Chapter 204

Xuantian Sect, the main peak of Head Teacher.

Xu Mo sits cross-legged on the enlightened futon, bathed in golden light, domineering and majestic, with a terrifying and tyrannical aura.

Condensed from the top of his head, a tree of the god of the sun, a golden crow body exuding a brilliant glow.

In the faint, there are strands of thunder and lightning wandering, as if a terrifying and domineering Thunder Emperor is coming, taking charge of the world’s lightning.

There is also a breath of real dragon’s pressure and the Five Elements Principle spreading in the Great Hall, like an adult real dragon entrenched here, high above, overlooking the world.


Three streamers landed at the foot of the main peak, and three peerless women with exquisite faces, outstanding elegance, and domineering look suddenly appeared.

Xu Mo slowly opened his eyes, and the eyes burst out like substantial golden light, piercing the void.

Then, he cast his gaze to the foot of the main peak.

Empress Wuyue, Empress Swallowing Heaven, Goddess Gu Liu, and the three daughters stand respectfully.

“Farewell to Head Teacher.”

“The Fire Cloud Palace has been destroyed by the three of me.”

The Emperor Swallowing Heaven said respectfully.

The three of them bowed to the main peak of Head Teacher, with deep awe in their eyes.

“Well, good, good job.”

A majestic voice came from the autonomous peak.

After hearing this, the faces of the emperor Wuyue and the others were slightly happy, a little excited and happy.

To be recognized by Master Head Teacher is their supreme glory.

“In the future, the three of you will work hard to cultivate, and don’t want to live up to your high expectations.” Xu Mo said lightly.

“Obviously!” said Wuyue Empress and the other three people hurriedly.

Immediately afterwards, they left the foot of the main peak, turned into a stream of light, and headed to the ruins of Sect’s King’s Palace.


Sect somewhere.

A palace exudes the panic and coercion of the ancients, and the sky above the palace is shining, golden light and ten thousand roads, and large tracts of Taoist rhyme and laws have fallen.

Even, there are all kinds of phantom beasts condensed and emerged, extremely mysterious and extraordinary.

The brilliance flowed on the palace, engraved with mysterious ancient runes, just looking at it made people tremble, as if they were about to be wiped out by a terrifying and overbearing aura.

Goddess Gu Liu stared blankly at the ruins of the King’s Palace in front of her, her expression was full of shock and amazement, her mouth was slightly opened, her eyes were hot, and she showed an expression of excitement and excitement.

Rao was mentally prepared, but after seeing the ruins of the King’s Palace with her own eyes, she was still shocked.

“With this relic of the god king, my strength will break through to the realm of gods!” The goddess Gu Liu believed herself, with a look on her delicate face, and she looked down upon the sky and the earth.


She stepped into the ruins of the king’s palace.

And Empress Wuyue and Empress Swallowing Heaven also stepped into the ruins. Their beautiful eyes contained a trace of dissatisfaction and determination.

A long time ago, the ancient Liu goddess had equal talents with them, and their strength was in the realm of the great emperor.

And now, the goddess Gu Liu has stepped into the sub-shen, they are still the great emperor.

In the near future, they will break through to the sub-shen! Tie Gu Liu! !

There should be three true gods in Xuantian Sect! !

Head Teacher main peak.

When Xu Mo saw the three Gu Liu goddess entering the ruins of the god king, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfactory arc.

These stunning and brilliant women are not only powerful and invincible, but they are also good to be used to seductively in the future.

Withdraw his gaze.

Open the Supreme Dharma Eye.

There was a layer of golden light flowing in Xu Mo’s eyes, and he projected his gaze into the ruins of the Whelpling List.


In the remains of the Whelpling List.


Ye heaven-defying sits cross-legged, releasing his majestic consciousness, and is sensing the atmosphere of the graveyard of gods and demons in the ruins.

Shangguanqing, Chu Feng, Su Chen, Wang Hao and others guarded Ye heaven-defying.

With the humanoid radar Ye heaven-defying, they have acquired nearly a thousand tombs of gods and demons.

The top nine of the young dragon list is already occupied by them!

Moreover, they are confident that this record is not only unprecedented, but also no one in the future!

In addition to Shangguanqing and others, there is also a young girl here.

The girl has a delicate face, her skin can be broken by blows, and her eyes seem to have a river of stars flowing, which is extremely dazzling.

A long purple dress set off her figure more perfectly.

This girl is naturally the disciple of Goddess Gu Liu, the owner of Sea God Island, Hu Yaoyao!

The spiritual power in her body has been sealed, her delicate face is full of resentment and aggrieved, and her beautiful eyes are staring at Shangguan Qing firmly.

Originally, Hu Yaoyao thought that she had superior strength, even if she stepped into the relics of the young dragon list, facing many saints and saints, she also possessed an invincible posture.

after all,

She is a direct disciple of Goddess Gu Liu.

Her master is a sub-God! !

Therefore, she ignored Ye Heaven-defying and others’ previous announcements in the ruins, and searched for the tombs of the emperor in the ruins.

This move was noticed by Shangguan Qing.

then,(Read more @

Shangguan Qing shot strongly.

Hu Yaoyao lost to the enemy and was captured by Shangguan Qing.

“Hmph, if you let Master know that if you capture me, Xuantian Sect will be wiped out!”

“Master is a sub-god, and every gesture can cause a tremor in the sky!”

“Quite Xuantian Sect, Antler!”

She whispered inwardly, with contempt and arrogance deep in her eyes.

If she were to know that the master she admired and worshipped had already kneeled down and surrendered to Xu Mo, she would definitely have her jaw dropped, right?


