Chapter 150

Down the Yunlong Ladder.

Many Sect disciples looked up, and their eyes fell on a figure on the Yunlong Ladder.

“This person’s talent is too abnormal, right? It has even equaled Senior Brother Xiao Feng’s climbing record?”

“Is it a new recruit from Head Teacher~Tianjiao disciple?”


Many Sect disciples talked one after another.

Head Teacher main peak.

Xu Mo sits cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, and his whole body exudes a tyrannical and terrifying aura.

He was bathed in golden light, and all sorts of miraculous sights appeared all over his body.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and slowly opened his eyes, as if there was a river of stars flowing in them, extremely deep and bright.

Open the Sect system map and pull your eyes to Yunlong Ladder.

“Is it Chu Feng?”

“It deserves to be the rebirth of Emperor Zhun, who passed the test of Yunlong Ladder in a short time.”

There is a trace of satisfaction on Xu Mo’s face.

“Sect disciple Chu Feng passed the test of Yunlong Ladder and became an Inner Sect disciple from now on. He can move to the mountain where the Inner Sect disciple is located for cultivation and enjoy the treatment of Inner Sect disciple in the future.”

A majestic voice swept through Xuantian Sect.

On the Yunlong Ladder.

After Chu Feng heard the majestic voice of Head Teacher, his eyes were filled with joy and excitement.

He hurriedly bowed in the direction of the main peak of Head Teacher:

“My disciple, thank you Head Teacher!”

“In the future, I am determined to go through fire and water for Xuantian Sect, and I will not hesitate.”

Chu Feng’s expression was filled with awe.

Just now, on the way to Yunlong Ladder, he saw many Sect details along the way.

The golden dragon of luck for millions of feet, the rich aura, all kinds of Sect buildings and ancient relics revealing great horror.

He also sensed two god-tier beast breaths, a cemetery of ancient gods and demons exuding monstrous resentment and death.


He also saw a blue stone platform!

There are nine steps in the cyan stone platform, which symbolizes the Ninth Stage realm of the emperor. The terrifying coercion has crushed the surrounding void into ripples, continuously collapsing and distorting.

On the nine steps, there is an emperor seat.

The emperor’s seat is portrayed with mysterious and mysterious golden runes, and it is more brilliant and holy.

Faintly, there is a large expanse of Taoist rhyme and law atmosphere falling, like a shining star.

This is a supreme treasure that contains the chance of becoming an emperor!

Can be the emperor! !

When Chu Feng saw this Conferring Emperor Platform, his heart was shocked, and his expression was full of shock and amazement.

On the Conferring Stage, he felt a trace of the coercion of the great emperor and the aura of the ancient period.

He didn’t expect that there would be a chance to become emperor in Sect! !

This made him short of breath, and his mind was like thunder rolling in the sky, and he couldn’t react for a long time.

“What kind of terrifying existence is Head Teacher? He turned Sect into such a terrifying background.”

He thought to himself inwardly.

In his mind, Head Teacher became more mysterious and terrifying, comparable to gods, and he became more and more in awe of Head Teacher.

This class of strong, even if he was the strongest in his previous life as the quasi-emperor Ninth Stage, he has never seen it before, unheard of.

Just when he was about to leave Yunlong Ladder.

I saw Xuantian Sect’s mid-air, and a list exuding brilliant golden light suddenly appeared.

Tianjiao list:

First place: Ye heaven-defying

Second place: Chu Feng

Third place: Shangguanqing


After seeing this list, Chu Feng was taken aback.

“With the rebirth of my quasi-emperor and the peerless battle body with the heavenly hegemonic body, it turned out to be only second on the list of Tianjiao?” He muttered in his heart.

“Leaf heaven-defying…”

“What kind of person is it?”

He raised his brows, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

His eyes swept across the list of Tianjiao, and his expression became shocked again.

Ordinary Sect, if you can get a Tianjiao, it will be great.

But Xuantian Sect has a whole list!

Everyone is in the Eucharist, with extraordinary talents.

This kind of background is simply too much.

The shining rhyme and laws of Taoism on the list of Tianjiao fell on Chu Feng.

After Chu Feng was stunned for a while, he began to seriously understand.

at the same time,

After Shangguanqing, Xiao Feng, Wang Hao, Chu Luo and others sensed the presence of a child of Qi Luck in Sect again, they all showed a little interest, waking up from the state of cultivation, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the Yunlong Ladder.

In the ancient cemetery of gods and demons.

Ye heaven-defying sits cross-legged, showing a tyrannical aura, constantly devouring the ancient gods and demons in the cemetery.(Read more @

Faintly, there seemed to be ghosts of gods and demons dancing all over him, and a hint of reincarnation of vitality and death filled his body.

Ye heaven-defying seemed to feel something. He slowly opened his eyes, one of which showed brilliant golden light, and the other showed rolling magical energy.

This is the coexistence of gods and demons!

“Head Teacher has another Tianjiao disciple? The Tianjiao ranking ranks higher than Shangguanqing?” Ye heaven-defying muttered.

Immediately, his sleeve robe was rolled, and it turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Yunlong Ladder.

Above the Yunlong Ladder.

Chu Feng had absorbed the Dao Yun and the rules that had been spilled on the Tianjiao list. He opened his eyes, and the stars flowed through them.

“Unexpectedly, the Sect list still contains such a chance.”

“My strength is only a trace, I can step into the quasi-emperor, and I will break through in the near future!”

Chu Feng’s face was slightly happy.

Just when he was about to leave, retreat and break through the realm.


Streamers landed.

Sect Tianjiao disciples gather!

at the same time,

A man who was overbearing, arrogant, and exuding the reincarnation of Gods and Demons, stepped out of the void in one step.

