Chapter 111

Xu Mo shifted his gaze to Liu Ruoxian and Hai Muliu, and finally stayed on Hai Muliu’s body and began to look at it.

I have to say that Hai Muliu, whether in body, face, or temperament, is a superb existence.

Coupled with her perverted talent for cultivation, it is indeed difficult for a man to match her.

Have proud capital.

“It’s you, are you going to forcibly abduct me Elder Xuantian Sect?” Xu Mo raised his eyes and said in a majestic voice.

He directly stretched the effect of the [Head Teacher Coercion] offered by the system, and a majestic, overbearing and terrifying aura immediately swept towards Hai Muliu.

“Head Teacher…I, I didn’t promise Hai Muliu.”

“I will always be Xuantian Sect, and even Head Teacher…”

Liu Ruoxian said hurriedly for fear of Head Teacher’s misunderstanding.

Xu Mo nodded and responded.


After Hai Muliu felt the terrifying coercion emanating from Xuantian Sect Head Teacher, her complexion suddenly changed, and her heart beat faster.

This momentum, like the might of heaven and earth, made people tremble.

Rao is that she, as a saint-level powerhouse, feels invincible under this terrifying coercion!

“What kind of horror is Xuantian Sect Head Teacher?”

“The roots are so young that they bear Longwei, and Cultivation Base has reached such a terrifying point?”

“Even…. There is also a breath of the Five Elements Rule, which is five-seven-seven higher than my Yin-Yang Rule!”

Hai Muliu exclaimed inwardly.

In a hurry, she quickly displayed the magical defense cultivation technique to protect her body.

After Xu Mo saw that the deterrent effect had been achieved, he controlled the effect of [Head Teacher Coercion] a bit smaller.

[Head Teacher Coercion] It is only aimed at aura and coercion, but it can make Warrior’s heart an irresistible psychology.

“My name is Hai Muliu, and I am a powerful saint.”

“Please take in Head Teacher, I would like to be an elder of Xuantian Sect!”

Haimu Liu bowed slightly and said sincerely.

After sensing the terrifying aura on Xu Mo’s body, she has decided to pretend to worship Xuantian Sect first.

After mixing in Xuantian Sect, you can get along with Liu Ruoxian day and night.

In this case, she would have many opportunities to elope with Liu Ruoxian.

In the presence of Xuantian Sect Head Teacher and other great horror powerhouses, it was obviously unrealistic to forcibly take Liu Ruoxian away.

In the depths of Hai Muliu’s eyes, with a trace of pride, he secretly praised his cleverness.


“You want to worship Xuantian Sect?”

Xu Mo frowned.

Liu Ruoxian on the side was also taken aback. She didn’t expect Hai Muliu to make this decision.

She knew very well how proud Hai Muliu was.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have said that no man in the world is worthy of me.

Now Haimuliu has abandoned her pride and wants to join Xuantian Sect as an elder?

“Okay, I agree with you to worship Xuantian Sect.”

“But…before you officially enter, you need to present a certificate of nomination to this seat.”

“At present, you are tentatively designated as an intern elder.”

Xu Mo said lightly.


“Intern elder?”

Hai Muliu almost dropped his chin in shock.

She is a strong saint, walking outside will inevitably be surrendered by countless Warriors.

Not to mention being an elder of a Sect, even building a big Sect is more than enough.

As a result, it turned out to be Xuantian Sect’s intern elder?

She felt her self-esteem hit, her expression suffocated, her fists clenched.

After Liu Ruoxian saw Hai Muliu’s suffocated appearance, she tried hard to hold her smile.

What a arrogant person Hai Muliu is now tentatively designated as an intern elder by Head Teacher?

She had never seen Hai Muliu’s gaffe like this.

“Head Teacher, what do you call it?”

“I will offer it!”

Hai Muliu said, as a saint-level powerhouse, when has she been treated with such contempt?

I can’t wait to finish the name-voting certificate right away and let Head Teacher look at him with admiration.

“Do you want to vote for the name…. I will tell you after a while.”

“You enter the mountain gate first. There are many peaks in Sect. You can find a peak by yourself and become the master of a peak.”

After speaking, Xu Mo rolled his sleeves and displayed supernatural powers and disappeared at the gate of the mountain.

And Liu Ruoxian also left the gate and went to the [Remains of Qixia Palace] to continue to comprehend alchemy techniques.

At the gate of the mountain, only Hai Muliu was left blankly.

now,(Read more @

Hai Muliu only felt aggrieved and was about to vomit blood.

“The youngest intern?”

“I must present the certificate of voting to make you admire!”

She clenched her fist secretly, took a deep look at Xuantian Sect, and stepped into it.

When she first entered the guarding mountain formation, her face was shocked!

She can clearly perceive what terrifying power this formation possesses!

If she had not been approved by Head Teacher, she would probably be trapped in the formation and might even fall!

This great formation of guarding the mountain can kill the saint!

Shocked in her heart, she walked out of the mountain protection formation.

At this time, her whole figure suddenly shook again.

Oh my goodness?

What did she feel?

The majestic aura! !

Approaching the direction of the main peak of Head Teacher, the aura has even begun to mist, enveloping the whole main peak and looming.

“In Xuantian Sect! There seems to be a super spiritual vein!” Hai Muliu said in surprise.

Having super spiritual veins is equivalent to practicing Sacred Land.

To put it ugly, even if a pig is cultivated in this Sacred Land, it will give birth to spiritual wisdom and become a strong one!

Suddenly, Hai Muliu looked up, the expression on her face became more shocked and amazed, and there was a hint of weirdness.