At this time, suddenly.

Ye heaven-defying, who was letting out his spiritual consciousness and calmly feeling the breath of the cemetery of the gods and demons, frowned slightly.


“What a strong wave of demonic energy?”

Ye heaven-defying opened his eyes suddenly, with doubts and incomprehension in his eyes, countless ghosts of gods and demons appeared all over his body, and the breath of reincarnation of life and death spread out.

His pupils appear one gold and one black, and gods and demons coexist!

“What happened?” Shangguanqing and others asked quickly.

“I just noticed a terrifying demon aura. This demon aura seems to be the aura of an evil demon outside the world.”

“Could it be that there are outside demons resurrected in this cemetery?”

Ye heaven-defying said truthfully.

Hearing this, everyone’s heart jumped.

what? !

Resurrection of out-of-bound demons? !

The expressions of Shangguanqing, Su Chen, Xiao Feng and others became serious.

“Did your sense of consciousness have been over-worn and your senses were wrong?” Xiao Feng said.

“It’s also possible.” Ye heaven-defying nodded, relieved.


Somewhere in the remains of the Whelpling List.

The devilish energy billowed in the entire sky, the wind and clouds rolled down, and all directions roared.

The terrifying devilish energy concealed the sun and the moon, as if turning this place into devilish soil.

A tyrannical, trembling demonic coercion swept across the world.

The sky changed color, the universe turned upside down, and the void collapsed.

Ouyang Feng, the demon of the First Demon Cult, knelt down on the ground, shivering, with fear and awe in his expression, breathing became much more difficult, and cold sweat on his forehead.

A domineering, evil spirit, a demon shadow that scorns the sky and the earth, and gazes at all things, stepping out of the billowing magic cloud!


“Finally recovered.”

“In this world, I should extol the demon name of my Great Dark Sky again.”

“I was born, this world trembles!”

The Da Hei Tian demon held a divine fork with a hideous and terrifying face, and the black and red eyes were intertwined, full of desire for blood to kill, but also revealing strands of demonic energy.

His body exudes domineering pressure, crushing and distorting the surrounding void.

The terrifying magic power has already reached the sub-shen! ! !

This is a sub-god-level outworld demon!


The big black sky demon shifted his gaze to Ouyang Feng below.

This glance directly caused Ouyang Feng’s scalp to burst, his hairs erected, and even the goose bumps came out one by one.

“Are you the devil of the First Demon Sect?”

“A long time ago, Shima Sect was protected by me.”

“You did very well.”

Da Hei Tian demon said lightly, shaking the void with ripples.

“Respectfully Da Hei Tian Demon Ancestor wakes up!”

Ouyang Feng quickly and respectfully responded, kneeling on the ground, his forehead tightly against the ground.

“I… In this ruin, I smell a lot of pure blood.”

“Since I am awake, I should have a full meal.”

A bloodthirsty expression appeared on the face of the Da Hei Tian demon.

He wanted to devour the blood of Tianjiao in the entire ruins!

He suddenly looked up and looked at the rankings in midair.

“Just swallow it from the beginning of the list.”

In an instant, his sleeves were rolled up, carrying Ouyang Feng, turned into a horrible devilish energy, and disappeared here.


Outside, Xuantian Sect.

Inside the relics of the god king.

The ancient willow goddess, the Wuyue goddess, and the swallowing goddess are quietly comprehending the inheritance of the magical powers left by the god king and the strong in the ruins.

All over their bodies, they exuded terrifying and powerful pressure, bathed in golden light, purple stars on their heads, and various mysterious and mysterious gold patterns rose under their feet.

At this time,

The three women seemed to have all the senses, they opened their eyes together, golden light flashed in their eyes, piercing the void.

They projected their gazes into the ruins of the Whelp Dragon List one after another.


“This is… the breath of the evil demon outside the ancient world?”


“A long time has passed, dare to have the remnants of the evil evil spirits outside the world wantonly?”

Sword Qi gushed from the center of the Empress’s eyebrows.

The three of them stood up with solemn and cold expressions, displayed their magical power cultivation technique, and took a step towards the void, as if shortening the endless void distance and entering the remains of the Wyrmlings list.

Head Teacher main peak.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the enlightened futon.

Under the operation of the Supreme Dharma Eye, he naturally perceives the resurrection of the evil demon in the ruins.

“Outer Demon Big Black Sky?”

“The name is pretty cool.”

The corners of Xu Mo’s mouth raised slightly, revealing a playful arc.

Just when he was about to sacrifice the Samsara Knife, and through the endless void, he wanted to slash the evil demon down.

He felt the breath of the three Empresses.

“Why don’t this seat take a shot.”

“If the Tuntian three are dispatched, you can slaughter this outside evil.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

With golden light flowing in his eyes, he was ready to enjoy a good show in the ruins.


Somewhere in the remains of the Whelpling List.

Ye heaven-defying sits cross-legged, continuing to sense the breath of the gods and demons cemetery.

Shangguanqing and others guarded.


Ye heaven-defying was shocked, his eyelids twitched, and he cast his gaze into the air.

I saw billowing devilish energy suddenly appeared in the air, the wind and clouds rolled down, and the sky changed color.

The devil qi was like a tide, and it began to sweep over the sky, exuding a terrifying aura that made the scalp numb and trembling.

The void was buzzing and trembling, constantly collapsing and twisting.

In the sky, countless phantoms of demon gods appeared.

A demon head that is overbearing and overbearing, and gazing at the sky, stepped out of the void. .

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