My Sect System

Chapter 167 - Qian Tingfeng

Jian focused on recovering his injuries while Song Yu, whose injuries are healed, was sitting and relaxing. 

They have successfully cleared the second part of the tomb. They even have gotten the instructions for going to the final part of the tomb. But before that, Jian had told Song Yu to recover to top condition. 

It has been one hour since Song Yu has completed recovered. Now she is waiting for Jian to completely recover and then going to the last part of the tomb.

To go to the last part of the tomb, Song Yu have to eat the Thunder Fire Spirit Fruit, and as she finishes eating the fruit, she will be Teleported to the last part of the tomb. 

Song Yu had said that she felt to devour the fruit whenever she saw it. Jian was shocked at first, but then he thought it related to her being a Heavenly Warrior.

He told her to wait till both of them recovered then only she could eat the fruit. At first, Jian had kept the fruit aside, but when Song Yu was completely healed, she rushed towards it and tried to eat it.

Jian couldn't understand why she was behaving like a zombie for the fruit. He told me to wait, and then he kept the fruit in the storage ring. 

Two hours passed, and Jian's injuries were completely healed. As he stood up, Song Yu has rushed towards him for the fruit. He was baffled, but he ignored her and stretched his body.

After that, when he felt relaxed, he took out the fruit and gave it to her. Before she could eat the fruit, he told her to take out the seed. She agreed to it, but if the fruit were exposed longer, then its potency would be gone.

So she took a deep bite, and after that, a seed was visible. Then she used her hand to take out the root and give it to Jian. But before that, Jian told her to absorb the remaining potency of the fruit from the source.

After absorbing, she gave the seed to Jian and then focused on eating the fruit as she would take a bite. Tiny sparks would be shown on the flesh of the fruit, and after it would immediately Burn.

Song Yu said that she was feeling a tingling sensation and also a burning sensation. She felt like her tongue would be burned off, but she continued to devour and,s she took the last bite, changes started to happen. 

It was a good thing that she was sitting. Because as she finished the last bites, she broke through, and the Qi surrounding her started to get excited. 

But before Jian could say anything, he was blind by the white light. He was panicked when he realised that they had been Teleported because she had finished eating the fruit. 

After a few minutes, the white light disappeared, and Jian's eyes adjusted to the surrounding, and after a few minutes, he was able to see clearly. 

He found himself in a large hall. Everything was dark, but Jian was able to see even without activating the Star Gaze. After looking around, he immediately searched for Song Yu. 

Because only he was standing in the hall. Song Yu was nowhere to be seen. He rushed in each direction and checked but couldn't find her and he even checked the walls but couldn't find her.

He frowned; he couldn't understand what was going on. His expression started to ger grim because when he was teleported, Song Yu had sat in meditation pose for a breakthrough. If she is teleported in some dangerous area, she is not in a condition to protect herself. 

He immediately activated Star Gaze and searched for hidden doors or anything which could lead him towards Song Yu, but after checking every corner, he couldn't find anything. 

He asked the system, and the system told him to focus on the surroundings and find some clues. He immediately started to check; after continuously checking, he found that only two types of elements were present in his surrounding.

The elements present were the Thunder and Fire element. He immediately understood that it is related to Thunder Fire Spirit Fruit which Song Yu has eaten. Then become concluded of the central parts of the tomb.

Then he focused on finding the route where both elements were converging. After a while, he found a wall where both factors were converging. He checked the wall to see if it was breakable. 

After a while, he found a centre point where Thunder and Fire elements were converging. As he was checking, the system spoke. 

"Host, you should attack using your full strength at the centre of the wall. I think it will immediately break."

Jian understood what the system was saying because aside from this wall, all other walls were standard, and only this wall had a centre point where both elements were converging. 

Jian stepped back and took out his Saber. He created some distance between him and the wall. Then he released his cultivation and rushed towards the wall with his full strength. 

He only knew the basics of the Saber technique, so he was performing it on the wall. But nothing was happening. He didn't stop and continued to execute his plan. 

As he performed the last and powerful strike of the technique, cracks appeared on the wall and crumbled. Jian sighed a relief; he stepped back and immediately rushed to the border. He was not going to wait for the wall to crumble. 

As he came to the opposite side of the wall, he saw stairs in front of him. He didn't hesitate and directly started to climb the stairs with the Saber in his hands. 

Jian didn't know what would happen; he had prepared his Saber and continued to climb. After continuously climbing the stairs for ten minutes, he reached the top of the stairs and found a large door.

He couldn't understand what was happening; he thought there would be traps, so he activated Star Gaze and checked the surroundings near the door and the door itself. 

He even checked the stairs which he had already climbed. But after studying for a while, he couldn't find anything so relaxed and found out that the doors could be opened as long as he pushed them. 

He tried to look behind the door, but nothing was visible. He even checked for elements in that air and found that only Thunder and Fire element were present in the air.

After a while, he moved towards the door with Saber in his hand. He put his hand on the door and used his full strength to push open them. As he applied his power, the entry was made back, and it was opened. 

Jian found himself in a room which was tan time larger than the previous one, and he looked around it and found that it was filled with resources like weapons, herbs, spirit fruit and even a vast collection of books. 

Jian was shocked; he couldn't understand what was going on. He didn't think that he would find the inheritance of the tomb this easily. He looked around to see the grade of the resources and was shocked after fleeing their rates

The highest grade of the resources was five-star grade, and for the spirit fruit, it was three stars. The number of resources and their qualities was enough to create a four-star sect.

Jian didn't rush toward them to store them in the inventory. He waited and checked the surroundings to find the traps. Because he knew that it was a tomb, and if he rushed carelessly, then it could be disastrous. 

He kept looking for traps but couldn't find them; then he looked straight towards the end of the hall. He was shocked to find a person sitting facing his back toward Jian. 

Jian immediately took his Saber and approached him. Jian thought that it was the person whose presence he had felt in the first part of the tomb.

As Jian got near him, he saw the person turn and look at Jian while smiling. Jian was shocked, and he immediately took a step back. 

"Who are you? "


Jian frowned, and he looked up and saw that the person was still smiling. He then activated Star Gaze, and as he started the Star Gaze, he heard the system say something, but it was too late.

As he looked at the person, he suddenly felt a headache similar to when he looked towards the heavens. He immediately dropped his Saber and clutched his head.

The system wanted to stop him from using the Star Gaze on the person because it knew that Jian would have a headache if he used it, but it was too late.

The person walked towards him and spoke.

"No need to check; II will introduce myself; I am Qian Tingfeng, and you are in my tomb."

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