“You’re Ye heaven-defying? Tianjiao is number one?” Chu Feng’s eyelids twitched when he saw this man’s arrival, and there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

This man gave him a great sense of oppression.

“They are both Tianjiao, can you dare to fight?” Ye heaven-defying asked.

“Why don’t you dare?” Chu Feng’s eyes were hot, and his fighting spirit burned in his body.

“Okay, I will suppress Cultivation Base to the same realm as you, and it seems fair to compete in the same realm.” Ye heaven-defying said lightly.

“It’s so good,” Chu Feng said.

I saw the wind and clouds rolled back in the air, roaring from all directions, bursting with countless golden rays.

The Tianjiao arena felt something, and it appeared!

Ye heaven-defying turns into streamer, flying into the Tianjiao arena.

Chu Feng’s eyes were filled with surprise. He didn’t expect Sect to have this kind of arena that Tianjiao used to compete.

He followed closely and entered the Tianjiao arena.

When Shangguanqing, Xiao Feng, Wang Hao and other Tianjiao disciples saw Ye Heaven-defying and Chu Feng on the ring, their expressions became wonderful.

The first and second competitions on the Tianjiao ranking must be very exciting, and they can also gain experience from it.

On the ring.

Ye heaven-defying exudes the breath of reincarnation of gods and demons all over his body, wherever the breath passes, it seems to swallow everything.

The whole body is condensed with countless ghosts of gods and demons.

Chu Feng’s eyes burst with golden light, and a tyrannical aura burst out.


The competition begins.

In the Tianjiao arena, the spiritual power suddenly surged, and various mana runes appeared, and the cultivation technique of magical powers emerged in an endless stream.


About a quarter of an hour later.

“I… lost!” Chu Feng confessed directly, with a trace of frustration and amazement on his face.

He didn’t expect that even in the same realm, Ye heaven-defying’s strength would be so tyrannical.

“Could it be that… he is also a reincarnated reincarnation of the strongest?” He guessed inwardly.

In his mind, he became more and more in awe of Head Teacher.

·· ·Seeking flowers············

I don’t know where Head Teacher found so many perverted enchanting disciples?

During the fight just now, he felt a trace of horror on Ye heaven-defying’s body.

It seems to have seen countless ancient gods and demons…

“You lose in my hands, you are not wronged.” Ye heaven-defying said lightly.

at this time,

Tianjiao arena’s light soared, exuding a strong rhyme and laws.

Ye heaven-defying is very familiar with the road, and began to sit cross-legged to comprehend.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t expect that the Tianjiao Arena would even lower this precious Dao Yun.

In Sect, chances are everywhere.

He didn’t delay in the slightest, and he began to comprehend.

As time passed, the aura in Ye heaven-defying and Chu Feng became stronger.


At this moment, Chu Feng broke through directly from the realm of the king’s domain to the realm of the quasi-emperor! !

The golden light dissipated, the Law of Dao Yun disappeared, and the Tianjiao Ring disappeared into the air again.

The main peak is in the Great Hall.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the Wudao futon. When he saw Ye heaven-defying and Chu Feng on the Sect map, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfactory arc.

This competitive environment is what he wants to see.


…… 0 0

A few days later.

North City.

Countless Sect forces shook together.

Without him, just because of the once-in-a-hundred-year-old Tianjiao Competition, it is coming in three days!

Tianjiao Grand Competition includes the four major cities of North City, South City, East City and West City.


The martial arts of the North City are prosperous, and the saints and saints are everywhere, and the background is very profound. Even a three-four-rate force in the North City, Sect, is enough to sweep the three cities of Nancheng, Dongcheng, and Xicheng.

Therefore, in the Tianjiao Competition every 100 years, the North City is the protagonist. As for the South City, the East City, and the West City, they accompany them.

Tianjiao Competition, the four cities of Tianjiao gather to compete against each other.

Participate in Sect, you can send disciples into the ruins to compete for the ranking.

There are also many classifications of the list, such as the Mozi Bang, Buddhazi Bang, Sword and Sword Ranking, Alchemist Ranking, Poison Sage Ranking, Monster Beast Ranking, Beauty Ranking and so on.

Sect disciples enter different ruins according to the cultivation technique and the way of martial arts.

Mozibang, it is necessary to enter the ancient ruins of the magic way.

Buddhism, enter the ancient relics of Buddhism…

And so on.

After the Sect disciples have competed in the major categories of relics, they can get rankings on the Buddha’s List and the Demon’s List.

Those who stay on the list can enter an ancient battlefield of gods and demons to compete and practice.

Here, compete for the final list of the eternal arrogance! !

Whether you stay on the classified list or stay on the final Era Tianjiao list, you will get the gifts of their respective lists, obtain the ancient magical power cultivation technique, improve the Taoist body, improve the Cultivation Base, and other endless benefits. You can also get good luck in the major relics.

Tianjiao Grand Competition, when Sect became famous, was also a great fortune of Tianjiao’s disciples.

of course,

Those who want to enter the ruins trial are also very strict, and they are not allowed to enter unless Tianjiao.

First, the bone age is within two hundred years.

Second, Cultivation Base is at least a king.

Third, you can only participate once in your life.

This is the real Tianjiao competition!


Xuantian Sect, the main peak Great Hall.

Xu Mo sits cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, exuding an extremely tyrannical aura.

After browsing the information about Tianjiao’s contest in the jade slip, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing an interesting arc.

“Does Tianjiao compete?”

“There are many disciples of Tianjiao in Xuantian Sect. It’s a mule or a horse. It’s time to pull it out.”

Xu Mo murmured, there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

“A lot of lists, when I have Xuantian Sect name.” Xiao.

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