My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 817: Am I going to have another little uncle?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Before Jing Yiran reacted, Luo Hao really kissed him quickly on the face, and then the two pushed away from each other at the same time, and fled at the same time!

Mother, I was kissed by a man!

Why is this feeling so awkward!

Jing Yiran is bad for the whole person!

Seeing Jing Yiran staggering in, Xiaolu ran into the bathroom in a hurry, washing her face fiercely, washing it four times before stopping. She stood at the door of the bathroom and asked, "What's wrong with you, face?" I touched the poison|did it happen?"

Apart from this situation, there seems to be no other possibility?

Fawn is a little worried.

Jing Yiran took a towel and wiped his face, with a tangled expression: "It is more uncomfortable than poison | medicine!"

He is a thorough straight man. He doesn't like men, only women!

What is self-inflicted and inviable, he really tasted it today!

I knew that Luo Hao was so easy to fall in love with him, so he didn't want to make fun of this innocent little guy!

Really, there is a male and female killing face, which is very worrying!

Jing Yiran slowed down for a while before the awkward feeling of being kissed by a man was eliminated.

After he returned to normal, he rubbed the deer's hair and said: "Tomorrow I will take you to find the old wooden man. I think we should have a child too, otherwise the house will be too deserted."

He thought to himself that his children should be like Jing Rui, beautiful like a doll, and smart like a little genius.

He and Xiaolu's face value are so high, the child born must be more beautiful than Jing Rui!

Xiaolu has always known that Jing Yiran actually loves children in her heart. She has some guilt in her heart. It seems that there are very few families who do not have children after marriage. A family is only complete if there are children. Without children, it will really look like Jing Yiran. As said, it was a bit deserted.

She has become accustomed to desertion and even solitude, but Jing Yiran is different. He is a normal person and has the emotional needs of a normal person. Her wife, Jing Yiran, is obliged to have children.

With the deepening and increasing contact with Jing Yiran, the deer gradually began to become normal in terms of emotion. Adapted, but fortunately Jing Yiran accompanied her almost all the time, took her out to play, went to various attractions, eat all kinds of food she had never eaten, eat seafood dinner, eat farm dinner, go to the orchard to pick the freshest fruit .

She felt the beauty and happiness she had never felt before.

The more this is, the more she wants to satisfy Jing Yiran's wish.

Although not necessarily successful, Xiaolu agreed to go to Mu Wensheng to show her.

When Jing Yiran took the deer to Mu Wensheng, he was directly stunned by the situation at Mu Wensheng's house!

Because, in the old man's small yard, not only lived in Jingtianyuan, but also lived two tall blonde beauties. The most important thing is that these two beauties are very big! !

Jing Yiran knew all the family members of Mu Family. He can be sure that no one in Mu Family has a foreign wife!

The two beauties are very intimate with Mu Wensheng and Jing Tianyuan. It seems that there is no separation between race and country. The relatives are like a family.

Jing Yiran felt that he was hit by a big pot of dog blood!

He swallowed hard and looked at the belly of the two beauties, and he has always been expressive. At this moment, there is no expression at all!

It took a while for Jing Yiran to recover his soul. He stuttered and said, "Grandpa, I, I...I want one more... Little Uncle?"

Jing Tianyuan never waited to see Jing Yiran, the **** grandson, and had no good complexion when he saw him.

He didn't want to take Jing Yiran, but when he heard him say "Little Uncle", Jing Tianyuan had a question mark on his head: "What little uncle?"

Mu Wensheng is also a bit ignorant. Where can Jing Yiran have an uncle? Isn't he just one Dad King Zhongxiu?

Jing Yiran stretched out a finger, pointing at one of the beauties' belly, and his voice shuddered a little: "Isn't this kid your old man?"

Jing Tianyuan was gasped by this sentence immediately!

What is this about?

Dare to think that the children in the belly of those two women belonged to him!

Mu Wensheng finally understood what Jing Yiran meant. He looked at Jing Tianyuan's gloomy and raining complexion and suddenly laughed more than once: "Hahaha, oh, Xiaoran, you are so good-looking! That's right, right, You will soon have an uncle, an uncle 30 years younger than you!"

Jing Tianyuan jumped from the Taishi chair, kicked Jing Yiran's foot fiercely, and then felt uneasy, and then picked up a bundle of medicinal Nine Immortals on the table and slammed into Jing Yiran's back!

The face of Mu Wensheng who was still laughing just now turned green!

This bundle of nine cents of grass was carefully selected by him, and they are all the best herbs. It is now used by Jing Tianyuan to hit people. Mu Wensheng's heart is bleeding!

"Jing surname, you hit someone, just hit me, don't touch my nine cents grass! Hurry up and let me down, I will use it later!"

Where can the furious Jingtianyuan still care about the nine immortals and eight immortals?

The bundle of nine cents of grass was interrupted, and Jing Tianyuan's anger disappeared. He roared: "Do you have water in your head?! Or blind eyes? Which of these two women looks? Like me?"

Jing Yiran was afraid of Jing Tianyuan from an early age, but at this moment he was really short-circuited by two pregnant women and the brain was shocked. The words in his heart were directly spoken without going through the brain: "The two are quite similar. !Grandpa, when have you been so fashionable? Does my grandma know about this?"

After Jing Tianyuan listened to his words, all his blood poured over his head! Hair is almost upright! The anger that just took away just now all came up again!

He picked up the teacup and slammed into Jing Yiran's body. He wished he could kill this grandson directly!

Jing Yiran subconsciously wanted to hide, but some people moved dozens of times faster than him, only to catch the tea cup that was about to hit his face in an instant.

He looked closely, and the deer protected his face quickly.

Xiaolu is actually very confused about the situation now. She doesn't quite understand how Jing Yiran used one sentence to make Jingtian Yuan's anger extremely incomparable.

Jing Tianyuan seldom gets angry, his temper is much stronger than Mu Wensheng, but at this time he has a sense of sight.

She didn't quite understand where Jing Yiran was judged. The children of the two foreign beauties were Jing Tianyuan.

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