My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 810: I want to marry her (2)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Zheng Jing knew Pei Xinhua’s loss, he smiled and said: "She is very good, she can eat and sleep, and she can’t see the depression of cancer at all, and treat her. All of them are the top doctors in the world, and her condition is still quite stable."

Pei Xinhua sighed: "Alas, it is also a poor child. Thanks to her good personality, she will collapse first if you change herself, and you can eat and sleep wherever you can."

After learning about Zhao An'an's illness, her grievances about Zhao An'an's unwillingness to marry her son and turning to marry Mu Qing disappeared at once.

She finally knows why Zhao An'an always refuses to marry someone. It turns out that she is afraid that her illness will delay others.

Pei Xinhua had lost her daughter herself, knowing the painful feeling, but she was afraid that Zhao Zhao would be more painful than anyone else.

The children are all the meat that fell from the mother, and they will feel distressed when they touch it. If the child is gone, the pain will be as good as being digged away.

She thought that when Zheng Jing married her daughter-in-law and came back, she must also treat other girls as their own daughter-in-law. They were all raised by their parents. After marrying into the Zheng family, they should treat them well.

She will definitely not be a bad mother-in-law in the future.

However, in this case, Zheng Jing had to find a girl to get married first.

"Son, Ma Tuoren introduced you to an object. You have time to see you."

Zheng Jing shook his head decisively: "No, Mom, I have no time, I am busy at work!"

Pei Xinhua wouldn't be fooled by him. He reached over and hit him on the shoulder, glaring at him: "Don't make excuses! This time I introduced you to a very good girl, who studied forensic medicine, and it is just in line with your work. There will also be common topics."

Learn forensic?

Is there any forensic doctor in city A that he doesn't know?

However, there are seven female forensics in city A. Apart from one married, the remaining six have not been married. I don’t know which one Pei Xinhua introduced to him.

Either way, he can't go on a blind date.

Otherwise, wouldn't it hurt the girls?

Zheng Jing took a deep breath and said in a serious tone: "Mom, I know all the female forensics in city A, but I don't like them, no matter which one you introduce, I won't go. This has nothing to do with work Relationship, I don’t feel that way for those girls."

Pei Xinhua was irritated and anxious: "So what do you like? What kind of do you like, Mom will go find you back!"

Zheng Jing was silent for a moment before he spoke softly: "What kind of things do I like? Are you already clear?"

Pei Xinhua said sharply: "I said, no! Lunlun is your sister!"

She knew, she knew that Zheng Jing had been thinking about Zheng Lun all the time!

Pei Xinhua is about to be mad by his son!

People in their thirties, why can't they understand the pains of being a mother! Why don't you understand the world!

However, what made Pei Xinhua almost faint was Zheng Jing's next words.

"Mom, I want to marry her. We are not related by blood. You know, I can marry her."

Pei Xinhua could hardly believe his ears!

"You... what do you say?! Tell me again!"

"I want to marry her and turn her into your daughter-in-law, let her give you a grandson, mom, this is a good thing, so that Lunlun will always be with you at home and will not marry someone else's house."


Pei Xinhua directly slapped his son!

She was trembling all over, and even her voice was trembling: "You are not allowed to touch one finger of Lun Lun! She is your sister, it has been since the day I entered our house! If you dare talk nonsense, I will kill you What's wrong with her marrying someone else's house, isn't she her mother when she marries? I don't need her to accompany me in this way, I haven't heard of any parent who doesn't want her daughter to marry, let her marry Your own son! Your rhetoric is useless to me!"

Of course, she was reluctant to let Zheng Lun leave home to live in other people's homes, but if she was not willing to give up, she would have to give up!

Even if her biological daughter is still alive, she will also let her daughter marry her as soon as possible. It is impossible to leave her at home for a lifetime. That is not to love her daughter, but to harm her!

The same is true of Zheng Lun. Pei Xinhua doesn’t think that marrying her daughter does not hurt her. On the contrary, she doesn’t know how many unmarried guys she has asked to get her daughter to marry well!

Zheng Jing was slapped by Pei Xinhua and did not hide at all.

The pain on his face was hot, obviously Pei Xinhua was really angry, so he put a heavy hand on it.

He felt guilty in his heart and apologized to his mother.

Pei Xinhua really regards Zheng Lun as his daughter, which is completely different from his feelings towards Zheng Lun. He has been consciously aware that Zheng Lun is actually Qiqi, she is not her own biological sister, if he really She has always regarded her as a sister, how could she fall in love with her!

Zheng Jing stood there straight, his eyes showing firmness: "Mom, since these utterances are useless, then I will not make any explanation. I am definitely going to marry her, and there are ways to marry her, but this The method will definitely make you and your dad sad, less than last resort, I don’t want to use it."

Pei Xinhua was almost mad at her son, and her face was pale, she pointed her finger at Zheng Jing, and said in a dumb voice: "Okay, your wings are hard, and I dare to threaten me! I will talk today Put it here, the two of you want to be together unless I die!"

Zheng Jing sagged slightly, and said in a somewhat helpless tone: "Mom, can you not speak so unpleasantly, what is dead and alive, such words can't be said casually."

"Do you think I'm just talking?"

Pei Xinhua snorted and said: "If you dare to come here, I will die to show you! This is not the end of the world. Only two of you are left in the world, you must get married and progeny! You will stay away from Lunlun in the future. Son, she is not sensible, you have been broken! She used to be the most obedient child!"

After Pei Xinhua finished speaking, he left with a cold face.

Zheng Jing looked at her back and smiled bitterly. It seemed that the difficulty of marrying Zheng Lun was not that great. His original plan needs to be adjusted, otherwise Pei Xinhua will be very angry even if he marries Zheng Lun in the future.

Zheng Lun heard the dispute between her mother and her elder brother in her room. Although some of them didn't hear clearly, the voices of the last two of them had been raised because they were too angry.

She knew that her brother confessed to her mother, and then was met with her mother's fiercest and clearest opposition.

She hugged her stuffed toy rabbit in the corner, feeling a little sad and blaming herself.

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