She saw a multi-million-foot-long golden dragon of luck, swimming slowly in a giant picture scroll.

“Hiss! A golden dragon of luck with millions of feet?”

“There is also this giant picture scroll, which seems to be a top magic weapon that can suppress luck!”

Before going deep into Sect, Hai Muliu was already shocked by everything in front of him.

Then, she continued walking towards Sect, looking for a mountain of her own.

Along the way, her expression changed from shock and incredible to numbness.

At almost every step she took, the Sect building that made her shocked appeared.

Ancient statues of gods, enlightened spirit springs, forbidden demon caves, ruins of poison emperors, Gu Garden, Taixu Pagoda, ancient seedlings of peach trees, bronze fairy halls, thunderland refinement ponds, remains of Qixia Palace, etc…

Every place contains great opportunity for good fortune, enter it to obtain the cultivation technique inheritance.

She even saw that in the Tongtian Pagoda, there are several Tianjiao disciples who are rushing through the barrier.

All of these Tianjiao disciples are the sons of alive and free spirits with the sacramental body.

If it is about Eucharist and talent, these Tianjiao disciples are not inferior to her at all.

There are even the Eucharist of a few Tianjiao disciples, even scarier and rarer than her!

“In Ordinary Sect, having a Tianjiao disciple is already great.”

“But in Xuantian Sect, are Tianjiao disciples walking everywhere?”

“When did Tianjiao disciples become so commonplace?”

Hai Mu Liu murmured.

What shocked her most was that she perceives the Qilin family in the spirit beast garden!

On Tushan, I felt the fox demon clan!

The two god-tier beast races are all surrendered to Xuantian Sect!

In the Spirit Beast Garden and Tushan, she sensed that there were two horrifying saint-level powerhouses who were not weaker than her!

“This is the tomb of the ancient gods and demons?” Hai Muliu’s consciousness noticed a deadly corner of Sect, and he was shocked…

“The background of Xuantian Sect is far beyond my imagination!”

“What kind of a horrible existence is Master Head Teacher, who made Sect into ancient ruins everywhere?”

“Is Master Head Teacher really the reincarnation of an ancient dragon? Or is it the reincarnation of an ancient god and demon?”

Hai Muliu completely put away the arrogance in her heart, and only awe was left in her eyes.

Deep awe.

At this moment, in her heart, Master Head Teacher became more mysterious and powerful, unfathomable, far from being an existence she could peer into.

At this time,

Haimuliu seemed to have a feeling in her heart. She faintly perceives that a chance that belongs to her is in Xuantian Sect!

She came to a peak of Sect in accordance with the feeling in her heart.

I saw a mysterious ancient tree on the top of the mountain!

The whole body of the ancient tree is black and white, which is extremely strange.

A trace of black and white yin and yang has been diffused from ancient trees.


“This…. This is the ancient [Yin Yang tree]?”

Hai Muliu was completely shocked.

Sitting under the [Yin-Yang Tree] cultivation, you can understand the law of Yin-Yang! !

She bears the Eucharist of Yin and Yang, and this ancient Yin and Yang tree is definitely a great opportunity for her.

Just after watching the Yin-Yang tree, she perceives her Cultivation Base and gets a little more diligent.

If she pretended to worship Xuantian Sect before, at this moment she really wanted to be the elder of Xuantian Sect!

She looked towards the main peak, with respect and gratitude in her expression.

“It turns out I thought that no man can match me in this world, but now it seems that I am like a frog at the bottom of a well. I was very wrong.”

“Head Teacher can match me like a man, no, can I be worthy of Head Teacher?”

“Perhaps, Master Head Teacher’s strategy is also good?”

There was a trace of heat in Hai Muliu’s eyes, as she thought to herself.

She quietly retreated to Liu Ruoxian’s intentions.

Well, it’s really better for men.

“However, from my observation, it seems that Liu Ruoxian is also interesting to Head Teacher?”

“My relationship with Liu Ruoxian has changed from a suitor and a pursued to a rival in love?”

Hai Mu Liu murmured.

“I will try my best to show my strength, present my name certificate, and get the approval of Master Head Teacher.”


Head Teacher main peak.

After Xu Mo felt a change in Hai Muliu’s mind in the system Sect map, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

“Himuliu actually changed the target from Liu Ruoxian’s body to me?”

“Sure enough!”

Xu Mo was speechless.

Immediately, his majestic voice began to sweep through Xuantian Sect.

“Shi Lin, Hu Meiniang, Hai Muliu, the three of them came to the main peak quickly, don’t neglect.”

In the spirit beast garden.

Shi Lin was lying lazily on the Qilin Cliff, sipping the ancient enlightenment tea, while comprehending the ancestor’s magical powers, his expression relaxed and relaxed.

“Head Teacher calling me?” His figure shook suddenly, and he stood up from the ground with a look of incomparable respect.

He turned into a streamer and headed towards the main peak.


Hu Meiniang has doubts in her beautiful eyes.

“I don’t know what Head Teacher is calling me? Is it because Myolie made Master Head Teacher dissatisfied?”

With anxiety and tension, she displayed her supernatural powers and flew towards the main peak.

Yin Yang Mountain.

Haimuliu was about to sit with her legs crossed, and began to feel the yin and yang under the yin and yang tree, and when she perfected the law of yin and yang, she heard the orders of Master Head Teacher.

Thinking of Master Head Teacher’s majestic and domineering figure, a touch of Fei Xia appeared on her delicate face.

Not daring to neglect, she hurried towards the main peak. .

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