Chapter 162

In the remains of Buddha Zibang.

The flowerless spirit is released, looking for a suitable place to put down the ring.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up slightly.

The whole person’s sleeve robe was rolled, turning into a golden light and flew out.

It didn’t take long.

With the golden light coming, Wuhua has already arrived at a mountain top.

This mountain peaks straight into the sky, majestic and majestic, with a huge peak area, which is very suitable as a place for the arena.


He clasped his hands together, bathed in Buddha’s light, and a layer of golden light flowed through his eyes, as if there was a galaxy hidden in it, bright and deep.

Buddha wheel above head.

Step on the golden lotus.

A majestic, overbearing and terrifying Dharma coercion, centered on Wuhua, spread to the surrounding area.


“Xuantian Sect Buddha without flowers!”

“Put the ring here and face the entire list of Buddha!!”

“Waiting for the Buddhas to come!”

Wuhua said slowly.

The voice was not loud, but he displayed the Buddhist supernatural powers to spread the message far.

It is like the ancient Buddha descending the decree, shaking the void into ripples, rippling away.

Wuhua looked stunned, looked down upon the world, and had a straight body, waiting for the arrival of many Buddhas.



Many Buddhas around, perceiving this information, they were startled for a moment, and then reacted in an instant, their expressions were astonished and shocked.

“What?! Xuantian Sect’s Buddha Wuhua publicly put on the ring to face all the Buddhas on the list?”

“Want to push the entire list horizontally with one person?”

“Arrogant! It’s so arrogant!”

twenty one

“I am very ambitious, I don’t know if the strength is worthy of it.”

“Wuhua…hehe, a copycat Buddha who came out of Sect since childhood, dare to compete with me and other Beicheng Buddha?”

“Just looking for death!”

“Wuhua killed the Buddha of Yunfeng Temple before, don’t you really think he is the number one Buddha?”

“The Abbot of Yunfeng Temple Great Compassion Monk issued an order to kill the blood. If he can kill Wuhua, he will get a great opportunity given by the Great Compassion Monk himself.”

“Now… Wuhua takes the initiative to show up, and it just saves us from looking for it.”

“Let’s see who can kill Wuhua first!!”

“So arrogant, let’s suppress it!”

“I want to step on our many Buddhas to make the list. The idea is good, but the reality will wake you up!”


Many Buddhas in the ruins received news one after another. They turned into streamers and headed for the display arena.

In the hearts of many Buddhas, one is anger and the other is joy.

What is irritating is that a little Wuhua dares to challenge the entire list? Really ignorant and fearless.

Fortunately, Wuhua is right in front of him, and if Wuhua is slaughtered, he will get the opportunity of the Great Compassion Monk.

Many Buddhas rushed towards the ring.

It even alarmed the top 30 Buddhas on the list!

at this moment!

The relics of the Buddha’s list are shaking together!


Hill top ring.

Sitting cross-legged without a flower, the Buddha’s light is shining all over, and his eyes are slightly closed, like an ancient Buddha meditating here.

The ring has been laid down, waiting for the Buddhas!


In the sky, the wind and clouds rolled backwards, all directions roared, and countless colorful Buddha lights bloomed.

It seems that there are Buddhas in this world!

A wave of majestic, terrifying and domineering Dharma coercion began to sweep across the heavens and the earth, crushing and distorting the surrounding void, causing ripples.


Faintly, I can see that there are various Buddhist beasts condensing and emerging in the air.

The horrible Dharma coercion directly caused countless hurricanes.

The sky changes color, and the universe is reversed, as if a terrifying and peerless figure is about to be born.

Before many Buddhas arrived, the terrifying power had already crushed the surrounding mountains into powder.


Accompanied by the radiant light of the Buddha, the Buddha wheel on the head and the foot of the golden lotus appeared one by one from the void.

The expressions of many Buddhas looked at Wuhua below with disdain and scorn.

As the second-rate in Beicheng, and even the first-rate Buddhas, they have the qualifications to look down upon!

The top 30 Buddhas on the list of Buddhas also came here.

In addition to the many Buddhas who have descended, there are also many powerful Buddhas who are coming.

Looking around, there are Buddhas bathing in the light of Buddha everywhere in the sky.

Any Buddha with an invincible posture is a peerless arrogant.

Wuhua puts down the ring and faces the entire list, which is truly unprecedented in the history of the ruins.

There are so many Buddhas who want to see, how crazy is this little Xuantian Sect Buddha?(Read more @

Dare to face the entire list?

Do you really think that if you kill Zhenru Buddha, you can look down upon the ruins?

There are many Buddhist gates in the North City and the water is deep. How can a little Xuantian Sect Buddha be able to grasp it?

After Wuhua sensed the arrival of many Buddhas, he slowly opened his eyes, and there was a layer of golden light flowing in his eyes.

Looking across the sky, many Buddhas, Wuhua’s body, a trace of warfare rose up, and the blood boiled slightly.

“It’s just right!”

“Today! Within the four cities! Let me praise the name of Wuhua and Xuantian Sect!”

He whispered in his heart, the Dharma coercion on his body was even worse.

Suddenly raised his head,

He looked directly at many Buddhas!

“The sky does not give birth to me without a flower person, Buddhism is like a long night!”

“Buddhas, who dares to end a battle?!”

Wuhua gave a soft drink.

A tyrannical and invincible horror aura spread over him.

This peerless style is truly unique in the world!


“A little Buddha, dare to take the stage and face the entire list?”

“Just let me come to you for a while!”

