(Ryou POV)

This familiar white room, this feeling.

Am i dead?

My time is up in that world?

When i'm thinking about that, i heard a familiar or unfamiliar voice or voices?

W.I.A: "Hello Ryan, or Ryou."

Ah yes, i'm back to this place, am i really dead?

Ryou: "Ah hello, i prefer to be called Ryou now."

W.I.A: "You look calmer than what i thought, don't you scared if i call you again to this place?"

Ryou: "Why must i? I already experience this once. Maybe regret if i'm dead so early."

W.I.A: "Hm... regret?"

Ryou: "I can't say goodbye to my family and friends."

Remembering those face, shocked by my death makes me really sad.

Ryou: "So, am i really dead? Whats the reason?"

W.I.A: "No, you are not dead. Infact i'm helping you now."

Ryou: "Helping me?"

W.I.A: "Yes, you're working almost non-stop on that island. You exhausted yourself too much."

Ryou: "But i got myself a good rest in last 3 days."

W.I.A: "Do you think thats enough? Actually, you're currently only on unconscious state."

Ryou: "Then, if i'm only unconscious why are you here? Don't you say we will meet again on my judgement day?"

W.I.A: "No reason, i just want to talk with you."

Ryou: "Ah? such unreasonable being you are."

W.I.A: "I don't need a reason you know..."

Ryou: "How many hours in that world passed when i'm unconscious?"

W.I.A: "4 days, that is minimum time you will regain your full power in your body."

Ryou: "What? thats a long time, how about the exam?"

W.I.A: "Let it be, your class already in the lead right?"

Ryou: "I have a super growth, why i must rest so many days?"

W.I.A: "Your super growth is still adjusting to your body, lets ȧssume you are currently on your upgrade."

Ryou: "Sounds like a game."

W.I.A: "Are you not?"

Ryou: "For me, thats world is real!"

That being just release a calming aura to me, it feels like they smile at me.

W.I.A: "You are right. For you, that is your real life, you must treasure that second chance. This is enough, your friends are so worried you know."

Ryou: "I know that, i hope they will not scold me later."

W.I.A: "Its nice to talk to you, see you later."

Ryou: "Please, don't make me sleep too much again, i will become lazy."

My view turn back to white, everything just white.



(Ryuji POV)

"Ryou! Ryou!"

"Dammit, somebody help!"

I don't have a time waiting for help, but is it okay just to take him to medic room?

Isn't that Sudou-kun from class 1D?

"Sudou-kun help! please call the medic staff!"

He look surprised someone yelled at him, but after realize someone collapsed beside me he start running.

Sudo: "O..Okay, just wait a bit."

"Dammit, Ryou wake up!"


After a few minutes medic staff are coming with a stretcher.

They lift him on the stretcher to bring him to medic room, we're following behind.

Sudou: "Whats going on?"

"I don't know, when i'm on my way to restaurant, Ryou already collapsed.

"Sudou-kun, can you help me a bit? I will inform the class rep, please stay with Ryou, wait for me to come back. Please."

Sudou: "Don't worry."

"Thank you."


I'm running to the most popular spot, hoping someone from our class over there.

When i arrived at restaurant, i can see Honami, Ringo, Fumino and Chie-sensei too, this is better.

"Chie-sensei, please come to the medic room."

Chie: "Calm down Ryuji-kun, whats happen in the medic room?"

"Ryou, he is collapsed and now being treated in the medic room!"

Girls: "What?"


"What? Collapsed? How?"

When i asked Ryuji-kun, i see 3 girls already running to medic room.

"Lets go!"


(Honami POV)

Ryou collapsed? how? why?

I don't understand.

The last 3 days after we're back from deserted island he looks like in good condition.

We talked like we usually did and he teasing me too.

No sign of exhausted or anything, but why?


(Third POV)

At the medic room.

Ryou is examined by doctor.

Ringo: "Doctor, how is he?"

Doctor: "His body in good condition, no sign of exhausted, i don't even know why did he collapsed. We need to do morr examination to his body."

Honami: "He is going to be okay right?"

Doctor: "From the look of it, i'm sure he is okay, but what i don't know why he is suddenly collapsed."

Fumino: "But... but he is talking with me this morning."

Chie: "Calm down, let doctor handle this, lets hope he will regain his consciousness faster."

Later, Honami inform all of the class 1B student about Ryou's condition.

Right after that, medic room is full with class 1B students.

They're shocked about the sudden information.

Ryou is one of their classmate and his relationship with his classmates are good, even you can say they feel close to him.


First day, Ryou is still in his unconscious state.

Second day, his classmates a bit worried.

Third day, they are thinking something bad and became really worried to him.

Doctor said after the examination on the third day, Ryou condition is okay, even his body condition is better than before.

Its like his body gets better every single day, but he is still unconscious.

His current state make a commotion in the ship, many students curious about his condition.

But after the doctor statement, lot of them calmed down and slowly left things about Ryou aside.

But not for his friends.

On the fourth day.

Back from the special examination, Honami is not going back to her room, she is heading to medic room.

There's no one there beside a nurse waiting at the administration room.

She closed the curtain surrounding Ryou's bed.


(Honami POV)

Looking at the boy in front of me, it hurt looking at him like this.

I grab his hand, i hope he can feel it.

I miss his smile, i miss when he tease me, i miss him so much.

I can't focus my mind on this special exam at all.

Our friends too, they still thinking about you.

Why? Why are you still not wake up? Please wake up Ryou!

I cried, i don't know why but without him in my daily life, i felt missing something.


(Ryou POV)

I can feel my body again, hmm.... something is gripping my hand.

I open my eyes little bit, i can see Honami is gripping my hand, crying.

I feel hurt looking at her like this, and i move my other hand to ċȧrėss he cheek, wiping her tears.

"Don't cry, i'm here."


(Honami POV)

"Don't cry, i'm here."

That voice, the voice i missed so much.

I can feel his hand touch my cheek and wipe my tears.

"I..i'm not dreaming am i?"

Ryou: "No, you are not."

I'm so happy!

I hug him, tightly. I don't wanna lose him anymore.


(Third POV)

After Honami inform the nurse and her classmates, they come right away.

All of them concerned about him.

It makes Ryou happy and a bit sad since he know he can't help them in the special exam.

Ao: "What are talking about?! As long as you are okay we're glad!"

Tetsuya: "Yeah, whatever the result we're still leading the point because your help on the deserted island."

Chie: "Don't worry Ryou-kun, just focus to your health."

Ryou: "I'm okay now sensei, you heard what doctor said right? i'm even much better than before."

Ryuji: "You are really a monster."

Ryou: "Ohh... are you missing me?"

Ryuji: "I'm not."

Ryou: "Tsundere~"

Ryuji: "I can't believe you're just wake up from 4 days unconsciousness and already teasing people."

Ryou: "This is how i regain my power, right Ringo?"

Ringo: "You idiot, don't you know how worried are we?!"

He smiled at her.

Ryou: "I know, i'm sorry."

'Even though i know the VIP's on this special exam, i still can't help them. Well, i can't be greedy am i?'

He wake up from long slumber with his new body, he will make sure to help his class in sport festival to the fullest.


A/N: The monster is back with new body!

Be careful!!!

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"

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