Somewhere in the Yiyu forest, several more figures passed through the woods.

A group of five people, three men and four women, the youthful atmosphere exudes in the forest, youth is like the emerald green of the forest, vigorous.

“We are now very deep into the Yiyu Forest, do we want to continue going in?”

A fat man suddenly spoke, a pair of small eyes, flashing with a cunning light.

This person spoke, and the person next to him immediately agreed, “Yes, Brother Guan is right, too deep, the danger will become more and more, this range already has fierce beasts in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, and if you go deeper, I am afraid that there will be more powerful fierce beasts, maybe there will be demon beasts.” ”

Let’s hunt some ferocious beasts here, anyway, you can complete the mission of the academy.”

Whether it is the golden crown on his head, the clothes on his body, the accessories on his waist, and the shoes he wears on his feet, he exudes a slight light, at least he is above the second grade, and he has various functions.

There are hundreds of thousands of spirit stones in one body, which is enough to envy countless struggling scattered cultivators.

A proper nouveau riche look.

At the head is a woman wearing a long red dress, and under the long skirt is a tall and graceful figure, a thin waist with a grasp, slender long legs, full of ultimate allure.

The figure streaked across the sky, and the red long skirt fluttered in the air, like a fairy in the sky.

She suddenly stopped and looked ahead warily.

Next to the woman in the red dress, a girl with two ball balls tied in her head, whose height was only up to the shoulders of the woman in the red dress, a round red face now revealed doubts, “Senior Sister Yunxin, what’s wrong?” ”

The woman in the red dress is none other than Xuan Yunxin, the second senior sister of the Yanzhou Star Sect before, and is now a student of Zhongzhou Academy.

Beside her was Meng Xiao of the Zhongzhou Yuding Sect, and there was also Fang Xiao whose expression and behavior revealed maturity.

Some of the obese are the Tianji Guan Da Niu, and the nouveau riche is dressed as Jia Zun of the Jia family in Xiangcheng, Dongzhou.

They all share a common identity, and the students of Zhongzhou College are also experiencing here this time.

I don’t know why, this time Zhongzhou College let students come to Yiyu Forest to practice.

The students came in separate teams, and Xuan Yunxin and several of them went together.

Xuan Yunxin pointed forward, and everyone followed his gaze.

In the forest miles away, towering ancient trees fell, earth and rocks tumbled, and there was a mess, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that there had been a great battle here.

Everyone approached cautiously, and finally saw a scene.


“Gongsun Qing?”

“Jing Changhong?”

“And the guards of the Mi family, the guest secretary of the Mi family!”

Xuanyun’s heart jumped in the heart, this is his classmate, but why is he lying here?


Jia Zun muttered, “Their clothes have been ripped off, shouldn’t they have been robbed?”

“Oops, that’s so humiliating!” Meng Xiao covered his eyes and shouted.

Jing Changhong, Gongsun Qing, and even Wei Ren’s clothes were stripped off, and his chest was exposed, leaving only a pair of profane pants.

Only Mi Fei is a little better, but it looks messy and she should have been searched.

Fang Xiao’s face became strange, and this scene felt familiar.

Memories of years ago begin to emerge.

Guan Daniu became excited, and took the photo stone to expand the appearance of the few of them.

Generally take pictures, while praised, “I didn’t expect ah, Jing Changhong is actually wearing red profane pants, shouldn’t it be his birth year?”

“What did you say?” Suddenly, Xuan Yunxin drank, and the sound was so loud that it had never been seen before. Guan Daniu was startled, and almost threw out the shadow stone in his hand.

“Senior Sister Yunxin, what’s wrong with you?” Meng Xiao asked with concern.

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Everyone also cast curious eyes on Xuanyun.

Xuan Yunxin is a popular figure in Zhongzhou Academy, and in the three years since the establishment of the academy, her strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and she is already in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, and she is a cultivator of the five-layer realm.

Coupled with her beauty and wisdom, she is a goddess in the minds of many people in the academy.

Xuan Yunxin is enthusiastic, sociable, and has a good reputation in the academy.

This time suddenly gaffed and drank, everyone encountered it for the first time.

A hint of blush flashed on Xuan Yunxin’s face, and she quickly calmed down, and she said, “They are our classmates, even if they are usually unhappy, they can’t fall into the well at this time.” ”

Hurry up and save people.”

“Sister Yunxin is really generous, these Zhongzhou guys are too stingy.” Meng Xiao said with a grin.

Guan Daniu immediately protested, “I am also Zhongzhou.

Jia Zun next to him prompted, “You are a Yanzhou Tianji master, and you are exiled.

“You nouveau riche, you get out.”

Fang Xiao shook his head, “Let’s save people first, and ask what happened.”

Fang Xiao felt a little more anticipation and excitement in his heart.

Those two people have been gone for a long time.

If they come back, Sister Yu won’t have to worry about it.

Xuan Yunxin stood on the ground, her expression calm, but her flickering gaze showed that she was not calm in her heart.

Probably not true.

However, such a tasteless thing as picking clothes, only that bastard will do.

Soon, they woke up faintly.

After seeing clearly that it was Xuan Yunxin, the faces of the four of Mi Fei were even more difficult to see.


Qi Fei’s face was like a pig’s liver, and she hated it in her heart, if she could, she would want to kill people.

The next moment, she suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

“Ah…” a

piercing pain from her body made her cry out.

Then, the three of Wei Ren also vomited blood, and their faces changed.

“I, my storage ring…” The

four knew what had happened, their storage ring had been robbed, and the other party was violently dismantling it, erasing their mark, and robbing them of the contents of their storage ring.

This scene fell into the eyes of several people in Xuanyunxin, and their faces also changed.

And among them, Xuan Yunxin and Fang Xiao’s expressions

“Damn, damn it…” Qi Fei was mad, “Damn Muyong, I must kill you.” ”


Xuan Yun was puzzled in his heart, the surface was still silent, indifferent and elegant, “Qi Fei, what happened?”

Mi Fei was very upset, did not give the person who saved him the slightest good face, and re-put on the posture of a child of a big family, “Hmph, it has nothing to do with you!”

Meng Xiao was unhappy, “What is your attitude?”

“Well, we saved you.”

“Who needs you to save them?” Mi Fei didn’t appreciate it at all, but blamed Xuanyunxin for being nosy.

Xuan Yunxin smiled slightly, and said to Guan Daniu, “Junior Brother Guan, can you arrange headlines for them at that time?” ”

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