Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

A very luxurious and expensive sports car appeared in the village, and many villagers gathered around to see it.

However, what shocked Jing Zhi was that the eyes in these people's eyes were not envy, not envy, but disdain, contempt, and despise!

It's as if it's such a shameful thing to drive a car!

What kind of people are these?

However, what shocked Jing Zhi even further.

As soon as he got off the train, someone threw rotten leaves at him, and some people threw stones at him!

Many people are screaming and shouting: "The girl of the Xu family is kept by the rich! Come and see, his girl is really shameless! Find a little white face! Let's go and kill him!"

Jing Zhi couldn't avoid it, but for a moment, he was already in a mess. The car that Jing Rui gave him was beyond recognition!

He was very annoyed, and at a frightening speed, he quickly beat all the people around him down.

When Xiaoyue's parents came out of the house, they only saw the neighbors lying on the ground outside the door.

And most people screamed and wailed, but they couldn't get up.

Xiaoyue stood aside and shuddered all over her body. She didn't know at all that Jingzhi's combat power was so terrifying!

Is that human being?

How can people approach this point!

Xiaoyue's parents had heard that her daughter had been reared by someone, and she took a stick out of nowhere, but when she saw Jingzhi being so powerful, she dared not start.

However, they did not dare to move towards Jingzhi, but they did not have a good look at their daughter.

Xu Yuede, Xiaoyue's father, immediately shouted at Xiaoyue: "You can't do it anymore? My mother and I worked hard to pull you up, even if you didn't make money for your family. When someone came back, they beat all the neighbors and were kept by others! You lost the face of our old Xu family! You get me back home, and you will never go out again!"

Xiao Yue's face was pale: "Dad, I didn't! You misunderstood, he is my friend, I am sick, he sent me to the hospital, and sent me home again. He is a good person, it is us The people in the village do it first!"

For the first time, Jing Zhi heard others praise him as a good person.

In fact, he doesn't even consider himself a good person.

He was murderous, but Xiaoyue didn't know it.

Xiaoyue's mother's name is Xu Qiu. Like Xu Youde, they are all from Xujia Village. Although she is fifty years old, she still has a charm. You can imagine that she must be a beauty when she is young.

Xiaoyue can have a beautiful and refined appearance, which is estimated to be inherited from Xu Qiu's genes.

It's just that the decree lines on Xu Qiu's face are too heavy and seem a bit mean.

She heard that her daughter was sick, and the first reaction was not to care about her body, but to pinch her arm and scolded: "You lose money! Can we go to the hospital like ours? People eat there without vomiting bones. How much money you have is not enough! Where are you sick? I don’t think you have anything at all, so who are you squeamish to show?"

Xiaoyue was hurt by the pinch and cried, "Mom, don't pinch, I'm not ill, I'm all right! I didn't spend money, it was the money my friend paid me!"

After hearing no money, Xu Qiu let go of his hand: "Get in! I'll settle the accounts with you later!"

Xiaoyue glanced at Jing Zhi and said daringly: "Thank you for sending me back, you go back first, I... I'm home."

Jing Zhi watched Xiaoyue enter the room that would not collapse when he knew it, and suddenly he didn't know what to say.

He didn't know what to do, he wanted to let her out of this situation, but she still went home regardless of it!

What are you doing home?

Is it waiting to be hanged and beaten by parents?

Jing Zhi was smashed with rotten leaves for no reason today, and the car was also ruined. It was already very angry, and now he is irritated by Xiaoyue.

Her life and death has a fart relationship with him!

Jing Zhi wanted to get on the bus, but the Xu couple refused to let him go.

"You beat these people, but you're going to lose money! We Xu Jiajia don't care about this, it has nothing to do with us, let's talk about it first, we can ignore their injuries!"

Jing Zhi politely kicked the two away, got into his car, and walked away.

The Xu's husband and wife were only slightly injured. Jing Zhi still took care of Xiaoyue and didn't strike hard, otherwise it would be light to let the two men lie in bed for half a year.

After Jing Zhi left, Xiao Yue was beaten up, but after she was beaten, the Xu couple thought about it all the time and muttered all night. The attitude towards Xiao Yue changed obviously the next day.

Hush asked if he didn't say anything, and even apologized to her.

"Xiao Yue, yesterday my dad was just confused for a while. I was afraid that you might be fooled. This is the case. Don't blame dad, this is for your own good!"

"Yeah, Xiaoyue, you are an elder sister. If you want to set an example for your younger brothers and sisters, our family will be pointing at you! Do you have anything you want to eat? There are the last two eggs at home. Mom will make you a bee. How about scrambled eggs?"

Xiaoyue was flattered, she was still thinking about how to explain her and Jingzhi's things, but when she got up, her parents didn't even ask, and she was so good to her!

She was very moved and felt that she had lived up to her parents' expectations, did not earn money without saying anything, and owed a large debt. Fortunately, she had not told her parents, otherwise they would be scared to death.

Xiaoyue looked at the younger brothers and sisters on the side and heard the word "egg", and her eyes lit up, almost drooling. She was sour in her heart and whispered:

"The eggs at home are still reserved for the younger brothers and sisters to eat. They are still small and need nutrition. I have grown up and eat anything."

"No, they don't need to eat, aren't you sick now? Just save them for you!"

Xiaoyue also wanted to refuse, but Xu Qiu had already gone wild to make scrambled eggs.

Soon, the smell of eggs came out of the kitchen, and the whole family couldn't help swallowing.

Xiao Yue's younger brothers and sisters are 12 years old and 10 years old, and they are still children.

Xu Qiu dragged the two people aside and let Xiao Yue eat.

Where Xiaoyue had the patience, she took only a small bite and gave it to her brother and sister.

There were only two eggs in total. One person didn’t eat a few bites. Both children looked at Xiao Yue with their eyes shut. Although the two of them were young, they also knew that they had nothing to eat with their parents, but with their sister. Yes, sometimes it will be delicious.

"Xiao Yue, you have also seen the situation in our house. Your brother and sister haven't even stuttered. They have grown into two bean sprouts and thin skinny bones. My father and I are also old and in poor health. Money is up, our family still counts on you!"

Xu Qiu coughed twice and whispered: "Your friend looks rich. Can you ask him for some money?"

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