Xiao Chuang looked at his niece in disbelief, with an expression that you were teasing me.

“Xiaoyi, are you serious?”

Xiao Yi nodded and said, “Yes, Cang Zhengchu is old and disrespectful, bullying our three senior brothers and sisters, and scolding him for not being excessive.”

Lu Shaoqing was full of relief, and praised, “That’s right, the scolding is very good.” ”

Keep up the good work in the future.”

Xiao Yi’s little face smiled sweetly, the senior brother praised me, and the second senior brother also praised me.

I really have a future.

Xiao Chuang panicked.

My own niece has become like this, how will I explain to my eldest brother when I go back?

Hitting and scolding is definitely not good, and he can’t bear it.

So, Xiao Chuang said to Xiao Yi seriously, “Xiao Yi, you can’t do this.”

“You are Miss Xiao Family, representing the face of the Xiao Family, and you can’t do that kind of shameful thing.”

Xiao Yi asked rhetorically, “What is a shame?” ”

Swearing? No, I think it’s good, scolding comfortably.

“I can’t beat it, can’t I scold a few words?” Otherwise, it is uncomfortable.

“In the past, at home, I couldn’t beat Xiao Qun, and I didn’t even dare to quarrel loudly, and it was really humiliating to think about it on such a day.”

“If you can’t beat it, do you have to make promises? If you can’t beat it, you have to scold it.

Lu Shaoqing continued to praise, “That’s right, it should be like this. Anything can be lost, momentum cannot be lost. ”

O heaven, O earth.

Xiao Chuang looked up, the moon in the sky was very clean, but he wanted to cry without tears.

How did the good girl become like this?

Scolding, not ashamed, but proud.

What exactly has she been through these days?

How can I explain it to my eldest brother.

Xiao Chuang was sad, and after a while, he said to Xiao Yi, “Xiao Yi, can’t you do this again in the future.”

“You don’t do things without thinking about the consequences.”

“The other party is a powerful Yuan baby, you dare to scold, what do you want to do?”

“Don’t you know that the Yuan Infant Power can destroy you with one finger?”

Xiao Yi nodded obediently and said, “I know.”

Xiao Chuang felt a little better and more relieved.

The niece seems to be saved, not hopeless.

Yet the next moment.

Xiao Yi said again, “Isn’t there an uncle and a head here?”

“What am I afraid of here?” Scold when you should, you can’t give him a face. Xiao

Chuang suddenly felt that his blood qi was not good, and the operation of his spiritual energy was sluggish.

A Yuan Infancy cultivator in the hall almost held back his internal injuries.

Xiao Chuang felt even more sad.

I learned to pull the big flag and make tiger skins.

Sure enough, he still couldn’t explain it to his eldest brother.

In the future, the Xiao family should go back less.

Shao Cheng was also speechless, and he glared at Lu Shaoqing, who was hanging high next to him.

He asked in a low voice, “You boy, teach Junior Sister badly.”

“Bah, Master, things can be eaten indiscriminately, and words cannot be spoken indiscriminately.”

Lu Shaoqing cried out, “Master, this is her self-taught, I haven’t taught her anything.”

“She is very talented in this regard, even more powerful than the senior brother.”

Xiao Chuang’s attention fell back on Lu Shaoqing, and he gritted his teeth, “I think it’s you bastard who taught her badly.” ”

I’m going to clean you up.”

My daughter used to be well-behaved and cute, delicate and sensible.

Only when he came to the Heavenly Royal Peak did he become like this.

Talking, doing things is no different from you bastard boy.

No one can teach her badly except you bastard boy.

Lu Shaoqing hummed, “You dare?

“Don’t regret it if you dare to do something to me.”

If it was usual, Lu Shaoqing’s sentence was threatening, and Xiao Chuang had to weigh even if he was a Yuan Infant power.

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Although Lu Shaoqing is lazy, he is not famous in the Lingxiao faction.

But in the high-level of the Lingxiao faction, it is notoriously difficult.

There is no ambiguity in the back.

Now Xiao Chuang is difficult to accept that his well-behaved, cute and sensible niece has changed.

Xiao Chuang did not have a Taoist couple, and he regarded his own brother’s daughter Xiao Yi as his own daughter.

Xiao Yi is like this now, giving him the feeling that it is equivalent to an old father who has worked hard to raise his daughter, like a delicate flower, beautiful and moving, cute and moving.

Then came a bastard boy and took the flower that had been carefully cultivated for many years along with the pot.

Not only that, but after taking it back and raising it, I also turned the flowers that were originally roses into small wildflowers on the side of the road.

Who can stand this feeling?

If you don’t clean up Lu Shaoqing today, you can’t vent this breath.

Lu Shaoqing saw that his threat was fruitless and immediately wanted to flee here.

However, Xiao Chuang had long been guarding against his hand.

A wave of spiritual power gushed out, binding Lu Shaoqing to a solid body, unable to move.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, “Uncle Xiao, are you really here?”

Xiao Chuang sneered, “You think I’ll be joking with you?

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Master, help.”

Shao Cheng waved his hand, stood in front of Lu Shaoqing, and said, “Senior Brother Xiao, don’t meet him in general.”

Shao Cheng could see that Xiao Chuang had a pang in his heart.

In the process of wanting to kill Ji Yan, Cang Zhengchu also shrouded Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi on the spaceship in it and destroyed them in one fell swoop.

Xiao Yi is not only a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, but also Xiao Chuang’s own niece.

was treated as her own daughter by Xiao Chuang.

It was almost destroyed by Cang Zhengchu.

Shao Cheng was angry, and Xiao Chuang was also angry.

Just now, Shao Cheng fought Cang Zhengchu and could vent the anger in his heart.

Xiao Chuang had no way to find Cang Zhengchu to settle the account, and the anger in his heart had no place to vent.

Now Lu Shaoqing just hit the muzzle.

Much of this is mixed with personal grudges.

Although Shao Cheng is usually angry with Lu Shaoqing and vomits blood.

will also move to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

That’s his thing, though.

His apprentice, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s a kiss, it’s a scolding, it’s a beating, he can come as he wants.

Outsiders, but not anymore.

Xiao Chuang said unpleasantly, “Junior Brother Shao, this bastard boy, it’s not okay to clean up a meal.”

“You can’t get used to him.”

I handed over my niece to you, you don’t help me look good, now I am a spirit chick.

Shao Cheng insisted, “There is a head for wrong, and a master for debt.”

“I know you’re very angry about this time, but that’s also the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion who made trouble first.”

Lu Shaoqing understood, “No, Senior Uncle Xiao, you don’t dare to find trouble with Gui Yuan Pavilion, you can only vent your anger on me?”

“When did you become so timid?”

“It’s a man, just go and cut down the old goods in the early days, don’t bully me.”

Shao Cheng said angrily, “You don’t say two words.” ”

You bastard boy, isn’t this adding fuel to the fire?

Xiao Chuang was even more angry, “No, I have to clean you up today.”

“That’s not going to work.”

Shao Cheng didn’t agree, and said, “Senior Brother Xiao, I can promise you anything you want, but I can’t bully my apprentice.”

Shao Cheng was resolute.

This is his bottom line, no one wants to bully my apprentice.

Even if it’s people from the same sect.

Xiao Yi also stopped in front of Lu Shaoqing, “Uncle, don’t be angry.

“Second Senior Brother treats me well.”

“What a fart, you learned badly with him.”

Xiao Chuang was heartbroken, and his heart was sad.

This girl has spoken for outsiders.

“It’s true, the second senior brother is very good to me…”

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