The huge figure was thrown high, flew upside down for a long distance, and finally twisted abruptly and landed heavily.


Like a boulder falling, there was a dull sound on the ground, and the ground shook at the same time.

After seeing the last person who was thrown up, everyone was shocked.

An exclamation sounded, “No, it won’t be?

“No, it can’t be!”

“How, how?”

“Three, three elders…” The

person who was bombarded was actually Geng Wudao.

Everyone in the God Killing Organization was shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes.

Their gazes fell on Lu Shaoqing, and their eyes looked up and down Lu Shaoqing in amazement.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure is a normal human figure, and it can even be said to be a little thin.

Tall and thin, that’s him.

Compared with Geng Wudao, who was burly and strong like a small mountain, Lu Shaoqing’s figure stood out by two words and was thin.

Such a thin body, but contains terrifying power, the first to come, a punch can actually blast Geng Wudao, who has great power, into the air.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was already shaking his fists.

“I’ll go, your strength is really great.”

Lu Shaoqing complained while shaking his hand, “I already knew that your strength was so strong, I shouldn’t say three punches, I should have ten punches.” Everyone

was silent.

Just now, everyone who still felt that Lu Shaoqing was dead had 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping in their hearts.

It turns out that the three-fist covenant is not Geng Wudao defeating Lu Shaoqing, but Lu Shaoqing defeating Geng Wudao?

This fact is too difficult for them to accept.

Although it was Geng Wudao who was beaten away, everyone also felt that they had also been punched, and it was extremely difficult to suffer.

Lu Shaoqing was arrogant in front of them, and they pinned their hopes on Geng Wudao, hoping that Geng Wudao would beat Lu Shaoqing to tears with a punch and make them angry.

They also thought that nothing would go wrong, Geng Wudao such an existence shot, a punch of a small friend, Lu Shaoqing could not set off any storms.

However, the facts were greatly unexpected for them.

Geng Wudao, the three elders of the God Killing Organization, the masters of the nine-layer realm of the Yuan Infant in the hall, were bombarded instead.

This fact is too hard to accept.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s relaxed face, everyone was very uncomfortable, and they wanted to complain, but they couldn’t complain.

After Geng Wudao landed, he felt the paralysis of his arm and looked at Lu Shaoqing in shock.

He also couldn’t believe the fact that he couldn’t beat someone, but was beaten away.

At one point, he even suspected that he was hallucinating.

The Lu Shaoqing in front of him was thin and weak, and he actually had more powerful power than him?

“No, it can’t be!” Geng Wudao let out a low roar.

He had a heaven-level technique to temper the flesh, and he had a unique part in the God Killing Organization, and even the Great Elder did not have such exercises.

He has been cultivating, and his strength is constantly growing, it can be said that in the God Killing Organization, no one in the same realm has the strength to compare with him, even the Second Elder Gong Shou is not as good as him in strength.

“Boy, you also temper the flesh?”

Geng Wudao stared at Lu Shaoqing tightly, trying to find out the answer from Lu Shaoqing’s face.

However, Lu Shaoqing came with a smile, so that he couldn’t see any clues.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Are you too weak to eat?”

A fluttering word instantly ignited Geng Wudao’s anger.

“But, nasty boy!”

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Geng Wudao roared angrily, like an enraged tiger, his eyes showed a fierce gaze, and he chose people to eat.

“I haven’t exerted my full strength yet, do you think you have won?”

As soon as Geng Wudao’s words came out, everyone next to him was abrupt.

“That’s right, I’ll just say how the strength of the three elders can be like this.”

“It turns out that I didn’t exert my full strength, no wonder.”

“The third elder must be afraid that a punch will kill that kid, so he retained his strength, but he didn’t expect that this kid was extremely cunning and yin the three elders.”

“It’s true, the mouth is nasty, and he is so cunning, if it were my apprentice, I would have to kill him.”

Lu Shaoqing’s arrogance made everyone next to him very unhappy.

An outsider also dares to be arrogant here, which is defiant of everyone in their God Killing Organization.

Therefore, everyone did not have any good impression of Lu Shaoqing, and they urgently hoped that Geng Wudao would clean up Lu Shaoqing well.

“Third Elder, make a move, you can’t let him be arrogant here.”

“Yes, Third Elder, there is no need to give him face, use your full strength.”

Everyone cheered up Geng Wudao one after another, hoping that Geng Wudao would give some strength and quickly clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Without everyone cheering up, Geng Wudao didn’t plan to make Lu Shaoqing feel better.

If you don’t beat Lu Shaoqing over today, he will become a joke.


Geng Wudao shouted loudly and struck again.

Or an agreed punch.

This time, he used all his strength.

The spiritual power in the body was like a flood of missing dikes, surging out and converging on the fist.

With a punch, a sonic boom sounded again in the hall, and the space was pierced and cracked like a mirror.

Geng Wudao’s fist was wrapped in furious power, and he moved forward and came to Lu Shaoqing again.

Geng Wudao’s eyes revealed ferocity, and this time he will blast you away with a punch no matter what.

Lu Shaoqing also became serious, Geng Wudao’s strength is not weak, and he must also deal with it seriously.

His heart moved, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

Like a sleeping beast awakening from his body, and like an abyss hidden dragon, it erupted with the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

The powerful aura poured out, shaking the earth and shocking the world.

Ji Yan’s gaze burst into essence.

Xiao Yi covered his mouth, “Nine-layer realm?

The people around were shocked, “Yuan, late Yuan baby?

“He, he is also in the same realm as the Third Elder?”

Everyone was numb, such a young late Yuan Infant, did he cultivate from the mother’s womb?

Or is it the reincarnation of some big guy?

Lu Shaoqing’s strength shocked everyone and caused an uproar.

Lu Shaoqing ignored it, he rotated his fist, swung it out like lightning, and once again collided with Geng Wudao’s fist.


A huge bombardment sounded, like a volcano hitting the earth, and a more majestic force appeared than just now.

It raged in the hall like a storm.

The formations around the hall lit up at the same time, resisting this terrifying force.

The power was so great that the entire hall fell into shaking, like a boat in a storm, crumbling.

With a gentle wave of Xiangkui’s hand, a force descended, and the hall immediately returned to calm.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing and Geng Wudao also divided the victory and defeat, and it was still Geng Wudao’s figure thrown high…

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