Chapter 263

“Huh, little ant, dare to contempt the majesty of Jade Immortal Sect?”

“Ignorance and fearless.”

Mingyue Tower was high above, overlooking below, the horrible power shook the void and rippled, extremely terrifying.

And the many saint children and saints who surrounded Long Nian looked at these Xuantian Sect disciples with a hint of sarcasm and playfulness.

They are the disciples of Tianjiao recruited by Mingyue Tower from the Sect forces in other states.

They deeply know how terrifying the forces at the palace level are.

Therefore, their dreams must be taken by the Sect at the government level, and then worshipped in it, and soaring into the sky from then on.

Now that they have already worshipped the Jade Immortal Sect, their expressions have become proud.

But now,

A Xuantian Sect in a small Wanchu prefecture, dare to despise the majesty of Yuxianzong?

You know, Jade Immortal Sect is a three- or four-tier power in the Sixiang Mansion, with a profound background. The strong inside Sect is like a cloud, and there are even immortals sitting in the town. It is a real behemoth.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Jade Immortal Sect randomly sends out an elder to destroy a state.


In the dilapidated Wanchu prefecture, how dare Xuantian Sect offend the son of Jade Fairy Sect?

It’s cold.

Xuantian Sect is cold.

“No? No? These Xuantian Sect disciples don’t really think that they can compete with the power of the palace?” Many Saints and Saints sneered in their hearts.

“It seems…”

“Before Er Deng worships into the Yuxian Sect, I must first teach Er Deng how to behave.”

Mingyuelou lay lazily on the dragon’s wing, bathed in golden light, with a look of gaze, the whole person was like a son of god descending from nine heavens, and it was indescribable.

In the eyes of Mingyuelou, these Xuantian Sect disciples, although they are in the Eucharist, are like primitive barbarians who have not yet been domesticated and matured.

Next, he will teach these Xuantian Sect disciples how to be human.

At this time,

The brilliance of his right hand circulated, and a treasure fan wrapped in colorful glow appeared.

The treasure fan is carved with ancient mysterious runes, showing panic and coercion, which makes people tremble.

Even, the entire mid-air was full of wind and clouds, roaring from all directions, bursting out countless golden lights, extremely mysterious, as if the world was welcoming the birth of this precious fan.

Faintly, one could perceive the scent of Taoist rhyme and law wrapped around the treasure fan.

Extremely extraordinary.

This is a treasure!

Mingyuelou waved his right hand, and the Bao Fan waved gently.


A terrifying, overbearing invisible force swept towards Ye Heaven-defying and others.

Where the invisible force passes, the void collapses, the universe is reversed, and the sun and moon are dim.

Ye heaven-defying glanced at this invisible force faintly, and the corners of his mouth fluttered, revealing a touch of contempt.

Just when Ye Heaven-defying and others were preparing to do it.

“Waugul, the chicken, dare to jump at the Xuantian Sect gate?”

“Teach us to be human?”

“I don’t think you have been severely beaten by the outside world!”(Read more @

The voice just fell behind.

All kinds of mysterious scenes suddenly appeared in the entire sky, and a faint real dragon phantom condensed and emerged in the void.

A terrifying, domineering coercion swept across the world.

Under this coercion, the invisible power that Mingyue Tower displayed through the treasure fan was directly and easily erased.


“this is….”

“Why do I feel a trace of real dragon breath?”

Mingyuelou was shocked, and there was a touch of shock and amazement in his eyes.

Then, he suddenly projected his gaze to the void somewhere.

I saw,

An overbearing, majestic, horny man stepped out of the void.

This man was full of golden light, scorned the sky and the earth, looking stunned, as if everything in the world were nothing but ants in his eyes.

On the man’s forehead, there were two dragon’s horns exuding panic and coercion.

This is a real dragon! !

The real dragon, that is the top ancient beast. At a certain time, the real dragon clan was the overlord of the world, and many races lowered their eyebrows.

“True dragon?!”

“In Xuantian Sect, there is a real dragon!”

Mingyuelou exclaimed, with a terrified expression. He finally lost his calm and calm posture, and his whole body suddenly sat up from the dragon’s bed.

His mouth was wide enough to put an egg in, and even his eyes were about to come out.

He never expected that there should be a real dragon in Xuantian Sect!

At this time,

A scene that made Mingyue Tower even more shocking appeared.

I saw the void ripples again, a slender man with a handsome face and a strong aura stepped out of the void.

The whole body of this man showed a little water mist, and the water mist condensed three thousand light clusters, crystal clear, and the brilliance was dim, and the holiness that set him off was unparalleled, and the domineering extraordinary.

In the void above the man’s head, there was a faint shadow of a divine bird and a giant fish, slowly condensing.

“This… the breath of this man is suspected to be from the Kunpeng clan?”

“how can that be?!”

“In Xuantian Sect, a real dragon and Kunpeng appeared at the same time!!”

Mingyuelou was completely stunned, a little unbelievable.

The Kunpeng clan and the true dragon clan have always been enemies. How could they appear in Xuantian Sect at the same time, and still appear to be in peace?

Could it be that the true dragon clan and the Kunpeng clan have already reconciled?

I was shocked under the pressure.

Mingyuelou glanced over Long Aotian and Kun Yunhai with a solemn expression.

“I am the Mingyue Tower, the sage son of the Jade Fairy Sect, and I have no intention of conflicting with the true dragon and Kunpeng clan.”

“I came to Xuantian Sect to recruit disciples.”

Mingyuelou took a step back and said.

The Kunpeng clan is one of the ten evil spirits of the Primordial Age.

The true dragons are the top beasts of ancient times.

Even though Mingyuelou is the saint son of Jade Immortal Sect, he is full of fear for the Kunpeng clan and the true dragon clan.


“Little Jade Fairy Sect, dare to recruit disciples in Xuantian Sect?”

“As an escort under the head of the head teacher, how can I tolerate the cockroach offending Xuantian Sect’s majesty?”

Long Aotian’s eyes glared slightly, and Longwei spewed out, extremely terrifying, and the void was shuddering and collapsing.

“I am Master Head Teacher’s mount, the Ant Jade Fairy Sect, dare to jump in front of my Sect?”

“Ignorance and fearless.”

“When the town kills!”

Kun Yunhai shouted angrily, with golden light faintly flowing in his eyes, like a galaxy, bright and deep, revealing terror and pressure.


Mingyuelou was completely dumbfounded, with a look of consternation.


What did he hear?

This real dragon is the guard of Xuantian Sect Head Teacher?

And this Kunpeng is the mount of Xuantian Sect Head Teacher?


Do you want to be so generous?

This is the true dragon clan and the Kunpeng clan, it is the horrible taboo existence of the ten fierce primordial fiends and the top sacred beasts.

The result is now…

Reduced to guards and mounts? .

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