My Sect System

Chapter 182 - End Of The Recruitment Ceremony

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Jian has added his final restrictions to the main gate as the sunset is near. After that, he has closed off the sect leaving instructions stating that who wants to join the sect has to wait outside. Someone will come and get them.

He flew back to the sect hall. He decided that as the sun sets he will go to the disciple's area. In the city, Yu Yang and his team have recruited more than two hundred disciples. But more than thirty were absent and fifty of them were from another sect.

Even though Jian knew that he will not able to recruit a huge amount of disciples but he didn't expect that he will not reach the mark of two hundred. 

While he was thinking Yu Yang came to the sect Hall. He greeted Jian and spoke. 

"Master, this is the list of the disciples who have been recruited by our sect"

Yu Yang handed the scroll to Jian. Jian nodded and accepted the scroll. 

"How many disciples we have recruited?"

"Master the total number of disciples we have recruited are 191"

Jian was shocked, he thought Yu Yang was joking. He looked and frowned. 

"Say that again"

"Yes, Master we have recruited 191 disciples." Yu Yang knew that Jian has not expected that such an amount of disciples will come to the sect.

Jian was shocked he immediately went through the scroll and counted 191 disciples. He looked at Yu Yang and asked. 

"How is this possible?"

"Master, most of them brought their relatives of friends and some came after hearing our sect name in the sect tower."

Jian went into deep thoughts, he has not told anyone about the recruited ceremony. Even Meng Shu doesn't know and even if she knew without me asking her she would not interfere. 

He decided that when everything is settled in the sect he will go to the sect tower to find about it. He carefully read the name and found out that most of the cultivators are e cultivators. Since they are still young they were able to enter the sect.

The sun was set, Jian told Yu Yang to follow him to the disciple's area. He was now going to welcome the recruits and explain to them the rules of the Sect.

In the disciple's area two groups were divided, one group of the disciples who were wearing disciples robes. Another group was of recruits who still has not gotten their disciples robes.

Disciples and recruits saw Jian flying towards them and Yu Yang was following him. Recruits know about Jian they only knew Yu Yang. 

They looked at Jian and kept thinking about his identity. Because Jian was of smiling at most of them so they thought he was also the disciple of the sect.

But as Jian reached the disciple's area, the disciples immediately greeted him.

"Greetings Sect Master"

Jian nodded and looked at the shocked expression of the recruits. They were speechless, they didn't expect that such a young person would be the sect master of the one-star sect. 

Jian had already activated the Star Gaze and he was comparing the names given to the disciples when they were recruited. It was good that nobody has lied about their name.

Yu Yang moved forward and told everyone to keep silent. Jian nodded and came forward and spoke.

"Welcome, I am Feng Jianyu, the sect master of Star Sovereign Sect. I know you are thinking that you made the mistake coming to the sect which had a young sect master. But you don't need to worry about that."

As Jian finished speaking he released his cultivation pressure. Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect that such a cultivator would already be at the core formation realm. Everyone became quiet. They knew that if he were to move then nobody can save them.

Jian looked at their scared expression and smiled. He then continued to speak. 

"Now, as of now, you are disciples of my sect. So no need to worry your problem is my problem. 

There are many rules in our sect. But before that, you should know about our sect. Our sect way is to reach the peak of cultivation. It doesn't matter if you have talent or not. Our sect will help you reach the peak of your cultivation and even help you move further. 

In our sect talent doesn't matter only contributions matter. What are you doing for the sect? This matters. Even a smaller breakthrough brings contributions toward sect so don't think lightly. 

If you know you have more talent than others then you should work to get more contributions than others. Because if you have enough contributions them a Mortal can also become a cultivator in our sect. 

So remember that in our sect only contributions matter. The currency is also different in cour sect. Here instead of SP, we use CP contributions point. No noted to worry one SP is Equal to One CP so if you already have enough SP you can to the treasure Hall to change it into CP."

Most of them were confused because they didn't know why CP was required. They started to discuss with each other and Jian also didn't stop them instead he continued. 

"Now fighting in the sect is prohibited, if you want to fight then you can go the fighting arena. You can't disclose to anyone what you have learned in the sect and if found then direct punishment would be death.

To go outside of the sect for the mission you have to complete two things. One is to Master a body tempering technique and the other is that you need to master the basic technique of compatible Martial arts. 

You can go to Scripture Hall to learn about the sect and everything else. There you will meet elder Ye Qiao and she will tell you which technique you have learned and she will also help you find out which type of weapon you are compatible with.

Elder Yang will distribute the disciple's robes and a healing pill. Then after that, you can go and take any empty residence. You can go to the First Floor of Scripture Hall to read about anything you want but if you want to go to the next floor then you would need permission. 

You can read the rules of our sect and the rules of different Halls. Tomorrow you will find out why I told you to gather more CP. After you are done with the Scripture Hall I want all of you to gather at the disciple's area where elder Yang will access you.

Once again welcome to the sect and I hope you reach the peak of your cultivation."

Jian finished speaking and he saw that many new disciples has started to ask the old disciples about the missions and CP.

Jian ignored and them and waved his hand and robed appeared in front of him. He then nodded at Yu Yang and flew back to the sect hall.

Ye Qiao and Yu Yue followed him because he has indicated them to follow him. After reaching the sect hall he didn't waste and started to instruct them.

He told Yu Yue to help Ye Qiao in the Scripture Hall. He told that many disciples will come to the scripture hall so they must help them find out which weapon is compatible and explain the Divine Body tempering Technique. 

Then he gave an orb to Ye Qiao and told her that with help is this she can find out which type of weapon is compatible. Ye Qiao was shocked, she checked it on herself and was speechless. 

After that, he told Yu Yue to help Yu Yang teach the divine Body tempering technique. After that, both of them left the sect Hall leaving Jian alone.

He went to the chair and slumped on it. He was exhausted and happy at the same time. He didn't expect that he would recruit such an amount of disciples. 

He then thought about going to the city when evert disciples are settled. Then he told the system to arrange every disciple to arrange according to their talents.

He had seen many disciples with high-grade talent and Mortal Grade physique but most of them were dormant and he would need to help them awaken the physical then only they will be able to cultivate. 

So he told the system to arrange the disciples according to their talent because he has decided that he would train them to get ready for the Sect Wars.

He has decided that he would allow them take harder missions which would allow them to earn huge amount of CP so that they can exchange it for the resources and the techniques.

He didn't want to discriminate so he decided that he will give all of them equal chance and whoever is able to reach late stage of Qi Condensation Realm then they will be added in the group to participate in sect wars.

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