Chapter 197

This peerless woman floated in mid-air, bathed in golden light, and her eyes seemed to have a river of galaxies flowing, extremely dazzling.

Three thousand light regiments emerged from her body, and it seemed that people from the ancient country were worshiping her and kneeling down to surrender in the light regiment.

Under the dimly bright rays of light, she set off her whole body even more magnificent, overbearing, and disdainful of the sky and the earth.

She just stood there, as if she was the only protagonist between heaven and earth, immortal.

She wore a long white and gold dress, perfectly showing her tall, slender, graceful and graceful figure.

The temperament is super dusty, as if he will fly away at any time.

Fengzi Peerless!

Disregard the past and the present!

The woman’s body exudes a terrifying and domineering force, crushing and distorting the surrounding void, causing ripples.

Yes, this peerless woman is the goddess Gu Liu, the owner of Seagod Island!

This is a true god who has lived for a long time! !

The strength has stepped into the first realm of the god level, sub-shen! !

The sub-divine power is the real great terror taboo, and in a single thought, hundreds of millions of lives will die.

With just a few gestures, it can cause earthquakes in the sky.

Even, don’t call his real name directly.

Otherwise, it will be perceived by the sub-shen, even if it is separated from the endless void, it will be obliterated by the sub-shen’s thoughts!

The sub-shen is the true god who can dominate the world!

After the goddess Gu Liu stepped out of the void, her body was shining brightly. She projected her beautiful eyes containing 21 endless Stars onto the list of young dragons in the midair of Seagod Island.

A hundred years ago, she recruited a personally talented disciple named Hu Yaoyao.

At this point, she and Hu Yaoyao were hiding on Seagod Island.

Although Seagod Island only had her and his disciples, they were still the superpower of Beicheng.

Who made her a sub-god?

The power of the sub-god is absolutely terrifying!

Any Sect in Beicheng is full of jealousy and fear of Seagod Island.

After the Tianjiao Grand Tournament opened, the Goddess Gu Liu sent Hu Yaoyao to enter the remains of the young dragon list to participate in the experience.

In the Tianjiao Competition, the Whelplings list should have Poseidon Island on the list.


When Goddess Gu Liu’s gaze came into contact with the young dragon list, her expression was slightly taken aback, a little stunned, and her eyes were surprised and unbelievable.

On the Whelp List, a conspicuous message appeared in her sight.

[Xuantian Sect disciple Shangguan Qing defeated the captive Seagod Island Saint Hu Yaoyao]!

“This…. What is going on?”

“My disciple, was actually taken prisoner?”

Goddess Gu Liu murmured, her beautiful face was unbelievable, her eyes widened slightly.

As a sub-god, Rao was shocked at this moment because her Dao heart was extremely firm.

You know, Hu Yaoyao possesses a heaven-defying talent for evildoers, and she has been given all kinds of magical power cultivation techniques and top magic weapons, and her strength has stepped into the realm of the saint king.

Among the young talents of Beicheng, they have the invincible posture of pushing horizontally!

But now, he was defeated by an unknown disciple of Sect?

Originally, she expected her disciple Hu Yaoyao to be able to help keep her name.

But unexpectedly, Hu Yaoyao was taken prisoner…..

This made Goddess Gu Liu’s face a little ugly.

“Xuantian Sect?”

“I want to see what Xuantian Sect is, even my disciples dare to be captured!”

Goddess Gu Liu whispered in a low voice, a glimmer of light flowing in her eyes.

How could her disciple be abducted and run away by captivity?

After that, she stepped into the void and disappeared, heading towards Xicheng.

Ya Shen was angry, the sky changed color, and the world trembled!


at the same time,

Xuantian Sect, the main peak of Head Teacher.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightenment futon, exuding a tyrannical and invincible aura, crushing and distorting the surrounding space.

He was bathed in golden light, and he was full of dragon power. A faint golden crow aura and a five-element law aura spread slowly in the Great Hall.

Under the operation of [Supreme Dharma Eye], he naturally saw the dynamics of Ye heaven-defying, Shangguanqing, Xiao Feng and others in the remains of the young dragon list.(Read more @

“This group of little guys is kind of interesting. They have monopolized the tombs of the emperor class in the entire ruins, and caused many saints and daughters in the ruins to lower their eyebrows.”

“Furthermore, Xiao Feng powerfully beheaded the holy son of the Huoyun Temple, and also reaped the anger of the sky, the sand, and the sea, which is quite a chance.”

“Shangguan Qing burst into an invincible posture and captured the Saintess of Seagod Island?”


The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfactory arc.

Ye heaven-defying is the body of the reincarnation of the gods and demons. In this ancient gods and demons cemetery, he has an absolute advantage. Any remaining aura of the gods and demons can’t hide from his divine sense detection.

Xu Mo cast his gaze to the list of young dragons in mid-air.

No. 1 to No. 9 on the list, they are already occupied by Ye Heaven-defying and others!

“Holy Son of Huoyun Temple? Ha ha, slaughtered as soon as it is slaughtered.”

Xu Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the coercion on his body was even more intense, “If the ancestor of the Fire Cloud Temple dared to dispatch, the Samsara Sword will send you into Samsara!!”

