Aishi Xian and Zuo Die were shocked.

Some time ago, Lu Shaoqing was in the formation and they knew.

But they didn’t expect that the formation arranged by Lu Shaoqing was so large, covering an area of a hundred miles and vast.

Even they are now in a big formation.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s voice lazily told them, “Don’t worry, it’s safe here, as long as you don’t go out.” ”

These are a few safe places in the formation, like a raw door.

Without Lu Shaoqing’s guidance, no one could find here.

Even if the monsters are close to them, they will not be discovered.

Looking at the mighty and domineering dragons and the panicked monsters, Xiao Yi became excited, “Second Senior Brother, did you do it on purpose?” ”

What intentionally?” Lu Shaoqing was already lying on Da Bai’s body at this time, resting comfortably.

“You deliberately provoked them to bring them into the big array, right?” As

a junior sister, who had followed Lu Shaoqing for so long, she could more or less guess Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts.

I was confused just now, but now I guessed it.

“Nonsense, otherwise you think I’m full?” Lu Shaoqing pouted and patted his chest, “Don’t rely on the formation, do you really think I can kill them all?

Xiao Yi smiled straightly, “Second Senior Brother, you are so powerful, it is not impossible. ”

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die still don’t understand at this time, they are really Sabi.

Zuo Die looked at Lu Shaoqing in surprise, “Are you trying to destroy them all by relying on the formation?” Xiang Sixian looked at Lu Shaoqing

with complicated eyes, he was half angry just now, and now he had to admire it in his heart.

She corrected Zuo Die’s words, “Mu Gongzi, are you trying to destroy all the masters in the monsters?” Lu

Shaoqing smiled, “Of course, otherwise after the fight, I still have to take care of a few of your weak chickens, I can’t take care of them.” Speaking

was still as angry as ever, but Xiangsi Xian was not angry in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing was telling the truth.

In the end, she had to say with sincere admiration, “Mu Gongzi

, think ahead, admire!” Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied and praised Xiang Sixian, “You have more vision than your grandfather.” Zuo

Die’s side was not very convinced, she said, “Can your formation eliminate them?”

Xiangsi Xian also looked at Lu Shaoqing worriedly when he heard this, after all, dozens of yuan babies, this is a powerful force.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t worry, “Look, we can’t fight, let’s escape!” In

the formation, the unicorn dragon, hideous, fierce and cruel, a dragon roar, the dragon is mighty.

However, Lu Shaoqing looked at the black dragon and couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

, this bad style.

He was just injected with spiritual power to activate, that is, just a little bit of spiritual power, how could it still be black?

In the huge formation, dozens of monsters and human beings have become turtles in the urn.

They felt great danger, rushed left and right in the formation, and scattered and broke through.

Black mist swept through, covering the entire array.

However, under the large burst of white light, the black mist quickly dissolved like spring snow meeting the hot sun.

The dragon composed of spiritual energy seemed to come to life, looming in the white clouds, soaring through the mist.

The huge dragon power emanated, making the monsters panic and extremely fearful.

Although they possessed the strength of the Yuan Infancy Stage, they felt the breath of death.

In the white mist clouds, there is a deadly murderous intention.

Seeing that they could not escape, the monsters and humans were anxious.


!” “Fight

!” “Let’s shoot together!” The

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black mist rose again, whether it was monsters or humans, a thick black mist appeared on their bodies.

Once again, the fierce flame was fierce, and the murderous aura rushed straight into the sky.

The weapons transformed into black mist struck towards the dragon in the clouds.

“Dang!” ”


“Roar!” a

dragon groaned, and the dragon revealed its huge dragon body from the clouds, mighty and noble.

The dragon seemed to be enraged, and once again let out a dragon groan, swinging its powerful body towards the monster.

“Poof!” Like

a sharp blade, the sharp dragon claw pierced a monster, and then tore it to pieces, and black blood splashed.

Then the dragon’s tail pumped, pumping a human into the air, blood spurted wildly, hit the ground hard, and died.

“Roar!” The

monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant struck, and in anger, it directly collided with the dragon.

Like a comet hitting the earth, the sharp claws of the hand clasped fiercely on the dragon’s body.

The most direct collision, the most tyrannical fight.

The monster was full of ferocity, and in the roar, it left terrifying wounds on the dragon’s body.

However, the dragon is transformed by spiritual power, and it seems to be injured, but in fact there is no damage.

On the contrary, it also left wounds on the monster’s body, with black blood flowing around.

“Roar!” At

this time, several monsters pounced on the side, brutal and fierce, they swarmed up, and finally tore the dragon to pieces alive.

The dragon wailed and disappeared into the white clouds.


!” “Roar!” ”

Lord Priest is mighty!” the

monster roared excitedly, and the traitors shouted loudly.

When Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die saw it, they were shocked.

They have great expectations for the dragon, hoping that the dragon will be powerful.

Don’t expect the dragon to destroy all enemies, but at least inflict heavy damage on the enemy, and destroy half of them.

However, only a few have been destroyed now, and they are torn to shreds.


Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die felt cold in their hearts, and their morale plummeted.

I thought that Qiu Long would be able to show off his deeds and perform it well, but he was torn to pieces by someone, which greatly damaged the morale of his own people.


Lu Shaoqing’s voice came into the ears of the two faintly.

“This is a formation!” After

Lu Shaoqing’s reminder, Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die found that the large array was still operating intact and had not been affected in any way.

And the monsters are still roaring with joy, and the traitors are also all kinds of.

For them, it seems to tear the dragon apart, and victory belongs to them.

However, before they could rejoice for long, the light of the large array soared again, and the spiritual power around them roared again.

Once again, the large array was obscured by white clouds.

“Roar!” The

next moment, the dragon’s groan came out in the clouds.

There is more than one sound….

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