help her.

Ryou: "It seems Airi-chan is troubled."

Kushida: "Ah, sorry Sakura-san."

Airi: ", thank you Ryou-kun."

Eventually, they ended up back at the spot where they met up in the beginning.

Airi: "Um… Thank you very much for today. You've really become my savior."

Kushida: "No, no. It's not anything you need to be that thankful for. Moreover, Sakura-san, if it's alright with you, could you speak normally? It's strange to use honorific language with classmates."

Airi: "I'm, not really doing it on purpose… am I strange?"

Kushida: "I'm not saying you've done anything wrong. However, I'd be happier if we could just speak casually."

Airi: "Ah, y-yeah… Understood- I mean… I get it. I'll try my best."

Ryou give her thumbs up for her effort.

Kushida: "You don't have to push yourself if you don't want to."

Airi: "I-It's okay. Because… I also…"

Kushida smiled in satisfaction and left things like that without pushing the matter any further.

Kushida: "Well then, see you guys at school."

Kushida spoke up and began moving the conversation towards ending things there for the day. However, unexpectedly, Airi didn't move at all.

Airi: "Hey…!"

Sakura raised her voice a bit and looked directly at both of Ayanokouji and Kushida.

Airi: "About that thing with Sudou-kun… As a thanks for today, I haven't been completely honest but… if it's alright with you…"

She once again paused for a moment, and then clearly spoke the words.

Airi: "… About Sudou-kun. I, I may be able to cooperate…"

Ryou whisper to Airi "Good job Airi-chan."

She only reply it with little smile.

Kushida and Ayanokouji exchanged glances with each other.

Kushida: "Sakura-san, are you saying that you saw Sudou-kun's fight with the other students?"

Airi: "Yeah… I saw the entire thing. Even though I just happened to see it by chance… it really is unbelievable, isn't it?"

Kushida: "That's not true. However, why are you bringing it up now? It's a completely wonderful thing to discuss, but I don't want you to overdo it. I didn't set things up today to make you feel like you owe us something."

Ayanokouji: "Is it really okay? You're not forcing yourself here, right?"

Airi: "It's alright… I think, I may end up regretting it if I keep silent. I also… I don't want to be a burden to my classmates. But, if I was to speak out as an eyewitness, I would end up standing out anyway… I just hate it… I'm sorry."

Kushida: "Thank you, Sakura-san. Sudou-kun will definitely be pleased to hear this!"

After that, Kushida and Ayanokouji excuse themself leaving Ryou and Airi.

Ryou: "I'm surprised but proud to you, you've done really well to decide to help them."

Airi: "Its just i remember what you said to me. I just want to try and make myself useful to the class. If i don't do it now, i might ended up regret it later."

Ryou: "Yeah, its you the one who will decide what you want to do, but i think you've chose the right choice."

He smiled to her and both of them back to dormitory while talking about photography.


A/N: Drinking coffee while writing this fanfict is a bliss. Ah...

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"

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