Chapter 130

A majestic and unparalleled coercion of consciousness filled Lan Nuoyi’s body.

The horror consciousness entered Xuan Yingtai’s mind and wanted to erase this mysterious figure directly.

At this moment,

The eyes of this mysterious figure that were originally slightly closed, slowly opened, as if there was a river of galaxies flowing in the eyes, ~ dazzling and deep.

On the mysterious figure, there is a trace of terrifying real dragon coercion and-Five Elements Law.

It was as if a holy dragon was entrenched in Yingtaixuan’s mind, domineering and majestic, looking down the world coldly.

Even, the whole body of the mysterious figure exudes brilliant golden light, and a little golden crow is hovering intimately, revealing an extraordinary atmosphere of holiness.

After Lan Nuoyi’s sense of consciousness perceives this scene, there is a touch of shock on her stunning face.

“This…. Is this true dragon coercion? The five elements law breath? And the ancient god beast Golden Crow body guard?”

“What is the origin of this mysterious figure?”

Lan Nuoyi was incredible inside.


“No matter what your origin is, it’s just a mere shadow. This seat can easily erase you.”

Lan Noi snorted coldly.

The terrifying and majestic divine consciousness swept towards this phantom.

Seeing that the divine sense was about to approach the figure, this mysterious figure glanced at Lan Noi faintly.

It was this look that directly caused Lan Noi’s eyelids to twitch, his scalp numb, and his heart trembled!

An extremely strong life and death crisis filled her heart.

Her heart was beating faster too.

She quickly withdrew her consciousness, her face paled slightly.

Oh my goodness?

The glance just now made her insufficiently resistant, and she couldn’t help but want to kneel down to surrender and worship.

“Just a phantom has such power, how terrible is this man’s real body?” Deep jealousy flashed in Lan Nuoy’s eyes.

After Yingtaixuan sensed Master’s strangeness, she quickly opened her eyes.

“Master, are you okay?” She asked quickly and caringly.

“It’s okay.” Lan Nuoy put away the shock and said calmly on the surface.

She couldn’t say that she was frightened by the look in this mysterious figure’s eyes, right?

As a master, in front of his disciples, he naturally has to maintain a bit of compelling standards.

“Master, can you see a little bit of information about the origin of this figure in my mind?” Ying Taixuan asked curiously.

Being able to leave a figure in her mind without knowing it, these methods are terrifying.

“Um…” Lanuoyi’s face was slightly stiff.

She didn’t even notice the hair, only felt the great horror.

However, such remarks can never be truthful to Tai Xuan, otherwise, her image as a master will be greatly reduced.

“As a teacher, I can see a little clue.”

“In this way, aren’t you going to a place called Xuantian Sect in Xicheng? I will accompany you as a teacher.”

Lan Nuoyi said slowly.

“Thank you, Master!”

Yingtaixuan’s face was slightly happy, her eyes filled with anticipation and excitement.

After seeing the excitement and expectation of the student, Lan Nuoy almost vomited blood again!

You are a dignified sage of Jueqing An, Cultivation Base has reached the realm of quasi-sage, talented evildoer, high status, and now you are going to be a maid?

And also showing such excitement and anticipation?

Lan Nuoy was almost dizzy.

Thousands of years ago, she personally banned sentimental skills, so that the disciples in Sect cultivated to forget the sentimental skills.

Now Yingtaixuan wants to be someone else’s maid, which is clearly slap her in the face!

Her own disciples have all become maids. What face does she have to teach other Sect disciples?

“Jueqing’s enthusiasm is to find a man with invincible strength or terrifying potential, and treat him as an object of observation.”

“The mysterious phantom in Xuan Tai’s mind is too overbearing, and Xuan Tai’s current Cultivation Base can’t resist it at all. If it goes on for a long time, forgetting emotions will automatically turn into love!”

“At that time, Tai Xuan will become the love slave of this mysterious man, full of absolute surrender and awe.”

“Even in Tai Xuan’s heart, this man is regarded as a god!”

Lan Nuoy’s face was a bit solemn.

After she saw this mysterious figure just now, she almost couldn’t stand it, her heart was unstable, let alone Yingtaixuan?

In fact, the reason why Lan Noi wanted to ban sentimentalism was on the one hand because he was worried that Sect’s disciple’s feelings would be manipulated by others.(Read more @

On the other hand, I am worried that the potential and strength of the Sect disciples to choose to observe objects are not enough, which is equivalent to the road of self-determination!

Once you choose the object of observation, you will be bound for a lifetime.

If the potential of the observing object is exhausted, or the martial arts become a bottleneck, the strength of the disciple of Jueqingan will also stagnate.

To observe is to worship the other person as a god!

Be in awe as heaven and earth!

“No, I must not let Taiwan Xuan fall in love!”

“When I go to Xuantian Sect this time, I will try my best to erase the mysterious figure in Tai Xuan’s mind.”

There was a trace of determination on Lan Nuoy’s face.

Jueqing An has many secret techniques.

Among them is a secret technique called Dao Heart Kind of Demon.

After displaying the Dao Heart Seed Demon, a ray of obsession can be planted in the opponent’s heart, and the opponent can be reduced to an obedient tool person.


Although this magical power is extraordinary and has endless magical effects, if it fails, the price is relatively high…

“Dao Xin Seed Demon…”

A light flashed in Lan Nuoy’s eyes.

She suddenly raised the mind of the figure master in Yingtai Xuan’s mind, showing the spirit of Taoism.

