My Secretary is a Little Sweet

Chapter 853: Father-in-law was robbed

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the wealthy hidden marriage: the wife of the belly black president specializes in wives!

Gu Qianyue’s voice was submerged in the noisy noise. He was anxious to get out of bed and go to the Gu’s husband and wife to explain the situation in front of him, but the few children hugged him desperately. , Let him go.

Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi stood beside the door and looked at him across the torn crowd. Their feelings are now extremely complicated, hated, distressed, shocked, and dazed.

After not knowing how long, the swearing in the ward has become more and more fierce, and the screams are rolling one after another.

The heart of the couple has gradually cooled, and Gu Yingjie took his wife's shoulders and walked out of the ward gently.

Zheng Jing then went out: "Uncle and aunt, do you believe that Lunlun was hurt by Gu Qianyue?"

The couple stood silent in the corridor. They always felt that Gu Qianyue became like this, and they also had a great responsibility.

Hate is naturally hated. Gu Qianyue is so young with so many eyes, and deceives their feelings, not to mention the most important thing is to conceal the whereabouts of Zheng Lun, otherwise they will have recovered their daughter.

Zheng Jing whispered the days when Zheng Lun was suffering in the hands of traffickers when he was a child, and spoke about the pain suffered by Zheng Lun from this poisoning.

He must let these soft-hearted and kind-hearted parents know that Zheng Lun has suffered so many inhumans because of Gu Qianyue, otherwise they will surely let go of Gu Qianyue.

The husband and wife have never known that Zheng Lun was once forced to be a beggar by a trafficker, and he did not know that Zheng Lun would be so dangerous by being poisoned by Gu Qianyue this time.

Within a day, both of them received too much shocking information. At the moment, their minds were in a mess, and there was no way to think about it.

Zheng Jing said everything he should say, and then drove the two to go home in person.

Zheng Lun stayed in the hospital for another two days, and then went home.

She is a bit dazed and strange to her biological parents, and still likes Zheng Qinan and Pei Xinhua. After all, the two decades of feelings are very familiar with each other. She does not remember Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi at all. She only remembers that when she was a child, Zheng Qinan I also like to carry her on my shoulders to make her play.

The Gus and their husbands have not come to the Zheng family to see Zheng Lun these days. It’s not that they don’t want to come, they can’t even go out!

Gu Qianyue refused to be hospitalized and drove straight back to Gu's house. As a result, all of his relatives came to flock!

The cottage of the ancient house was quickly captured. They sturdily climbed into the courtyard wall of the villa, destroyed all the flowers and plants in the garden, smashed the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa, and scrambled to grab the ancient house and ran out.

The LCD TV, the refrigerator full of food, and the fully automatic washing machine that is still washing clothes are all carried away by Gu Qianyue's parents and siblings!

Children can't hold large appliances, so they grab small items such as blankets, vases and antique ornaments.

Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi were frightened by their bandit-like behavior for more than half an hour before they were relieved!

What time is this, how can anyone dare to break into someone's home to grab something in such a blatant and broad daylight! This is not the old society! Not a refugee camp!

Originally looking at Gu Qianyue's face, their husband and wife didn't want to clash with those people, but they watched their home being evacuated, and some people even started to **** their two wallets and mobile phones. They finally couldn't bear to call the police.

The current chief of public security is Zheng Qinan, and Zheng Jing is the captain of the Criminal Police Team, but within a few minutes, Zheng Jing personally came.

The father-in-law and the mother-in-law were robbed, and it was okay!

Zheng Jing dispatched the best equipment and police force of the Criminal Police Team. He not only took the helicopter, but also dispatched a large number of police cars to help recover all the lost items.

Two hours later, apart from the broken vases and antiques, all the items lost in the ancient house were recovered.

All the troublesome things were taken back to the bureau, including Gu Qianyue, and they were also taken away directly.

Zheng Jing came to the ancient house for the first time. He stood in the messy living room of the ancient house without any restraint and uncomfortableness.

"Uncle Gu, Aunt Wu, look at what is missing, and then count your losses and let them compensate them in the bureau. Those people are used to it and hope that they will not scare you. Matter, just call me directly and let me handle it."

The sun at noon was warm and brilliant, shining on Zheng Jing's handsome and awe-inspiring face, giving him a shocking glory.

He was in the dark blue uniform of the Interpol, with a pistol in his waist pocket, black military boots, a straight posture, and a calm attitude, which made people trust and depend on him from the depths of his heart.

Such a Zheng Jing is in sharp contrast to Gu Qianyue, who had just been towed away by the police.

His voice was calm and powerful, with the mature and charm of the 30-year-old man, so that Gu Yingjie and Wu Zi finally calmed down from the panic that was robbed by more than 20 people.

Gu Yingjie took a step forward and patted Zheng Jing's shoulder, thanking and grateful: "Ajing, thanks to you today, I didn't know what to do with your aunt just now! Everything was recovered. Anyway, the rest was smashed, forget it!"

He and Wu Zi are both university professors. They have only dealt with books and students in their entire lives. Where have you seen that kind of chaotic and terrible scene!

They really freaked out both of them just now. The relatives of Gu Qianyue are just like the thugs!

Gu Qianyue himself was like a lunatic, where he roared and shouted, but it didn't do anything.

As soon as Zheng Jing came, the scene was immediately controlled, ensuring the personal safety of the couple and not to mention all the lost things, which really made their couple look at each other.

The Zheng family has a good son!

"Okay, if your uncle and aunt don't want to pursue it, they won't. However, according to the law, they will still be punished as they should be. And these people are all brought back by Gu Qianyue, and he will be punished as well."

Zheng Jing already knew that the couple was the kind and kind-hearted person. He felt that Zheng Lun's character must have been inherited from them.

However, the two of them are soft-hearted, but Zheng Jing is not soft-hearted.

That group of people, except children, will be severely punished!

Ran into other people's homes to grab things, is there any Wang Fa! Think of Gujia as your backyard!

Although these people were all taken by Zheng Jing to City A, his original intention was to let them deal with Gu Qianyue, not to trouble the future father-in-law and mother-in-law!

Zheng Jing felt a little guilty in his heart. If it weren't for him, the honest and kind couple wouldn't have to be so frightened.

Before leaving, he said solemnly: "Uncle, aunt, I will transfer the account of Lun Lun to your house in a while."

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