A terrifying, majestic Buddha landed from mid-air and went off to the top of the mountain arena.

He took a golden lotus one step at a time, and all kinds of mysterious scenes were condensed all over his body, which was extremely extraordinary.

“This…. This is Lanruo Temple, a second-rate force in the North City, currently ranked 20th on the list of the Buddha buried in the sky?”

“It is rumored that the strength of Buddhism in Heaven has already reached the pinnacle of quasi-sages, and it is only a little bit away to enter the realm of saints.”

“It stands to reason that with the strength of Buddhism, it is enough to make it into the top 15 of the list. Why is it in the 20?”

“Perhaps Buddhism in Tiantian wants to preserve his strength.”


Many Buddhas talked.

When they looked at Wuhua, they became a little bit playful.

If the Buddha buried in the sky is dispatched, it is enough to suppress Wuhua strongly!


Wuhua and Funeral looked at each other in the air.


The invisible momentum clashes in the air.

do not know why,

Funeral Tian felt a trace of palpitations in the opponent’s gaze, and couldn’t help but want to withdraw his gaze.

“This son’s strength is by no means a general generation!” After the funeral, he was shocked and knew he had kicked the iron plate.


Who is he?

He is the Buddha of Lanruo Temple!

The Dharma is invincible and terrifying. Walking outside, you will be worshipped by countless Warriors. Even if you enter the ruins, there are many Buddhas who follow.

With his magical powers and Dharma methods, Wuhua can definitely be suppressed in front of him.

Wuhua glanced at Funeral Sky faintly, and slowly said:

“You do it first.”

“Otherwise, as soon as I act, you will be wiped out.”

Wuhua’s tone was plain, as if she was narrating a common thing.

After hearing this,

Funeral sky moved angrily, and his eyes widened.


As soon as you make a move, I will be wiped out?

Is this buddha made of mud?

Funeral weather’s mouth and nose spit out white gas like a dragon!

“Extremely rampant!”

“Then let me learn, how capable you are!”

The funeral screamed.

“Fearless Lion Seal!!!”

I saw at the top of the funeral sky, the Buddha light condensed a majestic, domineering lion!

The lion’s expression was indifferent, his hairs were erected, and his body exuded a terrifying aura, crushing and distorting the surrounding void.

This Buddhism lion roared, the sky changed color and roared from all directions, making people’s eardrums sore.


The Buddhist lion struck fiercely in the direction of Wuhua!

As if slapped, the Wuhua will be smashed into fleshy flesh!

“This is the Buddhist supernatural power of Lanruo Temple! Fearless lion seal!”

“The power is extraordinary, the domineering and terrifying!”

The Buddhas around were all surprised.

Wuhua raised her eyelids, faintly swept across the lion mark condensed by the Buddha’s light, and smiled slightly.

“Little lion, dare to be fierce in front of me.”

No flower said lightly.

The voice just fell,

He slowly stretched out his hand and shook it sharply into the void.

I saw a golden palm covering the sky suddenly appeared in midair!

The huge palm covering the sky seemed to cover the entire world.

This is the ancient Buddhist magical power that Huanhua comprehended under the Sect Vajra Bodhi tree-[Buddha Kingdom in the palm]! !

Everything in the world can be contained in the palm of your hand!

“This… this magical power is a bit like the Buddha kingdom in the palm that has been lost in the legend!”

Many Buddhas were horrified in their hearts, and their gazes towards Wuhua were filled with incredibleness.

How can a copycat Buddha who came out of Sect’s little broken Sect’s ancient Buddhist supernatural powers that have been lost?

They were dumbfounded.

The Buddhism lion in mid-air was directly crushed by the golden palm!

The golden power remains undiminished, and is photographed towards the funeral sky.


Funeral Tian suddenly felt the scalp burst, the hairs stood up, and even the goose bumps came out one by one.

“Suspected of being in the palm of the Buddha country?!”

He exclaimed, and he could clearly perceive the coercion contained in the golden giant palm.

Unmatched, invincible horizontal push!

The most shocking and incredible thing for him is that the breath that radiates from Wuhua is a saint! !

This is a sage-level Buddha!

“How can a buddha who breaks Sect cultivate a saint?” He was shocked by the doubts in his heart.

Many Buddhas also felt the breath of Wuhua’s body, their eyes widened, and they looked unbelievable.


Among the younger generation of Buddhas, they are almost invincible!

No wonder the opponent dared to take the stage and face the entire list!

Now, they finally understood why Wuhua could kill Zhenruzi.

The strength of a true Buddha is only a quasi-sage, and in front of a sage, it is only a gift!

“I…. admit defeat!” Bud Tian Buddha lowered his arrogant head and said quickly.

Just kidding, don’t admit defeat and wait for He Zhenru to be killed by a strong suppression?

The golden giant palm in the air gave a slight pause.

“Hand over all the magic beads and spare your life!” Wuhua said lightly.

Where can the Buddha buried in the sky dare to resist?

The sleeve robe was rolled, and the jade slip with magic beads was sent to Wuhua.

No flower accepts jade slip.

Disperse from the palm of the Buddha country.

At this time,

A magical and unrivaled force swept away, and the face of the Buddha buried in the sky, with aggrieved and unwillingness, was teleported out of the ruins.

Wuhua put his hands together, placed the Buddha wheel on his head, and stepped on the golden lotus, lifted his eyes slightly, and swept across the heavens and Buddha again.

“Buddha from the heavens!”

“Who dares to end another battle?!”

At this moment, there is no flower, facing the Buddhas of the heavens, the invincible posture is fully manifested! .

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