Xiangkui reacted now, and he heard that something was wrong.

“Boy, what do you mean by that?”

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands, and his smile seemed very lewd to Xiang Kui, “Grandpa, look, since the sacrifice god is dead, the world is peaceful, and the magic weapon in your hand is useless, right?” ”

Give it to me.”

Xiangkui’s mood immediately worsened, and he asked unpleasantly, “Boy, this is your real purpose, right?” ”

Still thinking about my magic weapon?

Simply bastard.

Zuo Die, Xiangsi Immortal were stunned, and then their heads were full of black lines.

Everyone could understand that Lu Shaoqing’s attitude towards Xiangkui was so good.

Feelings have a purpose.

Lu Shaoqing continued to rub his hands, looking very embarrassed, “Yes, it’s useless to keep it anyway, give it to me.” ”

Will you sell it?” Xiangkui gritted his teeth, eager to take out his copper money and shoot the little bastard in front of him to death.

Lu Shaoqing immediately denied, “No, no, seven-rank magic weapon, how can I sell it?”

“To take it and sell it is a tyrannical thing, it is not desirable, it is not desirable.”

“It’s not for sale, what are you doing with a sword cultivator?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled straightly, “Take it to auction, auction more spirit stones.” ”

Xiangkui was so choked that he almost fainted.

What is the difference between auctioning and selling?

Little bastard!

Xiangkui shouted angrily, “Little bastard, you give me a roll!” ”

Refused?” Lu Shaoqing was very disappointed, the seven-grade magic weapon, take it to auction, tens of millions of spirit stones should be available.

“Stingy,” Lu Shaoqing changed his face and said to Xiangkui, “You petty don’t follow me.”

Xiangsi Xian will understand, “Mu Gongzi, are you going to part with us?” ”

Maybe the seven-rank magic weapon is fake, and parting ways is real.

“Yes,” Lu Shaoqing nodded, “I hate stingy people the most, and I don’t want stingy ghosts to follow me.” ”

Xiangkui is angry, come, come, you tell me, there is one who will be atmospheric enough to give away the seven-rank magic weapon casually.”

“Bastard boy, don’t dream, I won’t leave without watching you leave.” Sangkui reiterated his position, I don’t sleep well without watching you little bastard leave.

Although it is said that the sacrificial god has been killed, who knows if there will be a second sacrificial god in this world?

The Immortal Bridge in Lu Shaoqing’s hands was best taken away from this world, and could not stay in this world.

If you want to be a scourge, go to another world to scourge.

“No, you still want to follow me?” Lu Shaoqing was even more stunned, and seemed to be shocked by Xiangkui’s confidence in saying this, “Is there any use for you following me?”

“You haven’t counted the number of points this time?”

Xiang Kui opened his mouth, not knowing how to say it for a while.

Because of him, the sacrificial god knew their whereabouts, which led to the sacrificial god coming to the door.

Moreover, in the face of the sacrificial god, his performance was extremely bad, and it was not at all in line with his status as a great elder.

There was even a word that he dragged down Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

Just when Xiang Kui was depressed, suddenly a stream of light crossed the distance, and a message came.

It was a message from the God-killing organization.

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After receiving it, Xiang Kui opened it and looked at it, and his face changed slightly.

Then he collected the message and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Okay, boy, let’s part ways here.”

“What happened?” Lu Shaoqing asked, this matter must be asked clearly.

The devil knows if there will be another sacrificial god-level enemy.

Xiangkui shook his head, “The essence of the god sacrifice has almost destroyed this world. There were countless human casualties, and…” After

a pause, in the expectant gaze of everyone, Xiang Kui continued to speak, “Moreover, the heavenly barrier set up by the gang of the Holy Race before has also been destroyed. ”

The Heavenly Barrier was destroyed?”

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die were suddenly shocked.

Then, the faces of the two showed surprise.

This means that the abandoned old northern desert can return to the cold star?

“I, can we…” Without

the Heavenly Barrier, the people of this world can return.

There is no need to endure the desolate, harsh environment here.

“That’s right, we can go back and settle accounts with them.” Xiangkui’s tone was calm, but it exuded a sense of hatred.

These people are outcasts, and thousands of years have already made Xiangkui’s hatred for the saints as deep as his hatred for the gods.

If the Holy Land was willing to go all out, the sacrifice gods of the Nine Layers Realm of the Transformation God were nothing at all.

“Good, good,” Lu Shaoqing raised a hundred hands in favor of this Lu Shaoqing, “Hurry up and kill the grandsons of the Holy Land.”

“By the way, when the time comes, when you meet someone named Muyong, hurry up and kill me.”

If it weren’t for Mu Yong, not the Holy Lord, he wouldn’t have come here at all, making him want to die.

As soon as these words came out, the three of Xiangkui couldn’t help but look sideways.

Aren’t you Muyong?

Sangkui suddenly reacted, I wipe, this bastard boy, using a pseudonym.

“Bastard boy, aren’t you called Muyong?”

“Oh,” Lu Shaoqing patted his head, stupid, and immediately smiled, “Well, my name is Zhang Zheng.” ”

Who is Xiangkui?

Although his performance was unbearable before, he was also the boss of a large organization, he had lived for so long and had a pair of thousand-year eyes, Lu Shaoqing’s expression was clearly lying.

Look at Xiao Yi’s expression next to him, no need to ask, it is definitely another fake name.

“Bastard boy, are you still trying to lie to me?”

“Say, what’s your real name?”

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die were also very speechless.

Along the way, he called Mu Gongzi countless times, and in the end, it turned out to be a pseudonym.

Is it necessary to take precautions to this point?

Xiang Sixian couldn’t help but look at Xiao Yi, “Sister Xiao, are you also a fake name?”

Xiao Yi smiled, “No, the surnames of my senior brother and I are true.”

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi felt the need to defend the second senior brother, “Second senior brother, he is like this, this is careful. ”

It’s actually to avoid trouble in the future, use a fake name, do things, pat your ass and leave, and reduce the trouble as much as possible.”

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die were already unable to complain.

They felt that even in the future, it would be difficult to meet someone like Lu Shaoqing.

“You’re going back, does the name still matter?” Lu Shaoqing soared into the air, “Just remember that I’m a handsome guy…”

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