My Sect System

Chapter 163 - Speedy Growth

Jian and Song Yu had checked the formation multiple times, and seeing that it was correctly drawn, both of them stood in their position, and Jian had activated the building by putting the seed on the wood element core. 

As the seed touched it, the whole formation lit up, and I started to rush from every direction. The Thunder clouds, which were calm, started to move, and they began to rumble.

The atmosphere started to change both Jian, and Song Yu were startled; they had not expected such a reaction; at first, they thought that the formation they had drawn was wrong. 

But when the surrounding Qi stopped rushing, they saw the seed bud, and they sighed a relief. Because as the formation was activated, the Qigong has started to run, and the seed began to absorb the earth element.

The earth core, which was on the left side, has disappeared and is stacked below the wood element core along with the seed. A sandwich has been created between two element cores and a seed.

Jian and Song were baffled, but they looked closely and saw the seed had taken roots in the earth element core. Tiny bud was absorbing the wood element core from its leaves.

As this happened, the outer part of the formation stopped, and once again, the surrounding Qi started to rush towards the core of the building, and the inner part of the formation began to move.

With their naked eyes, Jian and Song Yu could see the progress, and they were left speechless. Because as the inner part of the formation was activated, they could see the bud was growing.

Jian activated Star Gaze and looked at the bud and saw that it was absorbing from both cores equally and was slowly growing.

Even though it was growing many times faster than other trees, Jian and Song Yu have to wait till only half of the wood element core is remaining and the earth element core is wholly assimilated with the seed.

The process continued, and Jian and Song Yu were able to the roots of the bud spread and cover the whole earth element core. Jian once again activated Star Gaze and looked at the earth element core.

Because he felt that more earth element was absorbed than the wood element, as the roots increased and covered the whole earth element core, the absorption of the earth element also increased.

With this, Jian was able to see the bud grow into a small plant, and only fifteen per cent of the wood element core is absorbed. Jian and Song Yu stood in their position and did nothing except look at the plant grow. 

One hour has passed, now the plant has grown to the size of three feet. The earth element core has wholly assimilated. Now only ten per cent of the wood element core remains when Jian and Song Yu started providing the element.

The speed has been consistent, and it has been growing slowly. One thing that has left both Jian and Song Yu speechless and is the Qi. Because from the start of the process, they ignored it, but when they did, they found out that the Qi absorbed by the formation is element less.

Meaning the Qi from the area which is complete of the Thunder element is somehow filter itself from the Thunder element and rushes towards the formation. 

They couldn't understand how this was happening; Jian had checked with Star Gaze and even asked the system. The answer he got was that it was related to the format, but even the system didn't know. 

When only five per cent of the wood element core was remaining for Jian and Song Yu to start the process, they could feel the changes in the surrounding.

The clouds had started to gather for the tribulation, and the Thunder element was also getting restless. Jian and Song knew that when the clouds stopped collecting, they had to get work.

So both of them concentrated, and after fifteen minutes, only fifty per cent of the wood element core remained, and the clouds had also stopped gathering.

Jian and Song Yu knew that tribulation was going to start, so they prepared themselves. But they didn't have to wait for a long time because e after a few minutes, the clouds rumbled, and the first strike of the tribulation struck.

As told in the scroll, it fell where the earth element core was kept Means it fell on Song Yu's side. Song Yu immediately performed the herbs technique which allowed her to control the Thunder element.

While Jian started to run the Fiery Sun Scripture and supply Qi to a formation where Fire element core was kept, he was getting ready because as Song Yu received control, their work would start.

Song Yu was able to get the first strike of the tribulation under her control on the very first try. Because she had already faced a minor problem, the strength of the first strike was comparable to the first strike on little hardship. 

As she had faced a tribulation strike multiple times stronger and could control it, the first strike was a piece of cake for her. 

Jian had already adjusted his strength with the help of the system to Song Yu's because they had to provide the elements in equal amounts. So it was better for Jian to match Song Yu because of the increase, then Jian could immediately follow her.

As Jian saw that Song Yu had gotten control of the first strike, he readied himself. Song Yu performed her technique and started sending the Thunder element to the left side of the formation. 

Jian also started to supply the Qi to the right side of the formation, and he was matching the amount of the Thunder element generated on the left side. 

Because all Jian had to do was supplied fire Qi to the right side, generating the fire element for the plant to absorb. At the same time, Song Yu had to control the tribulation and send only the Thunder element. 

Even though Jian was adjusting to Song Yu's control, it required some time for the elements to be balanced because the plant had already started to absorb the details.

So Jian had to wait for Song Yu to supply the Thunder element at the same speed constantly. So after multiple tries, when Song Yu's supply became constant, Jian adjusted to it, and the plant had started to absorb elements in a balanced amount. 

The first strike of the tribulation continued to fall for fifteen minutes. But it was constant for only ten minutes because at last five, the clouds have again started to gather, and the Thunder element was decreasing, so Jian also slowed his supply of qi by matching it with the Thunder. 

On the fifteenth minute,e the Thunder element disappeared entirely are, so Jian also stopped supplying the Qi. But they didn't have to wait for a long time because, in a few minutes, the clouds had stopped gathering and were ready for the second strike. 

So Jian got ready, and Song Yu also prepared herself. The second strike struck, and Song Yu started to perform her technique, and Jian also waited for Song Yu to control the second strike. 

As the first strike, she quickly controlled the second strike. She only had a small problem at the end, but she was able to control it. Jian saw that the second strike was under her control, and then he also started to supply the Fire Qi. 

As before, it took time for her to stabilise the supply of the Thunder element, which Jian matched with the fire element. The second strike was more robust, so it was going to continue for a long time. 

Because they were concentrating their control, they have forgotten to look at the plan,t which now has become a tree and is continuously growing. 

It has become ten feet in length, and it is still growing. Because Jian and Song had supplied the elements in a balanced amount, there is a flat shade of colours on the leaf, which is dark blue and red.

It took more than thirty minutes for the second strike to stop and disperse. As the first strike, its strength has started to decrease in the last minutes, and Jian had to adjust to it. 

The clouds of the second strike dispersed, and the shadows of the third strike started to gather. The third strike would be a lot stronger, so it would take some time for the clouds to gather. 

So in between that, Jian asked Song Yu if she was OK because she had taken two strikes of the tribulation continuously. Even though she could control it, she still had some minor injuries and got for the third strike. 

Song Yu replied that she was OK, but still, Jian said to eat a spirit fruit that can replenish the Qi.. She agreed to his suggestion and ate two low-grade spirit fruit and relaxed, but she couldn't settle for long because, after five minutes, the clouds had stopped gathering.

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