My Secret Lovelife

Chapter 80 - Don't Wanna Part

It was awful just awful to attend the engineering drawing class without him by my side. Lacy, Sky, Gray and Stephen were all together. And I was left out in one corner with Alex who didn't come to college. I was feeling remorse. But as I thought it was the worst things took a better turn. While returning home Sky called me up. It was surprising at the same time exciting. I never expected. He called me up regarding which book to take and what was the author's name for the maths book of second semester. I was a bit upset. But then he asked calmly, "Are you outside? Will I hang up if you are not comfortable? "

I was thinking why would I be not comfortable. Even though I was riding a public transport on my way back home.

I immediately replied, "No.I'm fine. I'm outside but I am free to chat. "

I heaved a sigh of relief after explaining. Actually riding alone is quite boring and if at that time someone who is special to you calls up don't you think it's just marvellous. It was just the same for me.

He replied, "Oh! That's Good. "

I replied, "Yeah what was your question to begin with? "

He replied, "O...h Huh? Oh about Mathematics..... "

And we continued to chat.

The chat didn't last long but it covered the time.

I finally reached home.Thinking about the next practical class how can we stay together. Although our roll numbers are next to each other yet its important. I just don't want what happened in that drawing class to repeat. I want to treasure every moment every second of my life next to him with him. Share with him the jolly memories also the sad ones.

And have our Valentine's Day together . Not an aggressive one. Just staying together will suffice. Just Stay.

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