As soon as the guy in Meng Xiao’s mouth said it, everyone fell silent again.

Even, the sound of gritting teeth faintly echoed in the air.

When it comes to Ji Yan, everyone has no bad feelings, and their hearts are happy and sincere.

However, when Lu Shaoqing was mentioned, everyone’s reaction was complicated.

At least in Guan Daniu, Jia Zun, and even Xuanyun have resentment in their hearts, hating their teeth itchy.

“That guy, isn’t he dead yet?”

It was Guan Da Niu who spoke first, he grinded his teeth and was full of resentment.

Meng Xiao was not happy, “Hey, you and him can also be considered friends, how can you curse friends like this?” ”

Friends?” Guan Daniu touched his fat and couldn’t help but snort.

Which friend would beat someone at every turn?

I’m about to be a sandbag.

“Is there such a hateful friend as him?” Guan Daniu cursed, but soon he cheered up again, “Hmph, I have now undergone special training, and I am already an existence in the Yuan Infancy stage.”

“When the time comes, when you see him, you must communicate with him well.”

Guan Daniu got a branch of the Wutong Divine Tree when he was guarding the Immortal Mountain, and after taking it back, he was rewarded and was personally trained by his grandfather Xuan to protect the Dharma, and in just a few years, he entered the Yuan Infant Period, and now it is the early Yuan Infant stage, a layer of realm.

Xuan Yunxin reminded Guan Daniu, “He entered the Yuan Infant much earlier than you. ”

The implication is clear, you want to teach him a lesson, it’s far off.

“That’s it,” Meng Xiao shook his head, and the two balls shook one after another, revealing mischievousness, “You want to trouble him, dream.”

Fang Xiao let out a long sigh, with a bit of exhaustion in his tone, “Ji Gongzi, Lu Gongzi, they are back, everything is fine.”

Guan Daniu looked at Fang Xiao, “You want them to help Senior Sister Xia Yu?”

Fang Xiao nodded, “I only hope they can help.”

Jia Zun poured cold water down, “Don’t get your hopes up, it’s the Ao family, acting domineeringly, no one dares to provoke.”

Fang Xiao’s face suddenly darkened a little.

Meng Xiao scoffed, “What about the Ao family? If that guy is going to make a move, the Ao family is nothing.

Xuan Yunxin glanced at Meng Xiao a few more times, and suddenly felt a sour smell in his heart.

Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but speak, a little bit of the meaning of raising the bar, “That’s not necessarily, that guy is too lazy to die.” Thinking

of Lu Shaoqing’s character, Fang Xiao’s face darkened a little again.

She smiled bitterly and asked Xuan Yunxin for help, “Senior Sister Yunxin, you are resourceful, think of a way to help Sister Yu.”

“After all, everyone has a relationship.”

Xuan Yunxin entered school earlier than Fang Xiao, although Fang Xiao was older than Xuan Yunxin, he also had to call Xuan Yunxin a senior sister, and at the same time, because Xuan Yunxin was strong, he was happy and sincere.

I didn’t get disturbed by some of the previous contradictions.

Xia Yu was in trouble, and Fang Xiao wanted to help, but he couldn’t speak softly, couldn’t speak, couldn’t help.

This time I came with Xuan Yunxin, also hoping that Xuan Yunxin could help.

However, even if Xuan Yunxin was a popular figure in the academy and was highly valued by the academy, Xuan Yunxin could not help in this matter.

Now, Lu Shaoqing appeared, and Fang Xiao saw hope.

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Xuan Yunxin was silent for a moment, and finally reminded Fang Xiao, “I heard that Senior Shao Cheng has a good relationship with Senior An Qianyan. When

Fang Xiao heard this, his eyes lit up, he understood, and smiled slightly, “Senior An Qianyan happened to be in Zhongzhou, and he came for the matter of sister Yu.

After understanding how to do it, Fang Xiao’s mood relaxed significantly, and he even couldn’t wait to find Lu Shaoqing.

“Are we going to find them now?”

Xuan Yunxin shook his head, “No need, let’s come here according to the requirements of the academy, as many fierce beasts as possible.”

“They, sooner or later, will meet.”

The Yiyu Forest is so big and dangerous, and I don’t know the whereabouts of Lu Shaoqing and his group, and I can’t find it just by a few of them.

Moreover, Xuanyun secretly said in his heart, with that guy there, it was easy to know their whereabouts.

Somewhere in the Yiyu forest, a flying boat flies slowly in the air.

Lu Shaoqing would sit on the deck and violently disassemble the four storage rings he had snatched with a smile.

Lu Shaoqing first opened Mi Fei’s storage ring, held it in her hand, and muttered, “The concubine of the Mi family, let me see what good things there are.” Counting

the contents inside, his expression became very indifferent.

“Rub, is there only such a little spirit stone? There are no two million, how poor.

“The materials are so-so, so bad is also the eldest miss, why is it so poor?”

Lu Shaoqing sighed faintly, not too happy.

Next, Lu Shaoqing searched the remaining three storage rings, and calculated that the spirit stones were about seven million.

There are a lot of materials, magic weapons, and pills, and if you count them all, they are actually about 20 million.

But Lu Shaoqing still didn’t look happy, “Alas, it’s too difficult.

“It’s also Zhongzhou, why are you so poor?”

Xiao Yi was speechless, this is still poor?

Xiao Yi followed the inventory, and also knew how much Lu Shaoqing had gained, and immediately said, “Second Senior Brother, it’s not considered poor, right?”

“There are not many spirit stones, but there are many materials, and they are all four products, and there are many fifth products, and if you count it, it is quite a lot.”

“And many more have already been destroyed.”

As a Yuan baby, having these things on his body is already considered rich.

At least the amount of materials in Xiao Yi’s pocket is not comparable to the number of materials in Xiao Fei.

All her materials were used to refine weapons.

“I don’t know,” Lu Shaoqing was very disdainful, “It’s less than 20 million, what can I do?” ”

Materials and everything have to be realized, and if you realize it, you will definitely have to discount it, and it will become less, and it is not bad to have 15 million.”

Lu Shaoqing was not too happy, mainly after seeing tens of millions of spirit stones, and now this point could not cause waves in his heart.

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand with a smile, “Second Senior Brother, give me some.”

“I also contributed, I ripped off the clothes of the three eights.”

Lu Shaoqing did not skimp and gave Xiao Yi some, materials, elixirs, magic weapons, and even exercises he was very generous, but he did not give a single spirit stone.

“Alas, take your time.” Lu Shaoqing suddenly found that why did he not have the joy of counting victory products this time?

After thinking about it, after thinking about it, he affirmed, “Well, it must be too little…”

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