He possesses the Samsara Knife, and even the King of God can obliterate his body and soul!

Facing the ancestors of the Huoyun Temple and the true god of Seagod Island, he was not afraid at all!

Reincarnation knife, but God Tuzhen! !

The Sect elders and disciples of Xuantian Sect, after seeing the ranking of the young dragons in mid-air, their expressions were excited and excited.

“Haha, my Xuantian Sect is mighty!”

“Ye heaven-defying waited for Tianjiao, and began to smash through the Whelplings list!”

“After the Tianjiao Competition, the four cities should extol the power of Xuantian Sect!”

“I’ve slaughtered all the big lists. With such glory, just ask who else?”

“Even the many forces in the North City, bow their heads in front of my Xuantian Sect!”


Many Sect disciples felt proud and proud and excited on their faces.


Somewhere in the Whelp List.

Ye heaven-defying sits cross-legged, unleashing the majestic coercion of spiritual consciousness, exploring the graveyard of gods and demons in the entire ruins.

With his keen perception, hundreds of tombs have already been discovered! !

He and Shangguanqing, Xiao Feng, Su Chen and others steadily occupy the top nine of the list.


Many disciples in the ruins, under the strong pressure of Ye Tian-defying and others, did not dare to touch the tomb of the emperor.

Of course, there are some holy sons and daughters in the North City who do not believe in evil and have very iron heads. They either secretly search for an emperor-class tomb or take the initiative to challenge Ye Heaven-defying and others.

However, they were all defeated strongly by Ye Heaven-defying and others!

For a time, Ye Heaven-defying and others were invincible in the ruins.

No one dares to touch these monsters of Xuantian Sect.

Many saints and saints are curious, they can’t figure out how, how could a small, unknown Sect train so many monster disciples?

“Perhaps, Xuantian Sect is a horror Sect inherited from the ancient times. Recently, I want to show off in the world!” Many saints and saints boldly guessed in their hearts.

Somewhere in the remains of the Whelpling List.

The whole sky was rolled back, all directions roared, and the magic cloud rolled.

A terrifying demonic pressure began to sweep across the heavens and the earth.

Accompanied by the rolling devilish energy, a domineering and overbearing demon shadow stepped out of the void in one step.

This demon shadow is naturally the holy son of the Beginning Demon Sect, Ouyang Feng!

Following the order of the leader, he searched for the traces of an ancient demon outside the realm in the ruins and helped it to resurrect!

A long time ago, the evil demons from outside the world invaded, so a very miserable battle between the ancient gods and demons broke out!

In that battle, countless strong men fell, the void collapsed, and the earth shattered.

Even the great emperor can only be reduced to cannon fodder in this battle.


The demons were expelled from the realm.

In this battle between ancient gods and demons, some Sect secretly surrendered to the feet of demons.

Shimajiao is one of them!

Every hundred years, the First Demon Sect will send the holy children to participate in the Tianjiao Grand Competition.

On the surface, it was to participate in the experience, and to stay on the list, in fact, it was to secretly search for an ancient evil demon!

If you help this demon to resurrect, then the Beginning Demon Cult will increase its strength under the cover of the evil demon! !


Ouyang Feng overlooked below.

A place exuding terrifying magical energy appeared in his line of sight.

Under the pressure of this devilish energy, he only felt trembling, his scalp was numb, the hairs were erected, and even the goose bumps came out one by one.

Here, there is a great terrifying out-of-bounds evil spirit buried impressively! !

“Found it!” Ouyang Feng’s face was slightly happy, and he was a little excited.

With a roll of his sleeves, he displayed supernatural power cultivation technique, and a tyrannical aura swept away.

At the center of his eyebrows, a black magic bottle flew out!

Inside the magic bottle, a strong Warrior energy and blood radiated!

What’s loaded in it is the “blood essence” of countless Warriors! !

The First Demon Sect was frantic and slaughtered countless Warriors, and took out their “blood essence” and stored them in a devil bottle, in order to one day resurrect the evil demons out of the world! !

Ouyang Feng waved his hand again, and the “blood essence” in the magic bottle tilted down towards this magical earth.

Gudong Gudong.

A weird sound came from within the Demon Land, as if there was a terrifying Demon Lord, devouring these “blood essence” in secret.


The demonic energy here is even worse!

It seems that there is a great horror, and it will be resurrected at any time.

The devilish energy rolled, the void collapsed, and the universe turned upside down, which was extremely terrifying.

In mid-air, a weird Demon Venerable phantom was slowly taking shape.


outside world.

Outside Xuantian Sect.


A tyrannical, unmatched coercion began to sweep across the world.

Even countless golden lights appeared in the entire sky, and the shining rays of the sky were shining, as if the dominance of heaven and earth descended.

The golden light condensed all kinds of phantom beasts, the golden lotus appeared, and the world trembled.

Faintly, there are large tracts of Taoist rhyme and rules descending, which is extremely mysterious.

A middle-aged man who is overbearing and terrifying, carrying the might of heaven and earth, stepped out of the void!

The middle-aged man was bathed in golden light, hung high in the air, like a big day, showing panic and coercion.

Do not look directly.

In this man’s body, there is even a trace of ‘god’ aura, boundless, domineering, high above, overlooking the world. .

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