Is this worth it?

When Xiao Yi heard this, he immediately became murderous, “Second Senior Brother, don’t worry, I will kill him.” Looking

at Zhang Conglong’s gaze became fierce.

Facing Xiao Yi’s gaze, Zhang Conglong smiled coldly, “You can go to the Duel Pavilion, right?”


The group left the place.

Ao De’s group, as well as Jian Bei, naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Many good deeds have already followed.

At the same time, the celestial machine with a keen sense of smell also began to act, like bloody piranhas, and they gathered one after another.

Coming to the Duel Pavilion, there were already a group of people behind him, hanging far behind.

Jian Bei pondered all the way, came here, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s calm and relaxed expression, he asked Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, is it not an accident that you came to ask Tianlou to eat?”

“You calculated all this?”

In this way, why what he said was heard by Ao Cang can also be explained.

Everything is Lu Shaoqing’s ghosting.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, as if everything was under his control.

In Jian Bei’s expectant gaze, he shook his head and said, “No.”

“Don’t think about it.”

How can this kind of thing be admitted?

Outside the Duel Pavilion was a three-story house, and inside it were several teleportation arrays leading to another space.

The real duel arena is behind the teleportation array.

Inside is a space that has been carved out, and the degree of solidity allows cultivators below the realm of the Avatar God to fight as they like inside without worrying about the space shattering.

After Lu Shaoqing came in, he found that the terrain here had been beaten into holes, and the surface of the earth was full of potholes, just like the surface of the moon, desolate.

There are very few trees, flowers and plants.

It’s all caused by fights.

And after he came in, there were faint fluctuations in the distance, and there were people competing in the distance.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Fighting is a fight, and the environment must be protected.” It seems that the people of Zhongzhou have a poor awareness of environmental protection and despise it. The

many monks who followed in quickly learned what had happened.

Zhang Conglong of Zhongzhou Academy actually wants to compete with a little girl?

When everyone heard this, they were secretly surprised.

Where did the girl film come out?

Can it be Zhang Conglong’s opponent?

Zhang Conglong is a genius, a genius student of the first tier in Zhongzhou College, and is highly valued by the college.

“Can’t you think about it?”

“Or is she some peerless genius?”

“There can’t be any peerless geniuses, all the geniuses of the thirteen states have gathered here in the Middle State Academy in recent years.”

“So, what is the origin of that girl?”

Many people jumped up and down, very curious to know Xiao Yi’s identity.

Especially the Tianji dog, I can’t wait to pounce and ask a good question.

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At this time, a voice sounded, “That girl? I know. Everyone

followed the prestige, and a small black bird stood on one shoulder, followed by a blue-shirted young man with a white monkey at his feet.

The young man has a kind smile and gives people a cordial feeling.

“You know?”

“Brother, talk about it…”

said Lu Shaoqing with a smile, “That girl and Zhang Conglong Gongzi are both from Qingzhou, and there is a big contradiction between the two sides.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, “Isn’t this girl afraid of death?”

“Why did she challenge Zhang Conglong?”

“Zhang Conglong is in the middle of the Yuan Infant, and his strength is unfathomable.”

Lu Shaoqing said, “Maybe I can’t think about it, come, come, hurry up and bet.”

Jian Bei leaned over, “Big brother, what are you doing here?” ”

Sister Xiao is about to start fighting, don’t you look at the point?”

“You help me see, I’m busy.” Lu Shaoqing said without replying.

Jian Bei is angry, are you busy? What are you busy with?

As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Lu Shaoqing shake his hand and move out of a large table, and then shouted, “Coming, coming, buy and leave.” ”

The chief disciple of Qi Zhou Guiyuan Pavilion, the genius Zhang Conglong fought the nameless little girl.”

“Whoever wins and who loses, everyone comes to buy it and see how they see it.”

“Zhang Conglong’s odds are one and a half times, and the little girl’s odds are one and two times.”

Some people questioned, “Hey, this is a little less odds, right?” ”

Don’t buy it if you think it’s less,” Lu Shaoqing glared at the person who said, and shouted at the same time, “Only collect the spirit stones, don’t take the rest, take it and confiscate it and call the police.”

“How do I think you’re not very reliable.” Someone continued to question, “I’m afraid you’re rolling the spirit stone and running away.” ”

Bah, what dog eyes are the people of Zhongzhou?

Lu Shaoqing pulled Jian Bei, “Did you see it, he called me big brother, I ran away, you go to the Jian family to ask for it.” ”

Jianbei: .

. Jian Bei was a little devastated, and he had never seen such a person.

What kind of environment is Qi Zhou, and it can actually cultivate such talents.

“Come, come, hurry up and place a bet, after the competition starts, I won’t accept it.”

“You bet wrong, right? You don’t bet on Zhang Conglong? What little girl are you betting on? Come here, you have to bet on this side…”

“What? A thousand spirit stones are also embarrassed to take out? Are people in Zhongzhou so poor? Take more, don’t disgrace Zhongzhou. ”

Otherwise, you will bet on the little girl, I don’t want you to lose too ugly, and there will be no spirit stones to eat at that time…” “Oh, don’t bet on the little girl, can’t you

understand people?” Yes, here, bet Zhang Conglong, Zhang Conglong wins steadily, rest assured, if you want to pit it, it is not a pit of your few

spirit stones…” Soon Lu Shaoqing’s table was full of several storage rings, all of which were piled up with spirit stones, millions of them.

There are many people who bet on Zhang Conglong, but few people bet on Xiao Yi, and the amount is also small.

Lu Shaoqing smiled when he saw it, as long as Xiao Yi won, it would be a small fortune.

Alas, it’s hard to make money.

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing shouted at Ao De, “Ao De, don’t you bet on it?

“Don’t tell me you don’t dare!”

“Five million spirit stones,” a storage ring was thrown over, and Ao De said coldly, “you wait to cry.” Seeing

Ao De’s bet, more people followed suit, and soon, Lu Shaoqing received more than 10 million bets.

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