After Xiao Yi blocked Zhang Conglong’s sword, her big eyes blinked, and she flashed curiously, and she felt that it didn’t seem to be strong.

A menacing sword seems to destroy the sky and the earth, but it is just useless.

She hasn’t fully exerted her full strength.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi shouted, “Pick me up!” The

Lanshui sword trembled slightly, as if the calm water surface had been broken.

Layers of ripples rippled, and then a bunch of duckweed appeared on the surface of the water, shrouded in Zhang Conglong.

Qingping sword trick!

For Xiao Yi, Zhang Conglong did not pay attention to it.

Even if it is Yuan Ying, he is stronger than Xiao Yi.

Zhang Conglong said contemptuously, “Your senior brother is no longer my opponent, let alone you.

His sword qi was surging, and there was a thick sword intent lingering all over his body, and he stepped out in one step, and then swung his sword down, fiercely and fiercely, “I also comprehended the sword intent before stepping into the Yuan Baby.” ”

Sword intent has always been Zhang Conglong’s heart disease, but before stepping into the Yuan Baby, he comprehended the sword intent, and the heart disease has been eliminated.

Zhang Conglong’s sword light was fierce, with a faint yellow light, as if setting off an endless sandstorm.

Covering the sky and roaring, he wanted to bury Xiao Yi completely.

At the same time, his voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, reaching everyone’s ears, as if he was announcing his power to the world.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s really a genius.”

“Yes, comprehending sword intent in the Jiedan period and comprehending the sword intent in the Yuan Infancy period are two different things.”

“Zhang Conglong, really the dragon and phoenix among people.”

“Very strong, this girl, definitely not an opponent.”

Many onlookers were in high spirits and excited, and many people bet on Zhang Conglong to win, they were on Zhang Conglong’s side.

Ao Cang was also excited, and his swollen face was full of excitement.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was full of resentment, “Hmph, I must make you look good.”

“Send a smelly girl and want to win? Dream!

Ao De said lightly, “Don’t worry, Zhang Conglong is a genius and will not lose.” Although

it is from his own side, Ao De is still unhappy, after all, this genius’s talent is even better than him.

Ao Jun and Ao Liang all praised one after another, saying that the eldest brother was right.

Jian Bei was also a little worried, and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Big brother, are you sure you can do it?”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Calm down, isn’t it just a small Yuan baby, what is there to worry about?” ”

Little Yuan Baby?

Do you dare to say such things?

Are you not afraid of being beaten to death?

Jian Bei was just about to say something, when there was a loud noise over there, and two colors flashed in the sky.

The two sides seemed to be comparable, but Zhang Conglong’s face became gloomy.


shouted Xiao Yi, “Isn’t it the Jiedan period to comprehend the sword intent? What is there to be arrogant?

“When I comprehended the sword intent, you still didn’t know where to cry.”

Having seen a real genius, Zhang Conglong’s so-called genius seemed to be a joke in Xiao Yi’s eyes.


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Can it be better than my two senior brothers?

The collision of sword intent made Zhang Conglong understand that Xiao Yi’s sword intent was superior to his.

It’s so shocking.

A sudden wave of jealousy arose in his body, like a fire burning his heart.

This kind of talent made him jealous and hateful.

“Come, come,” after a few rounds passed, Xiao Yi found that Zhang Conglong was just like this, and his confidence was even fuller, “Eat me another sword

” “Swoosh!”

It was still Qingping’s sword trick that started, and the sky rippled again.

After Lu Shaoqing saw this scene, he couldn’t help but touch his chin, muttering in his heart, he had to find a way to find a suitable sword technique for his junior sister.

Over the years, Xiao Yi’s realm has been constantly improving, and he has fallen a little worse in terms of exercises.

The Qingping Sword Technique is just a prefecture-level exercise, and it is a little incapable for Xiao Yi now.

However, Xiao Yi spent most of his time on the Cold Star, especially in the Peerless Abyss, living a life like a fugitive, and it was difficult to find suitable exercises.

The prefecture-level sword technique is still very powerful for the weaker people.

Ru Fei is not Xiao Yi’s opponent.

For a person like Zhang Conglong, the power is a little insufficient.

“Hmph!” With a cold snort, Zhang Conglong also exerted his resoluteness, as the chief disciple of the Guiyuan Pavilion, he naturally also possessed the Heaven-level sword technique.

The sword light swept out, and the sword intent was wrapped in it, turning into a series of pale yellow sword light, and countless auras gathered from all directions.

In an instant, heaven and earth seemed to be Zhang Conglong’s sword light.

Countless sword lights turned into a solid cage, not only defeating Xiao Yi’s sword, but also shrouding Xiao Yi in it, leaving Xiao Yi with no way to escape.

Although it is a sword technique of the earth attribute, it is not much sharper at all.

The sword light raged wildly, countless sword intentions stirred the heavens and the earth into a mess, the earth shattered, and the ground was destroyed over and over again, like an earth dragon turning over.

Zhang Conglong had seen Cang Zhengchu deal with Ji Yan, so he had a good way of learning and did not suppress his own realm, and the unscrupulous and powerful momentum and power made Xiao Yi feel strong pressure.

Many of the onlookers were geniuses, their eyes were vicious, and they quickly saw the reason.

“Hey, Zhang Conglong is unreasonable and presses the little girl to beat.”

“Although the little girl’s sword intent is pure, the realm is there, just like a child holding a sharp long sword can not beat an adult with a wooden sword.”

“Haha, I can make a lot of money this time.”

“Zhang Conglong won.”

“That girl can’t hold up for long.”

The truth is also as those around them guessed.

Xiao Yi soon couldn’t resist Zhang Conglong’s attack.


The sword light flashed, and a powerful force fell from the sky, and Xiao Yi was once again knocked into the ground.

This time, her blood spurted and her injuries were not light.

Zhang Conglong didn’t have a hand for her, and he couldn’t wait to slaughter Xiao Yi.

In public and private, Zhang Conglong had a reason to kill Xiao Yi.

Jian Bei saw that Xiao Yi was shot away, and it was definitely not pretended to be like that, and he asked Lu Shaoqing worriedly, “Big brother, aren’t you worried?”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “I’m worried, how about you wait and do me a favor?” ”

How can I help?” Jian Bei had the intention to refuse, “I can’t intervene…”

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