My Sect System

Chapter 277 - Planning

Jian has checked the knew missions and learned about them. Now he has returned to the sect hall to start prepare accordingly to the missions.

Aside from planning he has to start managing the sect like other sects. So he has make such plan which would work for long term and wouldn't need any changes.

But before planning he has to wait for all the elders to wake up and after that he has to check with them then he can start making the plan by allotting new tasks. 

So he was also exhausted from helping the disciples and upgrading the sect so he decided to rest and recover and after that all can help in making the plans to upgrade the sect.

So after informing Yu Yang's team member he directly went to sleep even though it was still afternoon.

While Jian was resting and the elders were meditating a storm has started to spread throughout the city and the storm is none other than the news of his sect upgrade.

As he has completed his sect upgrade the sect tower was immediately informed through the sec token given by the sect tower and they were shocked they had not expected that in just 2 years he will upgrade the sect to two star sect.

They wanted to keep the news under wraps but someone has leaked it because it has been quite a time since a sect has been upgraded and at such a speed. 

And when the news spread throughout the city all people were shocked especially those who have fought the sect war with the star sovereign sect. 

Someone thought that his sect is backed by some large sect that's why he is able to upgrade this fast otherwise it was not possible. 

But only Meng Shu and the soaring cloud pavilion thought different Because they thought that he is backed by only single person and that is his master the chaos but they were also wrong but they didn't know about it.

But still Meng Shu was very shocked because she was not able to use her physique to find what Jian was doing and now she finally understood why he said that for the one month he will be busy and not go to do any mission. 

She thought that Jian has something that is blocking the ability of her physique that's why she was not able to see that he will be able to upgrade his sect this fast.

Meng Shu told her master about it and Ling Min was also shocked and he has also tried to know about the sect but he was not able to find anything.

But after that they made the decision that Meng Shu should go to the sect to congratulate Jian herself for upgrading the sect this fast and provide with some gifts which can help in the sect development.

So immediately Meng Shu decided that she will go tomorrow with Fang Ning to the sect to congratulate Jian about upgrading the sect. 

Jian didn't know anything what was happening in the city he only knew that the sect tower will be automatically informed when his sect is upgraded and his sect token will be automatically upgraded but he didn't know that that the 2 star sect have immediately started to pay attention to his sect and started to send the disciples who gathered information about the star Sovereign sect. 

Jian woke up early in the morning and refreshed himself. When he returned to the sect hall he saw that every elder is gathered in the sect hall. 

They immediately stood up and greeted him. He nodded and sat in the chair and immediately activated the star gaze to check their conditions.

First Ye Fang, Jian was able feel the his cultivation technique has been upgraded and he has successfully created the next level of the cultivation technique. 

Meaning he was successfully created the Qi Condensation level of the cultivation technique. Due to that his cultivation was strengthened. 

Then he focused on Yu Yue and Yu Yang. Even though there was no changes in their status. Their aura coming from the physique has completely changed. 

As both of them has focused awakening their next ability but both were unsuccessful as the baptism was not enough for the next ability to be awakened.

But still the baptism has helped them gain a understanding of their physique which will help them awaken their ability on there own when the time is right. 

Then he looked at Zhou You, as he has tried learn about the two star Alchemy. There is no changes in status but seeing his excited expression Jian knew that he should have gain some knowledge and he couldn't wait to try it that why he was excited. 

Then he looked at Ling'er and Ye Qiao. There was no need to check because he has already checked on Ling'er and he can't check on Ye Qiao but seeing there happy expression he knew that the baptism was very helpful to them. 

Jian smiled and didn't waste time and directly went to the point of the meeting. 

"First of all congratulations for gaining something from the baptism.There is no need to explain as it is useful for you.

Now as you know that the sect is upgraded to the two star sect successfully. But that doesn't mean that we get to relax. 

I called you here because I am going to Start planning the next development of the sect so we have to immediately start working on that.

So the plans we will create today will be the structure of the sect and they will not be changed for long time that's why I have gathered all of you so that you can also point out things which will be helpful to the sect. "

Hearing this they looked at each other and Ling'er also looked at Jian with confused expression. Jian shook his head and called her towards him and told her that she doesn't need to think she needs she just needs to stand and listen to them. 

While others immediately went into deep thoughts they had already expected that Jian would call a meeting after the sect has been upgraded so they had already thought of something but after hearing Jian they started to think.

Jian looked at them and saw that they were thinking so he decided to add some hints so that he will be able to hear their plans even though he has already thought of his plan he just wanted to confirm what they think as they have been appointed the elder's position of the sect.

" Yu Yang and Yu Yue as you have been already in a sect you should know what should we do to improve our structure of the sect and Ye Qiao I think you also know about the sect so what can I do which would help me easily manage disciples manage the sect with other things. 

Zhou You kept quiet because he knows that if he has some plan he can tell About it but for now he doesn't have anything which can help in development of the sect so he also kept quiet like Ling'er while others were thinking about the plan.

Ye Qiao looked at Yu Yue and Yu Yang then looked at Jian and she saw that he was very serious and then she finally spoke.

"Jian before you organize the sect I think the way you are doing is correct but still your sect need to follow a proper structure otherwise you will not be able to control anything.

You should create a structure between disciples so that they will be divided by a certain things and aside from us you should also created structure between the elders so that they will be able to help disciples."

Yu Yang and Yu Yue also nodded and suggested.

"Yes master you should structure the sect and aside from that creating a structure for the sect we should create do something about the recruitment process we can't just hold recruitment process as we wish there should be a proper timing and proper planning. 

Aside from that even though the disciples are allowed to go on missions but there is no competition between them so we should at least hold some type of the competition once a month so that they can keep improving themselves because of the competition."

Jian was very happy with their suggestions, because the plans he has thought were similar to this and after hearing their suggestions he can Finally put it in front of them.

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