My Second Life, In The Class Room Of The Elite World

Chapter 68 - Meeting Kurogane-senpai and Sakayanagi Arisu Again

It was a peaceful day, any ordinary day with student doing their lesson like usually they did.

A bell ringing as a sign for their lunch break, Ryou as usual eat his home made bentou in classroom.

Ringo: "What is today's special menu?"

Ryou: "I'm not a restaurant chef. Its just deep fried chicken with spicy sauce and vegetable, i'm not in a mood to cook something difficult."

Ringo: "Even for some people, your simple menu is pretty hard."

Ryou: "Maybe a cup ramen will be simple enough for them."

Suddenly, 3 pairs of chopsticks taking Ryou's fried chicken.

Ryuji: "Let me try your fried chicken."

Honami: "Me too."

Fumino: "I want to try it as well."

Ryou: "Hey, what am i supposed to eat, it just one chicken left there!"

Ringo: "Then, thats mine!"

Now, Ryou's bentou only left with vegetable.

Ryou: "Hahh... I wonder if i should ask someone to cook for me, or maybe i should buy my lunch in school canteen."

Ringo: "Better cook it by yourself."

Honami: "Yeah, its healthier."

Ryou: "But you guys often the one who eat it the most."

Fumino: "Don't be stingy Ryou-kun."

Ryuji: "Yeah, we're your friends."

Ryou: "You guys planning to have revenge to me like this huh?"

The 4 smiling ear to ear, if they can't revenge him by teasing him. Then, do it by eating his lunch.


Later after school, Ryou going to kendo club again. And as usual, Kurogane is alone in the club training room. He is always the first to came and the last to leave the training ground.

Ryou: "Hello Kurogane-senpai."

Kurogane: "Oh hei Hiroki-kun, its been awhile."

Ryou: "Yeah, how are you doing Kurogane-senpai?"

Kurogane: "I'm good, i watch your game at sports festival, you're awesome!"

Ryou: "Thank you senpai, i want to borrow your club training room again today, can i?"

Kurogane: "Gladly, do you need sparring partner?"

Ryou: "If you don't mind."

Kurogane: "Of course, its my pŀėȧsurė."

Ryou: "Let me warming up for 30 minutes."

Kurogane: "Okay."

Kurogane: "You know many martial arts Hiroki-kun?"

Ryou: "Yeah, for self defense. Lets go senpai, i'm ready now."

Both of them then wear kendo training armor, but this time Ryou only using 1 shinai.

Kurogane: "You only using 1 shinai?"

Ryou: "Yeah, i want you to go all out from the beginning senpai."

Kurogane: "As you wish."

They're ready at the training ground, focused on their opponent. Right after Kurogane's sign, he dashing towards Ryou with full power with a hope he can take Ryou by surprise.

But Ryou always ready waiting for Kurogane's attack, he paired Kurogane's shinai and going for 'Men', surprisingly before Ryou hit Kurogane's head, he step back and avoid the hit.

Kurogane: "Amazing as always aren't you Hiroki-kun?"

Ryou: "You are awesome too senpai, i thought i could hit you there."

Kurogane now waiting for Ryou's attack, he went to defense stance.

Ryou increase his power a little bit and dash forward, what Kurogane could see just a blur image before he could felt something touching his head protector in front of the throat.

Ryou: "Point for me Kurogane-senpai."

Then both of them sparred a little bit more, Kurogane was able to score 'kote' a few times, but he can't score anymore than that.

After more than 30 minutes, they stopped.

Kurogane: "Haahh... this is crazy, we've been training twice and i still can't understand how could you're not out of breath."

Ryou: "My stamina better than you?"

Kurogane: "No, its more haah... like you have unlimited stamina Hiroki-kun."

Ryou: "Thank you then." he smiled at him.

An applause was heard from the room door, both of them turn their head and found Manabu standing there.

Manabu: "Great match Hiroki-kun, Hiroto. You really lost against him huh, and its not just lost, you're beaten by Hiroki-kun."

Kurogane: "Hey, you don't have to be so cruel pointed that out, i know i'm lost so bad."

Ryou: "Hello Horikita-senpai, and thank you."

Manabu: "I thought when Hiroto said he lost to you its just his reason to make you join his club, it turns out to be real."

Hiroto: "Like i said, i lost to him. Ah, but i never heard about you in a kendo competition before Hiroki-kun."

Ryou: "Yes, i never join any competition, i learn martial arts for self defense only senpai."

Manabu: "Awesome aren't you. Usually, people with good martial arts skill will show it to people."

Ryou: "Aren't you the same Horikita-senpai?"

Manabu: "No, i'm not as good as you. Who knows even when it comes to karate i'll lost too."

Ryou: "We don't know, maybe its the opposite."

Kurogane: "Its a shame you don't want to join us. I heard from Misugi-kun you reject his offer too, when you're offered to join the football club."

Ryou: "Yes, i have something to do after school afterall."

Manabu: "Lets have a karate spar someday Hiroki-kun."

Ryou: "I have no problem with that."


Ryou walking to his favorite spot, a bench near vending machine to drink his favorite drink, coffee.

But surprisingly, someone was there before Ryou. A beautiful girl with lilac colored hair and a cane in her hand.

'Why am i meeting with lots of important people today?' he thought

Arisu: "Hello Hiroki-kun. Coffee?" she offered him a can of coffee.

Ryou: "I'll gladly accept that. Its unusual for you to come to this place." he opening the coffee can and drink it.

Arisu: "Why? Can't i? Sometimes i want to enjoy our school scenery too."

Ryou: "And this?" he show her the coffee in his hand.

Arisu: "I knew you like coffee since back then."

Ryou: "You know, your memorizing ability is scary"

'Well, me too actually.'

Arisu: "What can i do? There's nobody stood up so much to drank a coffee after their football match 3 years ago."

Ryou: "But i drank a bottle of water first."

Arisu: "Still, thats weird."

Ryou: "Hey, don't judge people habit. There are lots of weirder habit than mine."

She laugh and close her lip with her right hand.

Arisu: "Sorry, you are really intersting aren't you Hiroki-kun?"

Ryou: "Many people said that. And i'm sure lots of people interested in you too."

Arisu: "No, i don't mean that kind of interest."

Ryou: "What did you mean with that kind Sakayanagi-san?" he smiling at her.

Realizing she was teased by Ryou, she smiled again.

Arisu: "Really, how i wish you're in our class."

Ryou: "Unfortunately, i dont think i will fit there."

Arisu: "I don't think so."

Ryou: "Well, its almost dark, want me to accompany you to dormitory?"

Arisu: "How considerate of you, i will be glad if you're okay with that."

Ryou walk slowly, syncronizing his steps with Arisu. Arrived in the lobby Arisu said her thanks to him.

Arisu: "It was a pleasant talk with you, and thanks for accompanying me Hiroki-kun."

Ryou: "Its not a big deal, you are welcome. Bye Sakayanagi-san, have a nice rest."

Arisu: "Good bye Hiroki-kun."

She watch his back and smiling.


A/N: I have a good lunch with steak, ah i'm full.

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"

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