Lu Shaoqing left from Shan Yue satisfied.

Tianji Pavilion is the biggest intelligence trafficker.

Intelligence sells to death.

If you want to sell information about the Dian Xing Faction from the Tianji Pavilion.

You can’t do it without paying a huge price.

Lu Shaoqing himself is not enough spirit stones, where are there spirit stones to buy intelligence.

“Alas, let’s make the most of it as a senior brother.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, but his face narrowed.

To say that the star school has been destroyed, this is not just talk.

He really had the idea.

Prepare before you prepare.

Just in case it’s time to use it.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, and then continued to the next target.

In this secret realm, he scavenged a lot of things from the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect.

He couldn’t use these things, he could only cash out spirit stones.

The most in the hands of the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect are the first-grade and second-grade runes.

There are not many people who use runes in Qizhou, and the price is not high.

After processing the things that were scavenged, including Xuanyunxin’s things, it was also a small 20,000 spirit stones into the bag.

After counting, Lu Shaoqing smiled.

After returning from this trip, there were already more than 20,000 spirit stones in the storage ring.

It’s also a small profit.

“Alas, the third-grade long sword and spirit armor have all been given away, otherwise it will be thousands of spirit stones.”

“And the good things that Junior Sister Kou found in the secret realm are all in her hands, when she is allowed to sell them, the spirit stone will be divided.”

In a good mood, Lu Shaoqing, who made a fortune, felt that he should treat himself.

I haven’t eaten anything good in almost a month.

Lu Shaoqing came to Fang Xiao’s Juxian Tower.

“Senior Brother Lu!”

When the steward Wang Yao saw Lu Shaoqing, he was pleasantly surprised.

“Long time no see you.”

Lu Shaoqing said, “Go out and do something, has your boss come back?”

Wang Yao said, “Not yet, but I received her flying crane, and said that I would return in two days.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded.

He was on a spaceship that Ji Yan didn’t know where to capture from, and the speed was several times faster than the spaceship that Fang Xiao was sitting on.

It took one day on his side, and Fang Xiao had to spend three more days.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Find me a private room.”

Wang Yao said, “The best private rooms are gone, only ordinary ones.”

“Ordinary is ordinary, I don’t pick…”

Lu Shaoqing ordered a few dishes, and Wang Yao couldn’t help but ask, “Senior Brother Lu, is that all?”

This is different from Lu Shaoqing who has come here twice before, and Lu Shaoqing came here to eat before.

It was a large table full of meals.

Lu Shaoqing sighed and said, “Alas, no one invited me to eat, now I use my own spirit stone, of course, I have to save some use.”

“Junior Brother Wang, do you want to invite me to dinner?”

Wang Yao fled.

He had seen Lu Shaoqing’s meal.

A meal of thousands of spirit stones is not a problem.

His salary was not enough for Lu Shaoqing to eat.

“Remember to give enough ah, otherwise I will find your boss to complain about you.”

Soon, Lu Shaoqing ordered good things to deliver one by one.

Lu Shaoqing ate slowly.

In the secret realm, he has not really eaten a meal.

Lu Shaoqing muttered while eating, “I already knew that if I brought my junior sister with me, she still owed me a meal.”

“If the spirit stone is not enough, let her continue to work to pay off the debt.”

“Alas, miscalculated…”

Lu Shaoqing felt as if he had lost a million spirit stones.

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It’s painful.

“It’s still not thoughtful enough to do things by yourself.” This must be reviewed. Just

as Lu Shaoqing was eating, he was reviewing his inconsiderate behavior and letting himself lose spirit stones.

There was a sudden noise outside.

“What about the steward?”

“The steward of Juxian Tower will give me out.”

Remember, Wang Yao’s voice sounded.

“A few guest officers, what do you need?”

The voice outside said, “We are disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion, hurry up and serve us all the best wine and dishes you have here.”

“If you snub us, don’t blame us for being unkind to you.”

The tone is arrogant, no need to look at people.

Just by listening to the sound, you can imagine how arrogant and domineering the people outside are.

However, this is also in line with the character of the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Arrogant and domineering.

If it weren’t for the strength of Guiyuan Pavilion, the actions of these disciples alone would have been beaten to death.

Guiyuan Pavilion?

Lu Shaoqing frowned, and then gently stretched.

I am worried that I will not have the opportunity to settle accounts with you, but this will be sent to the door.

While eating slowly, Lu Shaoqing listened to the conversation of the disciples of the Guiyuan Pavilion outside.

“Hmph, if I made a move at that time, whatever he was, I would have destroyed him with a single sword.”

“But no, in order to give Ling Xiao face, I have been patient.”

“This time he is lucky, the next time he meets me, I will not be polite with him.”

“What the first person, when the time comes, he will know what it is to sit in the well and watch the sky.”

“Forget it, eat a good meal first, rest for a while, and then go to them to settle the account.”

“Let them return to the Yuan Pavilion is not so easy to bully…”

Lu Shaoqing listened inside, sneering.

These guys are also stubborn.

Lu Shaoqing slowly, and in his heart, he also had a way to deal with them.

Lu Shaoqing called Wang Yao to settle the account, and Wang Yao asked along the way.

“Senior Brother Lu, who are they talking about outside?”

The disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion were eating and drinking in the hall, shouting loudly, and they could be heard from ten miles away.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Senior brother.” ”

Senior Brother Ji Yan?”

Wang Yao’s eyes widened.

“Yes, they say that one punch can knock down the senior brother.”

Wang Yao suddenly became even more disdainful, “These garbage belonging to the Yuan Pavilion, dare to say such things?

“When they meet Senior Brother Ji Yan, they will run as far as they want.”

“Senior Brother Lu, do you want to teach them a lesson?”

Wang Yao asked expectantly.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan are brothers and sisters, the kind of relatives.

Someone said bad things about Ji Yan in front of Lu Shaoqing, and it was natural for him to teach a lesson as a junior disciple.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and said, “What a lesson.”

“They said let them go, fight here, and it will be your boss who loses.”

He glanced at Wang Yao, “Shouldn’t you be a traitor sent by the next door to try to spoil your boss’s business?” ”

Wang Yao vomited blood, this is whatever.

However, seeing that there were seven or eight people in Guiyuan Pavilion, Wang Yao also felt that it was normal for Lu Shaoqing not to dare to make a move.


Wang Yao sighed in his heart.

Senior Brother Lu’s behavior is a bit cowardly.

He felt that if someone humiliated his own senior brother in front of him, he would be embarrassed to go back without making a move.

“By the way, wait until you help me give this to them.”

Lu Shaoqing handed Wang Yao a folded piece of paper.

“What is it?”

“You help me hand it over to them, they will naturally leave here when the time comes…”

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