My Second Life, In The Class Room Of The Elite World

Chapter 65 - Today, I Want To Be Alone

After the football match between Koudo High FC and the mixed class, they're back to dormitory.

In the lobby, Ryou can see girls from his class talking with girls from class 1D.

Ringo: "Ah, here he is! Ryou!"

Fumino: "Ah Ryou-kun."

Ryou: "Hmm..?"

Ringo: "All of us want to go to the cafe, want to join us?"

Ryou: "Umm... maybe it is better if its stay girls only Ringo."

Ringo looking at her friends and realize that there're no guys in them.

Ringo: "Ah, you're right."

Honami: "But, we're okay with that you know..."

Airi: "Ye...yeah, we're okay with that."

Kushida and Suzune looks like okay with that too.

'I don't want to ruin this only girls outting.'

Ryou: "Don't worry about that, i have something to do later."

Honami: "Oh, okay then."

Ryou: "See ya later ladies. Bye Airi-chan, Horikita-san and Kushida-san too."

Kushida, Airi and Suzune said their good bye to Ryou.

He walk to the stairs leaving the girls.


Kushida: "Isn't that way is going to the stairs?"

Suzune: "Yeah, the elevator is on the other way."

Ringo: "He always using the stairs before and after his daily exercise."

Kushida: "You know him alot aren't you Noyamano-chan?"

Ringo: "I'm his childhood friend afterall."


He enter his room, make a cup of coffee for himself and clean his football shoe.

'I said to them i have something to do, yeah, cleaning my shoe it is...'

After that he take a shower before prepare his lunch.

His phone is ringing, looking at the caller, its his classmate Kogashi Hyuga. He pick up the phone and answer it.


Ryou: "Yeah hello? 'Sup Hyuga?"

Hyuga: "Ryou my man! We're going to the karaoke, come on, come with us!"

Ryou: "Oh thats great, unfortunately i can't, i have something to do today!"

Hyuga: "Oh man, the boys are waiting for you... But its okay if you have something to do, i will tell them. We will be going first, bye!"

Ryou: "Bye!"

*Phone ended*


(Ryou POV)

I don't know, i just want to be alone today.

I'm done washing my shoe and ate my lunch, after this lets go to Keyaki Mall.


I change my clothes, a black tshirt with black hoodie, black jeans and Red shoe.

Walking alone, make me remember the day when i'm back to school to pick up my little sister on her school. I know she's doing good at her school, Yuuya and Chiaki too.

Many things happen since i came to this school, reading from the book and experience it by myself felt really different.

Before i knew, i already near the mall.

This mall is really big! Now, where should i go first?

A few girls around my age came to me.

Girl A: "Ano... excuse me, are you alone?"


Girl B: "If you don't mind we can go together."

"Ah thank you for the offer, but i need to do something after this." I replied to them with a smile

Girl A: "Okay, sorry to disturb you. Bye." she blushed and go with her friends

"No problem, bye..."

Girls nowadays are pretty bold huh.

I continue strolling around the mall and bought a few things like ŀȧptop and shirts, i have lots of point afterall.

Lets stop at the cafe over there.

But before i come inside, i can see my friends with girls from class D there, so i change my destination.

Better not disturb them.

"One arabica coffee please, no sugar." i ordered to the waitress.

I start to operate my new ŀȧptop and installing a few apps.

After a few minutes, a waitress come to me with my order.

Waitress: "This is your order, one arabica coffee without sugar."

"Thank you."

Waitress: "If you need something, please call me."

I can see her sliping a note beneath my glass.

Hm..? What is this? I opened the note and i can see numbers written on it. Is this a phone number? I looked at the waitress and she smiled shyly at me, i replied her smile.

Usually, everytime i'm going out, i went with my friend, its been awhile since i'm going out by myself, this never happened when i'm together with my friends.

Finished setting my new ŀȧptop, i paid at the cashier and came out from the coffee shop.

And fortunately or unfortunately i ran at the girls from my class and class 1D.

Honami: "Ah, Ryou!"

"Hello girls."

Fumino: "You're really going out alone?"

"Yeah? Something wrong Fumino-chan?"

Fumino: "Ah no, it just unusual for you to go alone."

"I want to do something like this sometime."

Ringo: "Why don't you join us?"

Honami: "Hm..hmm.. lets go with us!" She nods her head.

Kushida: "Yeah, we don't mind."

Airi: "Ye..yeah."

Horikita: "I don't mind too." 'I can ask a few questions to him too.' She thought.

"Umm... thank you, but its okay. I want to go alone today, you guys can have fun together. I will be going, you guys can continue without me, bye."


(Third POV)

After meeting with the girls, he continue to strolling around the mall. Stopped at a few stores, rejecting a few girls invitation and then he decide to go back to dormitory.

He was satisfied with his day alone today.

'Maybe, i really need to do this again someday. But those sudden invitation from those girls is a bit... how should i put this. Troublesome?'

Arrived at the dormitory, he directly going to his room.


A/N: Tomorrow is Monday! Noo.... why weekend only has 2 days? I hope oneday, Monday until friday are weekend when Saturday and Sunday are weekdays.

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"

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