My Sect System

Chapter 142 - Trial

Jian and Song Yu found the wall of the trials. They stood in front of it, and it lit up. Words started to appear on it, Jian and Song Yu knew that the trial of the second part is written on it. 

They immediately started to read it.

"Congratulations on reaching the second part of the tomb. To clear all trials in the first part means that you have enough qualifications to be in the second part.

Once again, let me congratulate you on finding the trails wall. You were successfully able to satisfy and fill the amount of the Qi to the wall.

I will not waste more time Congratulating you, and I will start explaining to you the trial.

The trial is divided into three areas; each area is of different elements. The desert is one of the areas. So for this trial, you have to gather twenty beasts core from each room with its affinity. 

You also have to search for the area's core and submit it along with the beast's core. Each site consists of only one body, and after getting it, you will be sent to the next area.

But be careful, because it will not be easy to find and acquire it. The core will be heavily guarded, and if you are careless, you will lose your life.

The trial will not end even if you gather everything, so after picking everything, you have to wait for further instructions. 

There is no time limit for this, you can take as much as the time required because you will not be able to leave the tomb till you complete the trial.

So best of luck."

Jian couldn't help but curse at the tomb master. Because for this trial, the tomb Master didn't give any clue. All they knew was that they had found the core of the specific areas. Jian didn't know how to find them.

Song Yu was also unhappy; she knew that this time they were going to struggle because they didn't know anything. She checked Jian's expression and knew that he was angry.

Jian had to think about how to find the core of the desert. It was a good thing that they were at one of the areas of the trial. If not, then they would have to first search for it.

While he was thinking, the wall buried itself in the ground. Suddenly they heard beasts roar, and the ground underneath them started to shake. 

Jian's and Song Yu's concentration was disrupted. Jian and Song Yu immediately jumped back, and from underneath their previous location, three desert sharks jumped out.

After stabilising himself, Jian didn't wait and attacked then. It only took two moves each to behead them. Song Yu moved and collected their cores. After that, they immediately left the place. 

One thing they understood is that the desert has become active so that they will meet several beasts. If they stood in one place, they would be continuously attacked, so they decided to move.

"Song Yu, we should first form a plan on how to find the core of the desert."

"Yes, Master Jianyu, do you have any suggestions?"

Jian went in deep thought. They continued to move for ten minutes, and in between, they encountered two-star beasts which Song Yu killed. 

"Song Yu, I have a plan, as you know that till now every beast we hunted have Earth affinity, and we are in the desert. So I think we are in an area that has more Earth affinity. 

So from this area, we have to search for the Earth element core. So we should search for the place where more Earth element is spreading. "

Song Yu thought about Jian's logic and immediately agreed to it. Because it was stated that three areas had different elements, and if they think about it, the desert was the suitable place for the Earth elements.

"Yes, Master Jianyu, the desert is where we will find the earth element core. But how to find it?"

Now Jian didn't answer her question; he didn't know how to find the core. He only knew that it would be situated at the place where the Earth element was gathering. 

Song Yu saw that he was not answering her question, so she knew he didn't know how to find the core. She then kept quiet and didn't ask further. 

Jian saw that she was not asking anything and got embarrassed and immediately questioned the system. 

"Hey system, do you know how to search for the area with most Earth elements?"

Instead of answering Jian, a screen appeared in front of him, and after reading it, Jian cursed. 



100 SP will be needed for the information 


Jian was angry at the system. He gritted his teeth and spoke. 

"Just take it and tell me."

The system minus 100 SP and sent a row of information to Jian. 

Jian immediately closed his eye as the information started to appear in his mind. 

The Earth element is the bane of the Thunder element. It is the element that can handle the Thunder element without any problem. 

So if you want to search for the place with the most elements, you will need to find a person with higher Thunder element affinity. 

Then he should use his affinity to guide towards the place. You have to spread the Thunder element in the air and find the direction in which it gets weaker. 

You have to follow that direction, and you will be able to reach the area.

Jian opened his eyes and frowned. He couldn't believe that such a thing would work. He was having trouble deciding it. He looked at Song Yu and thought about the instructions of the system. After thinking for a while, he decided to follow the system's method. 

As the sunset was also near. First, he decided to find a suitable spot to rest and explain everything to Song Yu everything. Even though the formation had disappeared, they were still walking in the desert and were exhausted. 

So Jian told Song Yu that he knew how to find the core and suitable place for the rest as the sunset was also near. She agreed with him, and then they went in the opposite direction of the roars of the beasts. 

They had to look out for the beasts at night because there was nothing they could hide in. So after walking till the sunset, they stopped at the flat area and built a camp.

While Song Yu was arranging camp, Jian thought about his cultivation. He was only one cycle away from completing his ten bikes, and his two different cultivation techniques were only at Foundation Building Realm. So he thought about increasing them to the peak of the foundation building realm. 

The two techniques were Fiery Sun Scripture and Frost Moon Scripture. He has cultivated them till the foundation building realm, and now he has decided to complete them till the peak of the foundation building realm. 

Since at night time, the temperature in the desert drops at astonishing speed. He told Song Yu that he would recover first and she should stay awake for lookout. 

She didn't understand him but agreed to it. Jian didn't wait and started to recover. He didn't expect his fatigue would be profound. He took some time to recover. 

When he was in top condition, he stood up and told Song Yu that she could now rest he would keep a lookout for the night. The reason for first resting was that he wanted to be in top condition for cultivation. 

And the temperature is lowest at night, so in the evening, he rested first and recovered, and at night he decided to keep a lookout and cultivate. 

He was going to focus on cultivating Frost Moon Scripture. As the desert at night was most suitable for it. In the morning before the sun rises, he will change to Fiery Sun Scripture because as the sun rises, the Yang energy concentration is higher.

He started cultivating two hours before midnight when the temperature was right to produce the Frost Moon Scripture. The moon was as reaching its peak, so it was the perfect time to start. 

As he started to cultivate, the Qi from his surroundings began to rush towards him as the Qi was under the moon, so it contained the coldness of the moon. 

He felt very comfortable, and his fatigue started to disappear. When the moon reached its peak, the Qi began to rush from it and went towards him.

He immediately felt his cultivation speed increase, so he raised his concentration and cultivated. Song Yu woke up from the disturbance caused by the Qi. She suddenly felt cold she immediately stood up and prepared to fight she thought that a beast had appeared, but when she saw Jian she was mesmerised by the scene he was causing.

She couldn't help but continue to look at him while he cultivates.. Jian was able to feel that Song Yu was looking at him, but he didn't know the reason, so he focused on cultivating.

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