My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1118: Tenderness

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Jing Zhi heard her crying sadly, but she was in a good mood.

He hugged Zheng Yuluo and whispered: "Okay, don't cry, ugly to death! My nose and tears are all on my body, you will have to bathe me for a while."

Zheng Yuluo couldn't stop crying. She had accumulated eight years of guilt. At this moment, she suddenly broke out.

Why didn't she like him as a child?

If you like him, maybe he will be free from that kind of disaster!

She likes it too late!

Zheng Yuluo cried for half an hour, tearing his heart apart, as if he had been robbed of the most beloved thing, and the crying Jingzhi wanted to cry with her.

He patted Zheng Yuluo's back a little awkwardly and coaxed her: "If you cry again, my brother's hotel will be overwhelmed by you! Well, am I okay? All passed!"

Zheng Yuluo's two eyes have swollen into peaches, she sobbed and said: "Jing Zhi, will I take care of you later?"

Jing Zhi wiped her tears, but only felt very warm in her heart.

His pain was not in vain, and it was worth the beating.

"This is what you said, you can't repent, if you repent, then I might want to kill someone. I kill people very well, and I don't know what to do, do you want to try it?"

Before changing, Zheng Yuluo will definitely be scared by him.

But now, she already knows what kind of person Jing Zhi is, knowing that he is actually not bad for her, she feels that Jing Zhi said this deliberately, just to scare her.

She said with a strong nasal voice: "I will not regret it, as long as you want."

Jing Zhi was very happy. He got up and called a sumptuous dinner, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower. He didn't let Zheng Yuluo take a shower for him. He almost hummed in the shower.

He looked at Zheng Yuluo's underpants hanging in the bathroom, and when he couldn't control himself, he thought of her beautiful body.

Somewhere there were signs of regaining consciousness again, Jing Zhi scolded himself helplessly.

It's really no good!

Seeing Zheng Yuluo's underwear actually reacted!

I haven't seen a woman before. He's seen him in every way. Black, white, yellow, tall, short, fat, thin. How can I lose my mind when I see Zheng Yuluo?

If my brother knew that he was mixing up with Zheng Yuluo again, he wouldn't necessarily scold him!

Jing Zhi smiled silly, thinking about this to hide from his brother in advance, he has grown up, he can take care of his own affairs and solve them by himself.

The efficiency of the hotel restaurant is very high, and after a while, everything that Jing Zhi ordered was delivered.

He deliberately asked for ice so that Zheng Yu could apply his eyes.

Zheng Yuluo was originally a pair of eyelids, and now they are swollen into single eyelids!

Jing Zhi didn't satisfy his appetite first, he just turned away from the food, took ice cubes and wrapped it in a towel, holding Zheng Yuluo and put her eyes on her.

Zheng Yuluo was originally a sensitive girl, and she felt the change of Jing Zhi immediately.

She never thought that one day, Jing Zhi would spoil her so much, she would pack ice cubes to reduce swelling.

She moved to tears, but Jing Ji was scolded as soon as her eyes were red.

"Also crying? If you cry again, you will blind your eyes! I don't care about you anymore, you go home with two peaches!"

It is said that women are made of water, but Zheng Yuluo is too crying, right?

The tear glands are so developed, he really saw him for the first time!

No wonder it is called "Rain Fall"!

Her parents' names are foreseeable, knowing that this daughter will grow up and she will lose golden beans every day!

Zheng Yuluo didn't dare to cry anymore. If she really came home with swollen eyes, her parents would definitely ask.

She is not good at lying, and her father is a policeman, and she will definitely reveal her stuff.

Fortunately, ice cubes are still useful. After a dozen minutes, the situation is much better.

"Okay, go to dinner, you can't apply it anymore, the ice cubes are too cold, and you are in the menstrual period, which is bad for your health."

Zheng Yuluo couldn't help revealing a sweet smile, he also knew that she couldn't get cold during her physiological period.

It turned out that he was so careful, she didn't know before.

Her own clothes were damaged by Jing Zhi and she could only get out of bed in a shirt of Jing Zhi.

Jing Zhi saw her walking around in the suite in her own clothes, and she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She only felt that the gloom of the previous day had swept away, and everything looked good.

The two of them sat together in the restaurant for dinner. Zheng Yu had a small meal and was full after a while.

With both hands on her chin, she watched Jing Zhi eat.

Jing Zhi is already very hungry. He eats fast and his movements are not elegant, but he has a good temperament and has a very handsome face. The appearance of eating is also charming.

He glanced at Zheng Yuluo and saw that she was not eating anymore and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you eating it so little? No wonder it's so thin and it doesn't feel good! Eat more and fatter and I will eat you!" "

Zheng Yuluo felt a little embarrassed that he kind of meant to treat himself as a pig.

But she obediently picked up the chopsticks again and ate slowly. Jing Zhi eats so fragrant, she also has an appetite.

And she knew for herself that she was indeed very thin, and she has become thinner recently.

If you eat a little more, will it...breast enlargement?

I don't know if she ate too little before. She was too thin and far from plump.

She is only 17 years old, and now she is making up. Shouldn't she be too late?

Jing Zhi saw Zheng Yuluo secretly aiming at her chest, and she seemed to know what she was thinking. She said indifferently: "I like big breasts. You start to make up now, and you can have a second development!"

Zheng Yuluo is a little angry, men seem to like big breasts!

She glanced down at her chest again, and drove a pig's trotter into the dish with a fate.

She didn't eat much meat before, and she generally only ate vegetarian food, but now she can't control that much.

The sauce-flavored pork trotters made by the hotel taste very good, fragrant but not greasy, tender and delicious. After a while, Zheng Yuluo will eat with relish.

Jing Zhi and Zheng Yuluo lived together for a while. He actually knew that Zheng Yuluo was a vegetarian. He just teased her just now. Zheng Yuluo was well developed. He was not the kind of person who pursued big breasts.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Yuluo even thought that he would eat pig's trotters!

Jing Zhi didn't stop her, she was still a little fatter.

After eating, it was already over ten o'clock in the evening.

Jing Zhi wanted to leave Zheng Yuluo in the hotel, but she disagreed and said she would go home.

And she refused to let Jingzhi send it, she just took a taxi back home.

Although Jing Zhi agreed, he was not at ease and drove behind the taxi not far away. He didn't smile until he saw Zheng Yuluo went to a store and bought clothes and put them on. laugh.

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