My Sect System

Chapter 188 - Putting Up Fruits

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Jian's plan has worked, after carefully provoking Meng Shu. Now he is sitting with her master Ling Min in a Soaring Cloud Pavilion. 

Now he only has to speak with Ling Min and Show the reason he asked Meng Shu to call her Master. 

Both have exchanged pleasantries, and after that Jian heard the system's announcement that Ling Min is scanning Jian with his divine sense.

Jian smirked and looked at Ling Min. Since He was under the hood Ling Min didn't see him doing anything. Jian looked at Ling Min and spoke. 

"Ling Min, Don't try, even if you use your broken physique, you will not find anything. Even if you have the same physical as your disciple."

Ling Min was shocked, he was so shocked that he stood up. Because in the southern continent, if Ling Min was top of his Condition then he would the strongest.

But due to injuries, his cultivation has been decreased. Even no one in the southern continent would able to tell his cultivation and that he is injured.

Jian looked at Ling Min who was standing. And continued to speak.

"I should congratulate you for getting such disciple. To have a fully awakened Heaven grade physique at such a young is enviable.

You have taught her well. Just don't let her make the same mistakes as you."

Ling Min kept staring at Jian. He has calmed down when heard Jian talk about Meng Shu. He was not shocked about Jian knowing that she had a heaven grade physique. 

But he heard the last part he couldn't help but sigh. He understood that chaos knew how he injured himself. 

He sat down and spoke "Thank You brother Chaos and sorry for earlier. "

"No need to worry, everyone is curious. So let get to business."

Ling Min didn't expect that Chaos has come to work related to Soaring Cloud Pavilion. 

"So Brother Chaos, what can I do for You?"

"I wish to put some things on the auction"

Hearing this Ling Min frowned because the things on the auction have already been decided a week before. So it was impossible to add things on the day of the auction. 

Jian saw Ling Min frowning he knew what he was thinking. He spoke.

"First checked the things and if you think that is not worthy I will leave."

Hearing Ling Min got frightened, he thought he has offended Jian. 

"No brother Chaos, I will buy them with my money so no need to worry."

Jian nodded and waved his hand.

"I wish to put these fruits for the auction."

As Jian has waved his hand two Spirit fruits appeared on the table. One was water spirit fruit and the other was Marrow Cleansing spirit fruit. 

He chose these fruits because he had a huge amount of them. So he was not worried because eventually the spirit fruit would lose their spirituality and they will become unusable. 

So it was a good decision to sell them. He has already planted the tree so he doesn't need to worry about the shortage of the spirit fruit. 

As the spirit fruits appeared on the table. Ling Min's attention was brought to them. He was shocked that things Jian wanted to put on the auction were spirit fruits.

Even though in his life Ling Min should have seen higher grade Spirit fruits and even eaten them. But the place he was staying had not seen spirit fruits in so many years.

The city has not seen spirit fruit in many years. It was ten years ago when the last spirit fruit was auctioned.

So it was not a bad deal because these two fruits would earn huge amounts of SP. All people would rush to buy the things. The advantage provided by the spirit fruits were huge.

Ling Min took them and checked. He was able to tell the function of the spirit fruits and their grades. After he was done checking he put them down and looked straight at Jian. 

"Brother Chaos, I will not have any problem putting this on the auction."

Jian nodded and then Ling Min called Fang Ning. As Fang Ning entered the room the first thing he did was greet Jian and he greeted Ling Min.

Fang Ning took the fruits away and Ling Min handed Jian a receipt showing that he was the one who has submitted the spirit fruit. 

Chaos took the receipt and told them he will now go because he has some other work to do. Ling Min nodded and then led Jian towards a hidden door and handed him a token. 

Ling Min told that in future he can use the door to come. The token is given was his special token. With the token, no one would stop Jian. 

Jian just took the token and left through the hidden door. As Ling Min saw Jian leave he sighed relief and immediately disappeared. 

Jian was in rush, the auction would start in six hours. Roughly he had two hours to spread the news that spirit fruits are going to auction.

So he rushed towards a particular area where many children gathered. Jian knew that most of the information in the city is spread through this area.

After will he found a group of kids and gave them 10 SP each.

"I want you to spread information that the Soaring Cloud Pavilion is going to sell spirit fruits in the auction. Here take more SP and spread this information throughout the city."

The children didn't expect Jian would be this generous. They were afraid of him when he approved them because he was still in the get up of Chaos. 

Children nodded and immediately each one on the started to run in different directions and scream about the spiritual fruits. 

Jian nodded and he also rush back to the recruitment office. The work of Chaos is done.

Now Jian was going to the Soaring Cloud Pavilion as himself. So that Meng Shu and Fang Ning and her master would not think that Chaos and he is related. 

Jian went inside through the same back door he came out. But before doing that he checked and found that there are people who are keeping eye on the recruitment office. 

He went inside and changed back to his normal robes. Now everything was done, he just have to wait and hear the news about the spirit fruits spread through the city. 

Since the auction was after six hours he decided that first, he will assimilate with the knowledge of a one-star Formation Master. 

He would learn the knowledge about the formation and would try to see if he draw a one-star Formation or not. 

"System can you start sending me knowledge about the one-star Formation Master."


As the system said ok, Jian felt a headache. The information about the formation started to come to his mind. The information was more theoretical than experimental so the amount of knowledge was huge as compared to other professions. 

The flow of information continued for half an hour before it was completed. As the information stopped Jian immediately questioned the system. 

"Why didn't you tell me that I will feel headaches when I get the information about one-star Formation Master"

"Host, you didn't ask?"

Jian was baffled, he wanted to curse the system but he stopped. He didn't go through the information he has gotten instead he questioned the system. 

"System you said that once I reach Core Formation Realm then I can get information about the two-star professions."

"Yes Host, as you reached the Core formation realm you are eligible to take the test for a two-star master in professions. 

But let me remind you that it will be not free. You will need to pay a certain amount of SP."

Jian had already expected this, he knew that only the starting point will be free. So with hesitation, he asked the system about the price. 

"How much?"

"For each profession, you would need to pay 20000 SP."

"Why this much?"

"Host, I believe you would earn huge SP as compared to what you are spending."

Jian nodded, he agreed with the system. Because after getting the information he can refine higher grade things and sell them for a high price. 

He had already decided that he will purchase the information about the e t two-star profession. So he started to think about which profession to choose. 

He decided to compare each profession he has reached the one-star level and started to compare which would help him grow faster and help him improve. 

So after thinking for half-hour he decided that the information he would purchase would be of the Alchemy profession.

The reason was many of the pills which could increase disciples talent and help them cultivate faster were two-star pills. So it would be good that he chooses this profession to upgrade. 

And spending 20000 SP would not affect much. As he is selling Spirit Fruits and he had guessed how much he can earn from the.

"System I have decided that I want the information of two Star Alchemist"

"Are you sure Host?"


The system immediately showed a panel where he minus the 20000 SP. Informed him that the information is ready to be integrated. 

Jian nodded and asked, "is it going to hurt?"

"Yes host"

"Ok" Jian prepared himself and a few minutes later he calmed down and gave the order to the system to start the process. 

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