Born in the Qi family, she has been pampered since she was a child and is deeply loved and petted by her elders.

From small to large, it is the existence of the stars arching the moon.

Everyone befriended her, eager to get involved with the Qi family through her.

And she also has an older brother who is famous in Zhongshu.

Going out and reporting her name, who dares not to give her three points of face?

Here, there was actually a smelly girl who didn’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth, and didn’t know whether she was dead or alive, and almost cut her.

Moreover, this smelly girl also scolded her to the point of blood, and more, more importantly, said that she was an old woman?

What kind of joke, she is only in her sixties now, and for the Yuan Infancy cultivator, it is the time of youth.

When did you become an old woman?

You’re young, you’re amazing?

Mi Fei’s face was full of resentment, and she looked like she gritted her teeth and wanted to swallow Xiao Yi even the belt bone.

Wei Ren’s shot, Xiao Yi was vigilant at the same time, but there was not much nervousness.

Instead, he said to Qi Fei, “If you can’t beat it, it’s called a helper?” What kind of hero is a good man? ”

Will the people of the Qi family bully more and less?”

Wei Ren’s gloomy gaze stared at Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi’s fearless look also made him mutter.

Logically, normally speaking, after this expert of his, Xiao Yi should feel afraid.

However, Xiao Yi was not only not afraid, but also had that hateful look that made people itch their teeth.

Therefore, Wei Ren also did not dare to be careless, “Little girl, where are your companions?”

Wei Ren’s words made the three of Mi Fei’s faces change slightly, and they hurriedly looked around.

Xiao Yi said with a grin, “Right next to it, you wait, I’ll clean you up later.”

Xiao Yi’s statement made the three of them even more nervous, but soon, Gongsun Qing, who was very deep in the city, questioned, “Is it?” Don’t know where to hide? The

divine consciousness of the people swept around again and again, and they did not notice anything abnormal.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, let alone people, even there are few animals.

Wei Ren also couldn’t help but suspect, Xiao Yi is like this, if there is no one behind him, then there must be a hole card, and he can not be afraid of a few of them.

Wei Ren still wanted to say something, but Qi Fei next to him was already urging, “Wei Lao, what are you waiting for?” ”

Kill her, kill her for me.”

Qi Fei didn’t want to wait at all, she knew what Wei Ren was worried about, “What are you afraid of?”

“She has no companions at all, and even if she did, so what?” When did the Qi family be afraid of them?

Jing Changhong laughed, and he stood up, “Fei girl, kill chickens with a cow knife?” Let me come, little girl, nothing to worry about. Since

someone made a move, Wei Ren was happy to see it, and he didn’t want to fall into a reputation for bullying others.

Wei Ren stepped aside, Jing Changhong faced Xiao Yi directly, confident and superior, with a high-ranking look, “Little girl, if you don’t want to die, obediently hand over your spiritual pet, and then apologize to the Fei girl.”

“Only if Miss Fei forgives you can you get out of here safely.”

Qi Fei shouted angrily not far away, “Kill her, I will let her die.”

“Alas!” Jing Changhong shook his head and let out a long sigh, “No way, you offended the Fei girl, in the next life, be eye-catching.” What

answered him was a sword light, fiercely killing him.

“It’s worthy of licking dogs, and nonsense is a lot.”

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Jing Changhong was angry, “The smelly girl toasts and doesn’t drink and punish the wine, looking for death!” ”

Lick the dog lick the dog, don’t I want face?

Angry, he flipped his wrist, and a talisman appeared in his hand.

The red talisman is brightly colored, like a burning flame.

Four-rank spirit runes!

The spirit talisman flung out, the surrounding air seemed to stir, and the temperature instantly became hot.

The water evaporates, the surrounding trees dry up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rapidly rising temperature seems to make the air burn with it.

Then, there were fluctuations in the sky, and countless fireballs appeared in the sky, falling like meteor showers.

Each fireball is the size of a football and has a roaring fire, turning the entire sky a fiery red.



The fireball is powerful, a fireball falls down, the ground is smashed into a deep pit, the heat and even the earth melts.

Xiao Yi stabbed out with a sword, and the sharp sword light cut a fireball in half, and the two opposite spiritual forces collided.

Suddenly, there was a moisturizing sound, and thick white smoke was produced.

More fireballs smashed towards Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi was soon surrounded by fireballs, falling towards her like raindrops, and the terrifying high temperature seemed to melt Xiao Yi.

Mi Fei saw Xiao Yi dodge left and right under the impact of the fireball, and his figure quickly disappeared into the thick white smoke.

In a good mood, she laughed, “Very good, Jing Gongzi did a good job.” ”

Smelly girl, make you crazy?”

“Jing Gongzi’s strength is much stronger than you, I see how you can resist.”

However, the next moment, Mi Fei’s expression froze.

I saw a flash of light in the thick white smoke, and then Xiao Yi’s figure came out of the white smoke.

With a wave of the long sword, he used the Qingping sword technique.

Although it is a prefecture-level sword technique, it cannot hold Xiao Yi’s sword intent pure.

The earth-level sword technique was in her hands, just like the heaven-level sword technique.

The sword light shone like a rainbow, and then a blue bird streaked across and soared into the sky, and everywhere it passed, the fireballs above the sky were annihilated.

Wei Ren couldn’t help but exhale again, “Sword intent incarnation?

Gongsun Qing was puzzled, “Elder Wei, the sword intent is transformed, there is no need to make a fuss, right?”

Qi Fei was the same, very disdainful, “That’s right, isn’t it the sword intent incarnation?” The eldest brother had already comprehended it during the Jiedan period. ”

Comprehending the sword intent in the Jiedan period and comprehending the sword intent in the Yuan Infancy period are two different things.

The cultivation in the Yuan infancy period is refined, and the comprehension of the Dao is deeper, even if it is not a sword cultivation, as long as it is a little research, it is still very easy to comprehend the sword intent one and two realms.

However, Wei Ren said, “This should also be the sword intent incarnation that she comprehended during the Jiedan period.

“Otherwise it wouldn’t have been that power.”

The fourth-grade spirit talisman, and it was made by Jing Changhong, who was in the third layer of the Yuan Baby, and the power was extremely terrifying.

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to destroy a small world.

However, it was easily defeated by Xiao Yi, which was definitely not a sword intent incarnation that was only comprehended in the Yuan Infancy period.


The blue flying bird in the air did not lose its momentum, the fierce flame did not extinguish, its wings fluttered, and it rushed towards Jing Changhong…

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