My Sect System

Chapter 198 - Competition

It has been one month since Jian has announced that there will be a competition to choose ten disciples for the Sect wars. 

Today is the day the competition is going to be held. Jian had already called back each disciple, and before one day of competition, no one was allowed to leave the sect for the mission. 

In last month at the end of the week, Yu Yang has reported back to the sec,t and whenever he returned to the city, he took the Mission items to submit to the Sect tower. 

In one month, he recruited hundreds of disciples, so Jian had told him that the recruitment would start officially after the competition. 

Today everyone is present for the competition. Even Yu Yang's team has been called back from the city. Aside from sect elder and those twenty disciples, no one knows the reason. 

Jian had woken up early in the morning, and after freshening, he flew towards the disciple's area. He saw that disciples were slowly gathering.

As he came to the arena, everyone greeted him. He nodded and saw that every elder of the sect was present. He was waiting for all disciples to arrive to start the competition. 

As Jian entered the arena, the speed of the gathering of disciples has increased, and in only ten minutes, everyone was present in front of Jian. 

Jian looked at Yu Yang and nodded. Yu Yang immediately flew to the centre of the arena to make an announcement. Today Jian has given the work of information to Yu Yang. So Yu Yang is going to tell everyone about today's competition. 

When the disciples saw that Yu Yang flew to the centre, they immediately became quiet, and Yu Yang started to explain. 

"Today is the competition where we are going to choose ten disciples to represent the sect in the sect wars.

Those who don't know about the sect wars can read about it in the Scripture Hall. Sect Master himself has chosen twenty disciples, and Today, they will fight to determine the top ten out of them.

Some of you will be unhappy because we have not given you a chance but no need to worry when the competition is over there will announcement then you will find more about it.

So let's not waste any time and call those twenty disciples on the stage and start the competition."

As Yu Yang has finished speaking, one by one twenty disciples appeared in the arena from different directions. As they put their foot in the stadium, disciples started to cheer for them.

So of them quickly understood why these twenty were chosen, but some of the disciples were still unhappy. Jian smiled seeing this. Jian looked at Yu Yang and once again nodded to start explaining about the competition. 

"Since everyone has gathered, let's start with the rule of the competition. 

It will be straightforward, each disciple will have to fight nineteen fights, and the most wins will decide the ranking.

But let me tell you that if you are not satisfied at the end of the competition you can challenge anyone in the top ten, you will get only one chance, and if you fail, you can forget about it.

In the competition, you are going to use real weapons. The fights will be ruthless if you can't handle them, but the war will continue even if you are injured. 

We will only intervene if the fight gets life-threatening. Killing is not allowed, and crippling is also not allowed. For Killing, you will be Killed, and for crippling, you will be disabled. 

Let get to the rewards of the competition; The top will only have to pay half of the CP for their desirable Cultivation Technique. 

They will be also given a mid Mortal Grade Martial Arts Technique suitable to them. The top three will get to choose their elders to learn from for one week. Rank 1 disciples will get three days with the sect master. 

So do you understand everything about the competition?"

The twenty disciples nodded, but the disciples outside the arena started cheering very loudly because they had not expected the rewards to be this huge.

Now everyone was hoping they would get the chance to fight for the rankings, but they knew that everyone would get a chance, so they cheered for the twenty disciples and themselves. 

"Now that you understand the rules, let's start with ranks in your are going to fight."

Yu Yang took out a box, and one by one, each disciple took out a lot on which the number was written. The number started from one to twenty, and Jian had already asked the system to map out the fights according to the numbers.

He has given that Scroll to Yu Yang, who will look after the fights. After twenty lots were taken out, Yu Yang started to explain. 

"I will call out the numbers, and they will have to move to their specific arena immediately."

Yu Yang then used his Qi and wrapped it around his leg, and tapped on the arena three times. Immediately the hall split into ten equal parts, and one of each part, Yu Yue, Zhou You and Yu Yang's team and others, started to appear. 

Only Jian remained outside while others were standing at the arena's edge. They were going to judge the fights. Ye Qiao has so taken the seat of a judge because she was also interested to see.

Yu Yang will call out the fights; he had already shown them how the arguments would happen. The first fights will be that rank one will fight rank 20, and level two will fight rank 19 in a minor manner the contest will be held. 

After every fight, they get two minutes break, and if they see an arena is empty, they go there to fight with their opponent.

Jian had left the disciples to choose the opponent they wanted to fight. So If they lose to the opponent they decided, they would have nothing to say.

Yu Yang work was to check that two opponents will meet only one time. Other than that, they fight as long as they feel.

Yu Yang himself would judge the fights, so every disciple had to inform him on which arena they were fighting and their numbers. 

Even though Jian told Yu Yang that he could do it while Yu Yang should focus on the fights, he insisted that this was not a work of the sect master. Jian should relax and enjoy the battles.

Still, Jian has decided that he will stop the fights if it gets out of hand, and he has also prepared healing and Qi Returning Pills to get ready for the next battle. 

Jian will take the medical role, but he had not told them because they will insist that he relax. 

After a few minutes pair of disciples were standing in their arena and were waiting for the competition to start, Jian immediately stood up and shouted, " Start the competition."

The judges also brought their hands down, indicating to start the fight. Each disciple in the arena crashed into each other, and disciples outside the hall began to cheer. 

Jian had activated Star Gaze to check if he should stop the fight immediately. With the help of his ability, he has been able to keep an eye on ten arenas simultaneously.

The competition has started disciples are cheering, and Jian is keeping his eye on each arena.

After seeing every fight, he was able to find that the new disciples who had been recruited to the sect were more ruthless while attacking than the disciples who were in the denomination from the start. 

But their foundation is not as good as the disciples at the sect from the start. The disciples are easily adjusted to new disciples attacks. 

Jian then focused on one arena where Luo Qing and new disciple with semi awaken physique. It was as he had expected. The fight was one-sided. Luo Qing was continuously attacking, the new disciple was only defending, and he could barely contend against Luo Qing. 

Seeing the spear technique of Luo Qing, Jian smiled because he was able to see something while others couldn't. He immediately focused on the arenas because he knew that the fight between Luo Qing and the new disciple would be decided. 

As Jian had expected in a few minutes, the new disciple gave up, and Yu Yang's team member, who was Judging the fight, announced that Luo Qing was the winner. 

The disciples started to shout Luo Qing's name after the announcements. They both went down and rested till other fights were over.. Jian smiled seeing this, and he already knew who was going to top the competition.

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