Ryou shifted Chie's attention with his question.

"Do you need something from me Chie-sensei?" Ryou asked.

"Well, you know... I need some books for our class next lesson, mind if you help me to borrow those books from the library?"

'Did she just call me here to ask me to borrow books?'

"Er... Chie-sensei, are you really asking me to meet you here just to ask me to borrow some books?"

"Ehehe... actually, I have some works that I have to finish today, that's why I need your help to borrow those books."

"Can't you just borrow the books yesterday?"

"I was so drunk yesterday, so I forgot I have to borrow those books. I'm so clumsy. Ehehe.. *Tehe pero*"

'Tehe pero my a**!!! This homeroom teacher of mine is just... haah... how could this strict school didn't do anything with her drinking habit?'

"Chie-sensei, did the school never warn you about your drinking habit?"

"As long as I finish my work, they never bother with our personal life."

"Even if you're coming to the class still in hungover condition?"

"Haah... whatever then, I'll be going to the library then..."

"Eh... you're going already? Didn't you and Sae-chan just have a nice conversation? Can't you talk with me like that?"

"You still have your work to be finished right?"

"I can pending that for later if I can talk with you Ryou-kun~"

"But I don't want to be the reason if you didn't finish your work." He said as he leaving the staff room.

"Well then, see you later Chie-sensei, Chabashira-sensei."

"Nooo~ don't leave me Ryou-kun~" But he just ignores her and closed the door.

Ryou walks to the library to borrow the books Chie needed.

But before he reach the library, he meets with Ryuen and his lackey.

"Tch... what an unpleasant coincidence to meet you here."

There's no way he will forget what happened back then when he's beaten up by Ryou.

He knows he's not his opponent, but he didn't want to admit it, especially in front of his underlings.

"Come on, don't be so cold with me." He said as he smirked at Ryuen.

But one of his lackeys didn't accept the way Ryou talk to Ryuen.

"What the hell are you talking about? You want to be beaten so badly by us?!" He said as he steps forward, but before he steps further, Ryuen hold him.

"Stop it, you idiot!"

Ryou only smiling looking at Ryuen's lackey, he walk forward in the direction of the library.

"I think I should go now..." after he passed them, he turn his body to Ryuen.

Ryuen shivered remembering what Ryou has done to him in that short amount of time. Even he can't withstand his power, let alone his underlings.


Ryou entering the library and found no one inside.

'It's unusual for the library to be this empty.' he thought.

Then, he proceeds to search for the books that Chie needed. After searching for a while, he finally found the books he needed, just before he found the last book, he heard the sound of books falling.

Ryou search the source of the sound and he could see a girl was picking up the fallen books. He knew who the girl was since he already meet her the other day.

"Need help?" Ryou put his books on the table and started to help the girl.

"Oh Hiroki-kun, thank you." She said.

"You shouldn't bring too many books Shiina-san."

"At least you should measure how much you could bring it in one go."

"Hehe..." She just smiled at Ryou's advice.

"What are you doing Hiroki-kun?"

"Chie-sensei asked me to borrow some books for her."

"Can't she borrow it by herself?"

"She said she has a lot of works."

"Isn't that just her reason to make you doing her task?"

"It's not a problem since I have nothing to do."

After they pick all the books on the floor and put them on the table, Ryou's going to say goodbye.

"Wait Hiroki-kun..."

"Hm? Do you need something?"

"About the book that I've recommended. Have you read it?"

"Well, I finished the first book, but I haven't read the next one."

"What do you think?"

"Pretty interesting, it's worth the time to read it."

"Right? Right? That book really makes the one who read it got hooked..."

Hiyori keep talking and Ryou just listening to her.

"Ah... sorry, I got myself worked up when it comes to books." she said while lowering her head because she's embarrassed that she keep talking to him about the book.


"Yeah, you really love books huh, Shiina-san?"

"Yes, book is, after all, an escape when you're tired with your ordinary life. We can play our imagination when reading the book. We're free to think the way we want."

"That's a good way to refresh your mind, as long as you do not forget, no matter how beautiful or free we can imagine things in the book, we can't bring it into reality."

"Of course I know that." She said while smiling widely.

"Okay then, I will not take your precious reading time. I have to bring these books to Chie-sensei too. See you later Shiina-san." Ryou said leaving Hiyori alone.

"Yeah, see you later Hiroki-kun."

'You're not disturbing me at all.' she thought.

It's rare after all for her to meet someone with a good understanding about books. And she felt happy when she met someone who could be talked with about her favorite book.

She opened one of the books, 'Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte'.


A/N: Second chapter for the day! Enjoy!!!

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