As long as the owner of this mysterious figure becomes her own slave, she can let the other party clear out the phantom left in Yingtaixuan’s mind with a single word.

“Master, when will we leave for Xuantian Sect?” Yingtai Xuan raised her delicate face and asked.

“Now,” Lannoy said.

After speaking, she waved her jade hand, and a tyrannical and invincible momentum swept out, and she took Yingtaixuan and left Jueqing Temple.


at the same time.

A heavy news, like a hurricane, began to sweep through Nancheng.

“My Cao! Have you heard that the Buddha of Lantuo Temple and the demon of Demon Island went to Xicheng to hunt and kill the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. As a result, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect surrendered to Xuantian Sect, and the Buddha and Demon also betrayed Buddhism and Demon Sect. Joined Xuantian Sect!”

“The strengths of Xuanyuanmo and Wuhua have already stepped into the realm of quasi-sages. Are these enchanting geniuses actually surrendering to Xuantian Sect?”

“There is such a terrifying Sect in the backward and dilapidated West City?”

“What is the background of Xuantian Sect? Dare to provoke Langto Temple and Demon Spirit Island?”

“Don’t you be afraid of the anger of Lan Tuo Temple and Demon Spirit Island?”

“It is estimated that soon, Lan Tuo Temple and Demon Spirit Island will send strong men to Xicheng and razing Xuantian Sect to the ground.”


Warriors from Nancheng talked.

They never expected that the famous Buddha and Demon in South City would betray Sect and join a Xuantian Sect!

·· ·Seeking flowers············

For a while, Xuantian Sect entered the vision of Nancheng Warrior.

Nancheng Warriors are secretly investigating the origin and background of Xuantian Sect.

Nancheng, Lan Tuo Temple.

Lantuo Temple is one of the Sacred Lands in the South City. According to legend, there are at least a strong man in the realm of the saint king.

The holy class is divided into quasi-sages, saints, saint kings, and great saints.

A strong man in the realm of the saint king has the invincible posture of pushing horizontally.

Countless golden Buddha lights bloomed in the sky above Lantuo Temple, as if there was an ancient Buddha, about to appear in the sky and descend the Buddha Dharma.

A majestic dharma coercion spread from the Lan Tuo Temple.

If the Warrior is close to the Lantuo Temple, the low-minded Cultivation Base might have the urge to kneel and surrender, worship, convert to Buddhism, and be baptized in Buddhism.

To be able to become one of the Buddhist Sacred Land, the background of Lan Tuo Temple is absolutely terrifying!

Faintly, there is a murmur of Buddha, spreading around.

Inside the Lan Tuo Temple.

Daxiong Hall.

An elderly monk wearing a brilliant robes, kind eyebrows, long white beard and eyebrows, his eyes closed slightly, his whole person seemed very calm and calm, as if everything in the world could not stir up any waves in his heart.

….. ……… 0

This old man monk is the abbot of Lantuo Temple, the holy monk of Brahma!

Cultivation of Buddhism for nearly ten thousand years, Buddhism is unfathomable.

Behind his head, there is a faint multicolored Buddha wheel rotating, bathing in the light of Buddha.

This is a true holy monk!

Just sitting there, he felt like a spring breeze, wanting to belong to him and sit down and listen to the Dharma.

The rest of Buddhism elders stand on both sides,

On their faces, there are various emotions such as anger, aggrieved, shocked and so on.

Without him, just because they got a news today: Buddha Wuhua betrayed Lantuo Temple and joined a small broken Sect in Xicheng!

Wuhua is a peerless arrogant that has been rare in Lantuo Temple for tens of thousands of years. Lantuo Temple has paid great effort and price to cultivate Wuhua.

As a result, Wuhua actually betrayed Lantuo Temple!

This caused many Buddhism elders to be furious, and they couldn’t wait to get out and kill this insurgent in one shot!


They cast their gazes on the body of the abbot Fanluo Saint Monk one after another, and their expressions were filled with incomparable awe.

The Brahma Holy Monk, in a Cultivation Base, has already reached the realm of the Saint King, and has even touched the threshold of the Great Saint.

It is the existence they look up to in their hearts.

Facing the rebellion of the Buddha, the holy monk of Brahma can keep the Buddha’s heart firm, which makes many elders feel more and more awe and worship.

At this time,

The Brahma Holy Monk slowly opened his eyes, and a golden Buddha light flowed through his eyes, like the possession of an ancient Buddha.

“Passing the decree of the poor monks.”

“Erase the status of Wuhua Buddha.”

“In addition, the Lantuo Temple descends the dragon, the tiger, rides the elephant, smiles lion, sits on the deer, five arhats are dispatched to capture the Buddha and destroy Xuantian Sect.”

After speaking, the Saint Vatican slowly closed his eyes again, as if to say something ordinary.

After hearing the decree of the holy monk, many Buddhist elders were taken aback.

There are eighteen arhats in the Lantuo Temple, each of which is profound and invincible.

And the dragon, the tiger, the elephant, the laughing lion, the deer, and the five arhats, their strength has stepped into the realm of saints!

Five saints, Luohan, are dispatched to destroy Xuantian Sect with just a few fingers.

This day.

Five arhats were dispatched in the Lantuo Temple.

Luohan was bathed in the light of Buddha, with Buddha wheel on his head and golden lotus under his feet.

Wherever he went, the breath of Dharma remained, as if to turn this piece of heaven and earth into Buddha’s soil. small.

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