My Self-Insert Stash

Chapter 78 - My SI Stash #78 - Damn It Me by KyKyuKai (Pokemon)

-I finally got to reading this, it was honestly okay. Lengthy SI Pokémon fic, with Shinx as his starter


Sypnosis: I'm in the Pokemon universe. Of course I am, because why wouldn't I be. Oh well, whatever might as well enjoy it while I'm here. SI fic.

Rated: T

Words: 247K

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PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (*´ー`*)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1

I groaned as I raised my arm up to place over my eyes as the light around me seemed to blind me and I didn't want to do anything but besides going back to the sleep that I hadn't been able to get for the last few days. That's when I remembered that my room didn't have any windows in it an I lived alone.

It was then that I also realized that I was not laying on my nice over priced and underused bed. No it felt as if I was sleeping on the ground. Knowing that I was going to regret it I opened my eyes only to have to close them, as sunlight that shouldn't, be there was streamed into my eyes.

Groaning, I placed my arm up again as, I sat up so I could at least not be blinded as my eyes adjusted to the bright sun light. Glancing around my surroundings I felt a small bit of panic as I noticed I appeared to be in a forest. But that panic wasn't even close to enough to help brace myself for when I looked down and noticed another fun fact I should have already noticed.

I was shorter at least a good few inches from my normal height, but that wasn't the only thing that I noticed that was shorter, it was also my hair. I was use to having it a few inches past my shoulders but at the moment it was only a little past my ears. It hadn't been that short since I was a teenager.

Standing up properly I took a quick recap of my body, choosing to ignore the fact that I was wearing clothes that I had never even seen before. Looking at my arms was weird, I was use to seeing small scars marks and the small patch of burned skin on my right arm but instead almost all of it was gone. And the few that remained I didn't even remember how I had gotten.

Another fact was that it seemed that I was in better shape than I was at whatever age I am now. Not like I was ever over weight but I'm fully aware that being skinny didn't mean you were in shape or even in particularity good health. But I know that as a teenager I never had abs.

After a few more minutes of looking over my body I didn't come up with any more overly relevant information besides that I was properly about thirteen or fourteen from comparing what I remembered my body being like at that age. One good thing about that was I currently didn't need my glasses.

Well I did but my vision wasn't near as bad as it would get in the near future, but I didn't mind as it was quite a nice experience being able to look around without glasses and not have everything blurry. And that was when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye while I was looking around comparing glasses to no glasses.

It seemed to be a massive green caterpillar with massive black eyes, and that was the only details that I needed to concluded that it was a Caterpie. I stared at it for a few more seconds before cursing to myself. Of course that's why I'm younger I was in the Pokemon universe. After a few more moments I looked up at the sky and spread my arms out before saying.

"Really? We are actually doing a SI fic now? I know we have a problem with wish fulfillment but still, I didn't think it was this bad, that I would actually drop myself into a story"

I sighed after dropping my arms to my side as I realized that I wouldn't be getting an answer. Honestly this was already to meta to begin with. Much less with two me's talking to each other. Whatever Might as well get started then. It wasn't like I had a choice, if I did then I wouldn't be here in the first place.

Oh well, might as well enjoy this then. I mean at least I wasn't so much of a prick that I got sent to some war torn universe. No I only reserved that for OC's, speaking of which, I wonder if I should feel bad now that I'm pretty sure Kai and most of my other character's are real. Because I do send them threw hell quite often.

Eh, if I ever met him I'll say sorry but besides that I don't really care enough to feel bad. After all now I'm a character as well so if anything I'm not really responsible for that anymore. Anyway I should stop distracting myself and find my starting pack or whatever else I gave myself.

Because of course I would. I mean even if it is another version of me I still want myself to succeed, not to mention the be before mentioned problem with wish-fulfillment, so there should be at least something that I gave myself to start off with before I start sending problems my way.

And with that I noticed a small satchel resting against a tree a couple yards away from me. Walking up to it, I sat myself down to be on the same level of the bag to help open it up. Flipping the flap open I raised an eyebrow as I noted that it was bigger on the inside because of course it was.

To be fair I was watching Doctor Who yesterday, and even then I wasn't going to complain. Especially since it seemed to already be packed. Looking inside it I noted there was five different sections with each one having enough size that it should properly fill the satchel up completely. So it was about five times bigger than it should be.

After figuring that out I took a better look at the items in the bag itself. In the first section there seemed to be a tent bedroll and a big wad of cash. In the second section there was a a few boxes of something called pokefood and some basic food rations. The third section seemed to be the item section as there was about ten pokeballs and five potions.

An interesting note was that by just looking at the pokeballs I could determine that all of them were empty. I wasn't sure why but I did have a theory. After all it wouldn't do for me to no practically nothing about obvious stuff like pokeballs. So maybe I got a muscle memory package downloaded into my mind as well as the package I was currently looking through.

Moving on past that to look into later, section four didn't have much in it besides three slim items. A Pokedex which seemed to be the Kanto version, a badge case judging from the slots that appeared to be the badges that I knew to be present in Kanto. So that at least let me know where I was. And the last item was a trainer card.

It was interesting to look at, as it had some good information on it like my age which was twelve which was pretty close to what I assumed. Alone with some more information like it saying my birthplace was Nuvema Town which I believe is the starting town in the Unova region.

