Chapter 156

Xu Mo looked indifferent, as if this overbearing and invincible demon emperor was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

After saying this, he rolled his sleeves.

A bloody light flew in midair.


At the gate of the mountain.

The Lord of Worship Moon was full of demonic energy, crushing and distorting the surrounding void.

An icy murderous intent spit in his eyes.

A quasi-emperor can cause a vision of heaven and earth in one move.

“It’s like an ant.”

Just as he was about to use the tyrannical magical powers to crush the Xuantian Sect below it into powder.

A bloody light flew out of Xuantian Sect!

Pause time.

In the sky, the wind and clouds rolled backwards, the sky was stained with blood, and all directions roared.

This blood-colored light directly shattered the black magic energy that covered the sky and the sun, and the sky was covered with blood.

A suffocating aura that tore the world and the earth began to sweep around, making the scalp numb and trembling.

Looking around, this bloody light is a blood spear!

The shape of the blood spear is simple and simple, and even some places have been broken, and it is stained with scarlet blood.

These bloodstains seem to have a long history, revealing the atmosphere of ancient times, and even more panic and coercion.

This is the blood of an emperor-level powerhouse! !

The blood spear was stained with the emperor’s blood from the supreme no six zero zero, and the bloody runes depicting the mysterious and mysterious, exuding boundless evil aura.

Vaguely, one could see the bleeding sea corpse mountain around the blood spear, and a picture of a quasi-emperor being pierced appeared, as if showing the peerless posture of this blood spear.

Yes, this scarlet spear is the Blood Spear of Killing Emperor! !

A big killer specifically aimed at Zhundi!

The Blood Spear of Killing Emperors, who once penetrated the town and killed the real quasi-emperor powerhouse, even the emperor must be afraid of one or two.

Inside Xuantian Sect.

After many elders and disciples saw the blood spear in midair, their expressions were shocked and shocked.

On the blood spear, they perceive the great horror that penetrates everything.

This blood spear! Can kill the emperor! !

They felt that their eyes were about to burst, and tyrannical vigor emerged in their minds, and they were about to be infected by the evil spirit of the scarlet spear.

He quickly retracted his gaze, not daring to look at the blood spear.

“Oh my God, what a terrifying existence Head Teacher is, he actually possesses such an emperor-killing weapon!”

After seeing the Emperor Killing Blood Spear in mid-air, the Great Sage Stone Desolate, Shi Lin, Hai Muliu, Hu Mei Niang, and many other holy elders, their eyes widened, and they looked like unbelievable, and their breathing became rapid. a lot of.

With their Cultivation Base, Rao couldn’t resist the evil spirit on the Blood Spear of Killing Emperor, so he quickly retracted his gaze.

But the killing weapon of the emperor, how can you look directly at its majesty?

In their hearts, they became more and more in awe of Head Teacher.

The quasi-emperor strong already possesses the supernatural powers of thoroughness, domineering and terrifying, in their opinion, the quasi-emperor strong is already unmatched.


Head Teacher has a big killer that can penetrate Zhundi.

Just ask who else?

“Head Teacher… awesome!”

The Great Sage Shi Huang and the others spit out these words leisurely, and their eyes were full of shock.

The background of Head Teacher is far from what they can imagine.

The mountain gate is in midair.

The god of worship suddenly raised his head. When he saw the blood spear in mid-air, his scalp burst, his eyelids jumped wildly, his hairs stood up, and even the goose bumps came out one by one.

On this blood spear, he felt the tremor and fear from the soul, and his body was trembling slightly.

It’s like this blood spear, which is somewhat oppressive to him by nature.

He couldn’t help but want to kneel and surrender.

In his heart, there was a strong life and death crisis and unmatched.

“This blood spear! Killing the emperor!” He said in horror.

Even, his eyes were slightly stinging, and he did not dare to look directly at the blood spear.

“What kind of character is Xuantian Sect Head Teacher, who actually possesses such a killer that can kill the emperor!” He looked at Xuantian Sect with deep fear.

You know, he is the Peerless Devil Emperor of the First Stage Heaven.


He felt great horror on this blood spear!

An irresistible horror.

In the mind of the Lord of the Moon, a terrible guess suddenly emerged: “Is this blood spear the blood spear of the ancient secret treasure that has been lost in the legend?”

In his mind, he vaguely remembered that he had seen the record of the Blood Spear of Killing the Emperor in an ancient scrap.

