Honami: "Now, let's start our discussion about the exam."

She said to the class about the paper shuffle exam.

Honami is undoubtedly one of their class ace as well as Ryou, Ryuji, Fumino and Ringo.

It's just a matter of time before someone from class A or C attack them, for Honami, Ryou has been in guard about the locker mysterious letter.

Honami: "This test should be more difficult than before, we need to adjust and examine everyone ability in our class. Since we will be faced with other class as well. A balanced pair needed for our class so we can fight our opponent. But for me personally, I'm confident about our class ability."

Ryou: "A good strategy is needed to face our opponent this time, we need to make an acceptable question but not too easy for our opponent."

This test can be said to be a test of the class's academic knowledge.

Ryou: "I'm sure there must be a process for determining your partner for the finals hidden in these quizzes. So, as long as we figure out this process, we can gain an advantage."

Ringo: "Can't it be matching someone answer or maybe score?"

Ryuji: "Or maybe someone with high score will be matched with someone with lower score."

Yui: "At least, it will be a bad things if someone with low score paired with the same score with him."

Sho: "Even though I'm sure that our class will be doing just fine. Still, I want all of us to go through this safely."

Fumino: "Agree, all of our score maybe pretty high, but if we facing a questions from other class we don't know what kind of questions it is."

Ryou: "But one thing that I'm sure with, that we will be paired with balanced combination. A hint or information from our senpai will be helpful for us."

Then, they agreed for everyone who knows a senior will ask them about the information about this exam.

Honami: "Next, lets decide who will be our opponent."

Tomoe: "I think that's clear enough."

Io: "Yeah, it should be class 1A right?"

Ryou: "I agree, we need to wider the gap between us."

Ringo: "So we will be safe enough to advanced to class 2A next year."

Upon hearing advanced to class 2A, all of students in the class become excited.

That is their current goal, and the most possible one. As long as they can maintain or even increase the point between class 1A and class 1B, advancing to class 2A will happen in the near future.

Ryuji: "But that would be not an easy feat to defeat them."

Sho: "Yeah, it's class A that we're talking about after all."

Fumino: "Their average academic ability is high."

Ryou: "But that is the most possible choice, let class 1D deal with class C, they're on a race for class C afterall. And it's almost impossible for class 1C to catch up with our point in just one exam."

Honami: "And the most possible opponent for us is class A, this means we have to prepare ourself to face them."

Ryou: "Just to make sure, it will be easier after the pair was revealed all of us making the questions together so we can checking and correcting each other's question."

Ryuji: "But what if, this is just what if, someone from us betray the class!"

Ryuji's words silenced the class, this was never in their mind until now. They trust each other so much and rely each other, but this possibility was not impossible when something extreme happen.

Ryou: "If... only if, and i hope this will never happen. But if someone brave enough to do that, they will face a very big trouble, even, i hope they will be ready to prepare a new school for themself."

His voice was lower than his usual voice, no cheerful attitude from him, no smile. He never want to be a tyrant, he always build his team by trust. But what Ryuji said was right, nothing impossible in this school.

Even in his company something like this happened once in awhile, when someone lured either by money or even women or men. A heavy atmosphere surrounded the class, they feel chill run down on their spine hearing what Ryou said with that voice, they know he was not joking when he said that.

Ryou: "I'm sorry if I make you guys uncomfortable, but I really trust every single of you. We made it this far by teamwork, not by one man only. That's why, I hope everyone understand that. And, if anyone meet a difficulties, feel free to consult to us, your friend. We're going to be together until graduation, I want every one of us graduated together as one, and as class A. Once again, let's work hard together and face every challenge this school give to us as one, as a class, as a friend and even as a family."

His spech touch their heart, they understand they had the same goal to graduated as class A, and that's not an easy feat, only working as a team then will be able to do that.

Sho: "Don't worry, I already think everyone of you as my family, we're always together almost everyday."

Ryuji: "Yeah, even I can count how many hours I've spent my times without you guys."

"Don't worry, we will never do that!"

"Yes, we will only tell our friend if we meet difficulties!"

His friends respond positively to his spech, it makes him happy that he can move them.

'This is what I like about them.'

Ryou: "Thank you."

Honami: "Is this what they called a leadership?"

Ryou: "Hmm? Who knows..."

They continue their discussion about how they will face class 1A in this exam.

It has been settled that class 1A will be their target in the paper shuffle exam.


A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter, lots of paper work to do. Well, it doesn't matter, a chapter for you guys more important. Hahahaha....

"Gimme a Hi-Five!"

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