From what I remember that region was based on New York so that's properly the closest I could get to being American. While also giving me an excuse as to why I'm not always aware of the small cultural things that must happen in most regions that wasn't covered in the anime.

Moving past that I moved onto the fifth section which had a lot of spare clothes. Which I noted all seemed to be the same thing. I seemed that I couldn't escape what all anime characters had. The one time of clothes only rule was set on me as well.

To be fair I could go out and buy something different but that would just be both a waste of time and money while I already had something else to wear. It was then that I noted I didn't have a Pokemon in the bag. I knew I wouldn't leave myself without one which meant one thing.

Looking down towards my belt I grinned as I saw the singular pokeball attached to it. Reaching down to grab it I noted that I was much more jittery that I expected to be. Maybe it was because of the fact that this was a childhood dream or maybe it was the suspense of what kind of Pokemon I would have given myself but I couldn't help but be excited.

With that I tossed the pokeball into the air, with the kind of practiced ease that I shouldn't have, as I watched as the ball open up to reveal the Pokemon inside. I felt a even bigger smile stretch on my face as I watched a small blue club looking creature blink before looking up at me.

While I didn't think about a Shinx to be my starter mostly because of my 'birth region' and the region I was currently in but I couldn't say I was anywhere near disappointed. Shinx was one of my favorite Pokemon from Platinum. So with that I knelt down to the small club's level and said.

"Hey buddy, How are you doing?" I wasn't really expecting and kind of response that I could understand so I was quite surprised when Shinx looked up at me and spoke in more that just syllables of its name. In fact it didn't even use its name.

"I fine master. Why are we in a forest?" I just blinked much like he did, judging from the voice I had just heard, when he first exited his pokeball. So I got another bonus from the other me, well it certainly makes my life easier. After a moment I shook myself out of my head as I responded.

"I'm not entirely sure myself, But what I do know is that we will be needing to leave here sooner rather than later" He gave a nod at that, not even surprised that I answered his question even though I shouldn't have been able to understand it. After a moment I asked my next question.

"Hey Shinx, random question. Do you know where I got you from?" I figured I had an answer considering I knew what I would do which meant it was properly what the other me did as well. And I was proven correct when he answered.

"Well, I'm not sure where you got my egg from but I remember that I only hatched a few days ago. A little before you got that weird pok-dex thingy from something called an assistant" So I never met Professor Oak just an assistant that I probably would never met again which meant I haven't done anything yet that would get me in trouble for not remembering.

"It's called a 'Pokedex' not poke-dex it helps give me information about Pokemon, and a assistant is a title not a name. But still thanks for answering to the best you could Shinx" I got a 'no problem master' from Shinx which made me winder why he used that term. It didn't bother me so much as made me curious about it but I didn't press it.

Instead I reached into my satchel that I now had over my shoulder. Grabbing my new Pokedex out of it and held it up up to Shinx as it beeped. After a moment information popped up on screen. Looking past the stuff I already knew I grinned as I saw that the Pokedex could detect moves. A boy did the moves I saw make me happy.

It wasn't so much the egg moves that I recognized or even the few electric move he already had. What made me happy was the fact that there wasn't four moves list on the Pokedex's screen. No there was five, Ice Fang, Quick Attack, Night Slash, Charge, and Spark.

"You have some pretty nice moves here Shinx. I'm quite impressed already, would you mind showing me a few of them?"

"Of course not master, it's fun to use them" and with that his fur seemed to start sparking up, something I noted to be Charge, before a small spark of lighting jumped off of him and onto the ground burning the grass and dirt around him making a small cloud of dust come up.

So he wasn't all power just yet, but I would be very confused if he was, not to mention feel a little cheated so I didn't mind. Still all the same I praised Shinx as he looked up at me waiting for me to react to his display. After all even if I didn't have much to go, via if that was power or not, he still impressed me nonetheless.

"Good job Shinx, that was quite good. But I think with a little training you could be even better" So what if I didn't only praise him. It won't be good if he got a big head while I was aware there was Pokemon out there that could probably destroy mountains, not even mentioning the legendary Pokemon out there. If the anime was anything to go off of.

Training? That would make me stronger? Getting stronger sounds like fun! Can we start training now master?" He is quite excitable still I'm glad he seems to want to get stronger that makes my life better so I don't have to drag him along. Still training right know wouldn't be to good.

"We can start training after we get out of this forest ok Shinx? It would better to know were we are before you tire yourself out" He just nodded along happily, he seemed quite happy with everything really. I wonder if natures are a thing here, it would depend on if the other me was bored enough to go into that much detail. Because if he did I think Shinx has the Jolly nature.

Shaking my head out of those weirdly meta thoughts I waved for Shinx to follow me as I started to make my way through the forest not really knowing where I was headed. But what I did know was this journey was certainly going to be interesting.

I have no idea if I'll write a second chapter of this. It was mostly just a plot bunny I had after reading some Pokemon fics so I decided to write this just because. If I still feel this motivation in the next few days then I'll properly write another but fair warning don't expect this to be a long term story. Hell even my long term stories hardly stay long term. Anyway that's all I wanted to so say so. See ya.

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