It was exactly the same as the blood spear in front of me.

Originally, he thought that the Blood Spear of Killing Emperor was just a fiction.

after all,

The quasi-emperor is already a terrifying existence that pushes invincibly, can suppress the world, and has extraordinary magical powers.

Can a blood spear kill the emperor?

It’s a joke.

But now, he believed it.(Read more @

The Blood Spear of Killing the Emperor really exists!


“If you don’t escape, this emperor might fall under the Emperor Killing Blood Spear!”

The Lord of the Moon worshipped in horror.

Without any delay, he rolled the magic robe directly, and used forbidden magical powers to tear the space apart.

Step into the space tunnel.

Disappeared and fled in embarrassment.

It was in stark contrast to his predecessor, arrogant and domineering appearance.

The main peak of Xuantian Sect Head Teacher.


“Can you escape?”

After Xu Mo watched the moon worshiper escaping into the space tunnel, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing an abusive arc.

At the moment of my heart,

The Emperor Killing Blood Spear followed into the space tunnel and chased away.


North City.

Worship the moon demon in mid-air.

There were ripples in the void, and along with the surging of demonic energy, a bewildered demonic shadow suddenly appeared.

The face of the worshiper of the moon was frightened and flustered, his eyes showed deep fear, and his heart was beating faster.

“Fortunately, I reacted quickly…”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid the Emperor Killing Blood Spear will be pierced and fall.”

He murmured, with the ease of rebirth in his tone.

“Who said Xuantian Sect is a small Sect?”

“The rumors have mistaken me!”

“It is clearly a super Sect with unfathomable background and great horror.”

“Can’t afford to offend, slipped away.”

The Lord of Moon Worship murmured in his heart.

In the future, he will definitely not set foot in Xicheng!

Just as he was about to return to the Demon Cult Palace, to suppress his shock.

A bloody light suddenly appeared from the void behind him.

The Lord of Worshiping Moon suddenly turned his head. When he saw this bloody light, his face was shocked, and his eyes were full of horror.

“This…. How is this possible?!”

“I obviously escaped back to the Demon Cult.”

“No!! I’m not reconciled, I’m a quasi emperor!!”

He roared aggrievedly.

The Emperor Killing Blood Spear flew across the void.

Wherever he went, the void collapsed, the universe turned upside down, and the color was bloody.

Who can kill the Lord of Moon Worship?

At this moment, they seemed to think of something, and their expressions were frightened.

“The fall of the Lord of Worship is related to Xuantian Sect!”

Before, they sensed the breath of the Lord of the Moon, and dispatched earlier than them to go to Xuantian Sect.

“I’m Cao!”

“What’s the inside story of Xuantian Sect that can slaughter a quasi-emperor First Stage demon?”

The Lord of the Underworld Palace and the leader of the True Demon Cult were shocked.

Almost at the same time, the two of them displayed supernatural powers, wishing to grow four legs and fleeing towards their respective Sects frantically.

Just kidding, the leader of the moon worship has fallen and was severely beheaded.

They went to Xuantian Sect, only to give away their heads!

West Side! Never set foot easily.

In Xuantian Sect, there is a big horror!

As for the fall of the devil and the three great elders?

What a pity to die if you die.

The lives of the devil and the elders, are their lives important?

This day.

Underworld Palace and True Demon Sect issued an order at the same time:

Sect demon, must not step into the West City, otherwise it will kill you!

At the same time, they also revoked the blood hunting order in the Demon Ranking.


Xuantian Sect, the main peak of Head Teacher.

Xu Mo sits cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, and his whole body exudes an unprovoked aura of horror.

The Blood Spear of Killing Emperor flew back, turning into a bloody light and piercing into his forehead and disappeared.

“How about the strong in the First Stage Realm of Zhundi?”

“According to Tu is not wrong!”

The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing an arc.

The Emperor Killing Blood Spear is a big killer for the quasi-emperor and it is stained with the blood of the emperor.

Besides, even without the Emperor Killing Blood Spear, he has the Head Teacher invincible domain skill.

No matter any strong person, as long as he stepped into the Xuantian Sect range, he could kill him with a single thought.

If the Lord of Moon Worship was not outside the mountain gate just now, but stepped into the mountain gate, he could crush it into a blood mist with a single thought.


Under the operation of the Supreme Dharma Eye, he continued to move his gaze to the ruins of the Devil’s List. .

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