When Ao De heard these words, the whole person exploded again.

It’s too much of a deception, that’s what it said.

Ode roared, “Damn, I’m going to slaughter you.” Seeing

that Ao De was about to break out, Lu Shaoqing’s slow words came, “Fight, fight here, and destroy the restaurant, I don’t know if your father will kill you.”

“Also, are fights allowed in town?”

When Ao De heard this, his momentum suddenly froze and he regained his composure slightly.

It is not allowed to do it casually here in Rucheng, and if you want to do it, you must also go to a specific place.

Ao De also did not want to fight here and demolished his own restaurant.

He snorted coldly, and then planned to save his brother.

However, Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, and Ao Cang and Ao Jun, who were like mortals, flew into the pavilion.

“Don’t move, I’ll kill him if I move again.”

Like a bandit who took a hostage, Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly and asked Ao De to stop.

Ao De’s eyes breathed fire, “What are you going to do?”

Jian Bei also muttered in his heart, “Big brother, what are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing’s face showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, like a shy pure love big boy, “Recently, my hands have been a little tight, and I want to ask Brother Ao De for you to use spirit stones.” Jian

Bei almost smashed into the small pool below.

Ode was also shocked.

Is this robbery or blackmail?

Only Ao Liang, who followed behind, had a calm expression on his face.

Not shocked at all.

He had already been robbed by Lu Shaoqing a few years ago.

Regular operations.

Isn’t this bastard afraid of death?

Ao Liang sighed in his heart, although he couldn’t wait to kill Lu Shaoqing.

But he also had to admit that Lu Shaoqing was bold enough.

People who actually dare to blackmail the Ao family, and they are still Ao De.

This behavior was put outside, and he deserved to be beaten to death.

After Ao Liang sighed, looking at Lu Shaoqing was like looking at a dead person, hum, looking for his own death.

After Ao De was shocked, he seemed to calm down and looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, “Who are you?”

At the same time, his gaze swept over Jian Nan, who was peeling the spirit beans.

Angry and puzzled at the same time, he

secretly muttered in his heart, what is Lu Shaoqing’s identity?

He was actually able to let Jian Nan peel the spirit beans for him and serve him like a maid.

“Brother Bei called me big brother, what do you think I am?” Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile.

Ao De was surprised, Jian Bei’s father accidentally tricked outside and had an illegitimate child?

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s bone age again, Ao De couldn’t help but lie down in his heart.

Live to a green old age.

I’m a role model.

If my dad knew about this news, my dad would definitely go to him to exchange experiences.

Forget it, my dad has always wanted to give birth to a younger brother who is stronger than me, so don’t tell him.

The gossip on Ao De’s side occupied the high ground for a while.

He looked at Jian Bei with blazing eyes, wanting to know more gossip.

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Jian Bei immediately sold Lu Shaoqing, “No, I have known him for no more than three months, and I call him big brother because of 100 million spirit stones.” What

a mess, Ode frowned when he heard it.

But he didn’t believe it, “Do you think I’ll believe it?” Just met, would Jian Nan be willing to serve him like this? ”

Who is Jian Nan?

Known as a genius girl second only to Qian Qian, now this genius girl is obediently peeling spirit beans for Lu Shaoqing, like a maid.

It is said that Lu Shaoqing has no origin, who believes it?

Ao De shouted to Lu Shaoqing, “No matter who you are, let my brother go.” ”

Bring the spirit stone,” Lu Shaoqing knocked on the table, slowly and calmly, “Your brother is a concubine, five million spirit stones, and the other is a side line, three million spirit stones. ”

A total of eight million spirit stones, bring it.”

“Are you tired of living? Dare to blackmail me?

Ao De’s expression became fierce again, a murderous aura permeated from him, instantly spread here, the surrounding air immediately dropped, and the slight breeze seemed to turn into a cold wind howling in winter, making people chill in their hearts.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Oh, don’t be impulsive, you are not allowed to fight here.”

“Do you give it or not?”

“No, I’m going to bring people back.”

“When the time comes, I will carry two big living people across the street, and in front of everyone’s eyes, when others ask, I can only tell the truth.”

Threats, proper threats.

Ode hated so much that his teeth were almost crushed.

However, now after thinking about it, he seemed to have no other good way.

It seems that only obediently pay money?

Jian Bei also discovered Ode’s current situation.

Hands-on, this is in the city, here again is their own industry, you can’t fight.

Besides, do it, Ode does not take advantage either.

There are two brothers and sisters Jian Bei and Jian Nan here, and their strength is properly suppressed.

Jian Bei thought about his place in Ao De for a while, and then felt disgusting and disgusting.

There is no other way but to pay money.

“Damn, you decided to make enemies of my Ao family?” Ao De couldn’t think of a good way, he could only move the Ao family out again.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and despised it very much, “Wouldn’t you have anything else besides this?” ”

Ao De is angry, he doesn’t want to talk about the Ao family, but isn’t there no way?

Seeing that Ao De did not react for a long time, Lu Shaoqing could only continue, “You go find someone, beat the people on my side, and I will release them.”

“Otherwise, you can only obediently hand over the spirit stone.”

“Good!” Ao De’s spirit was shocked, “I’ll fight you.” ”

You?” Lu Shaoqing reminded, “Yes, you and Brother Bei fight, your strength is similar.”

Jian Bei protested, “I’m much better than him.”

“What did you say?” Ao De was furious, “Come, let’s go to the Duel Pavilion for a battle.” ”

Duel Pavilion, the jousting arena of Rucheng.

A space opened up by the previous power can fight in it, even the battle of the gods can withstand it.

Ao De can’t wait to fight with Jian Bei, the two have the strength to detect, but they have not yet reached the point where Jian Bei wins steadily.

Jian Beicai didn’t want to fight, “I don’t want to fight.”

“Big brother, if you want to fight, go on it yourself.”

“I don’t want to fight either, I’m afraid to kill him.” Lu Shaoqing shook his head.

When Ao De heard this, he laughed angrily, “Are you afraid?

Suddenly, a voice sounded from outside, “Young Master De, it’s better to let me come…”

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