My Sect System

Chapter 153 - Song Yu Vs Stone Horned Bull

Jian has been wasting time by talking to the Bull. He wanted to give more time to Song Yu so that she could practice the Basic Sword Technique. He had already told her that she would focus on perfecting the process in the first match. 

So it is possible that she would have to lose the first match. He had explained everything to her and even shared his experience of sword technique with her so that it would be easier for her to learn the method. 

A half an hour passed. The bull had been getting quite annoyed by Jian's silly questions. After checking that half-hour has given, head them towards an area. 

Now Jian couldn't do anything; they had to fight as soon as they reached the arena. Still, while walking, he was told to practice inheritance mind. He believed that her talent was enough to learn the technique in an hour or two.

In five minutes, they reached the arena. Jian was shocked seeing the size of the arena. He immediate used Star Gaze and found out that the arena could hold a full power attack from the peak Nascent Soul Realm expert.

He didn't expect that the beasts would have such an arena built for the fights. Slowly there clan members spread and surrounded the theatre, and the beast who was going to fight walked into the hall.

Jian knew that he had to send Song Yu for the first fight. He called and gave some final instructions and told the beasts cultivation and techniques. 

Song Yu also walked on the arena. The bull also moved to the centre and called both of them towards him.

"Now, we are going to start the trial. But before that, there are some rules you have to follow. 

The winner will be determined when the opponent is not able to continue to fight or admit defeat. Or the person is thrown out of the arena. Killing is not allowed.

Whoever doesn't follow this rule will be executed. So know when to hold back.

No one is allowed to interfere. Whoever sides will be disqualified, and the opponent will directly clear the trial. 

There will be three matches; you will have only a few minutes to recover for the next round.

The winner of two matches will be considered to have cleared the trial.

The reward will be Jade Spirit Fruit.

So are you ready"

The beast and Song Yu waited for a few seconds and then nodded. 

The bull nodded and left the arena, and stood beside Jian. Then with his all mighty, he shouted.

"Commence the trial"

As he said that, Song Yu immediately assumed a defensive pose. While the beast also did the same. Jian was shocked, seeing that both had decided to remain defensive. 

So it depends upon whoever will attack first will lose the fight. Because the opponent will see the attack coming and will be able to counter. Only one out of chance is that the counter will be defended. 

So whoever will attack first will lose. The bulls were cheering for the beast. Jian looked at the bull who was smiling, seeing the deadlock on the arena. 

But Jian was just as calm as others because he had told her not to attack first and focus on defending. He had already decided to throw the first match, but he wanted to exhaust the beast.

He continued to look at the fight. Ten minutes had passed, but no one was attacking. The beast was started to get annoyed. The audience is also not happy. 

However, only one person is smiling, and that is Jian. Because he felt that the beast would attack Song Yu, but she was not going to counter, he continued to attack while Song Yu focused on defending. 

Jian made eye contact with Song Yu, and she understood that the beast was going to attack, so she had to assume a defensive pose. She immediately prepared herself.

As Jian expected, the beast roared and rushed at Song Yu at full speed. He also had activated a technique that caused Song Yu to be unable to move, but it was not a problem because she was already in a defensive pose.

As the beast and Song Yu clash, Song Yu is pushed to the arena's edge. But the attack didn't continue because the beast thought that Song Yu was going to counter, so had assumed a defensive pose after attacking. 

As the technique was deactivated, Song Yu was able to move. She immediately transfers to the centre. The beast saw that she was not counter attacking, so he attacked again. 

The same thing happened, so the beast got angry and continued to attack. Song Yu focused on defending. Jian was shocked, wishing she would perfect the basic technique in this round; otherwise, she would not get more chances. 

The smile has disappeared from the bull's face. He immediately understood Jian's and Song Yu's intentions when he saw that she didn't have any purpose of attacking.

He looked at Jian with a grim expression. But in response, Jian smiled, which made the bull's face even grimmer. He started to look at the fight very seriously. 

He was trying to make eye contact with the beast, but he had already lost his rationality, so he only focused on attacking. The fight continued, and the bull sighed because he thought that they had lost the first match.

However, after taking continuous strikes from the beast Song Yu was injured, and she spat mouth full of blood. Seeing this, Jian understood that she could defend anymore, and they had exhausted the beast, so he made eye contact with Song Yu and nodded.

"I admit defeat."

As she said, all were shocked, but the beast didn't stop his attack and came at full speed. So Jian coughed loudly, and the bull's attention was back, and he immediately disappeared, appearing between Song Yu and the beast.

He immediately stops the beast's attack and throws him on the ground. He looks at Song Yu, who repeats that she admits defeat. 

He nodded and announced. 

"The first match goes to Stone Horned Bulls clan. So the count is one-zero. The next match will start in three minutes, so get ready."

After announcing, he moves towards the beast while Song Yu walks towards Jian. Jian also comes forward and gives her a spirit fruit and a healing pill.

"Are you ready?"

Song Yu nods and then focuses on recovering while Jian starts to smile. Because he had asked her if she had understood the basics of the Sword technique, and she confirmed that. 

Now she can fight, Jian was happy about it. He looked towards the bull's side and saw that the beast was being reprimanded. He knew the reason. He also said that they were feedback him stone berries to help him recover faster.

But the time was little, so it was not possible to recover completely. The time came to an end, and once again, both were facing each other. 

The bull announced the start of the second match. And as Jian expected, the beast was not defensive, he had immediately started to rush towards Song Yu, but this time, Song Yu was also running towards him.

They both jumped and clashed in mid-air. They were thrown at the edge of the arena. Again, they rushed at each other while preparing to execute the technique. 

Jian was able to see that she had understood the basics of the Sword technique and was incorporating it with her style. Slowly she is perfecting her sword technique. 

As they clashed for the second time, the beast had to defend because he couldn't execute his technique. He was thrown towards the edge of the arena. Seeing this, the bull's expression became grim.

Song Yu didn't waste time and executed her most powerful technique, the Thunder Guiding Strike technique, but she didn't use the Thunder element. 

As she executed the technique, it became sharper because of the basics of the sword. The beast could only defend at the edge of the arena.

He was not able to leave the edge because Song Yu was not giving him any space. Once again, she moved, but instead of using her sword, she used her leg technique. 

Which caused the beast to be shocked because he was preparing for the sword attack and didn't expect her to attack using his leg where he didn't keep his defence.

So he was thrown out of the arena, and Song Yu won the second match. The bull went to the centre and announced the results and told them to prepare for the last game. 

Jian was smiling because his trump card had worked. He had told her to mislead the opponent, thinking that she could only use a sword. He came beside Song Yu abs gave her a spiritual fruit.

Now only the last match was remaining. Whoever will get the fruit. The bulls have surrounded the beast and were giving him instructions. Jian didn't say much, only stood beside her. 

The resting time came to an end.. Both walked to the centre and got ready for the last fight.

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